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Everything posted by DeafFrog

  1. Title says it all. I'm leaving atmosphere for the career and after I've lost my boosters and am drifting to space my science module blows up at 50,000m with no reason.
  2. I'm using Visual Enhancements and I struggle to make out the terrain of Kerbin, especially at night so I am unable to find the KSC to land close to it to get funds back. So could we please get a custom icon (you know, the white opaque things that indicate ships and what not) for the KSC so it is easier to find. Thank you
  3. If a contract needs me to test part x, it gives the part by name and I don't always know part x by name but I know it by how it looks. So when viewing a contract that needs a part tested could we see the mouse over details from the VAB if you mouse over the name of the part or its icon.
  4. I vote if KSP wasn't the only Space Program, so for example you get KSP (NASA) and Russia. You can then have diplomacy with Russia where if they get pissed they might blast your stuff out of orbit and if you become friends you can sanction an ISS with them or joint missions with them like a moon landing, so if you do it with Russia you get half science and funds but you get double rep and some diplomacy points. Perhaps they could also be working on science and missions at the same time, so you will encounter some of their satellites, if they do a science objective before you get half science and if they already have something researched it becomes cheaper for you to research. It could also be possible to steal their satellites and gain any tech placed on the satellite that you don't have, and they will do the same to you.
  5. This is amazing! Although one bug, the Mark3 PWing stutters when I mouse over it, You know when it rapidly flashes in and out of existence. And then one request, Could you please add the controls to the part descriptions. (alt+R etc)
  6. Oh my god YES!!! this is what iv'e always needed! Downloading now.
  7. ETA:NODE is not working for me. The line of code is: Am I doing something wrong?
  8. I just really want to know how the new 0.22 science will work with mods. Will all the parts be unlocked already? Will the mod makers have to update their mods with support for science? will the parts only be available in sandbox?
  9. Automated Flights First and foremost I would love to see some automated flights. I was thinking along the lines of using maneuver nodes. Using an additional command centre structure will ask you to select a saved ship or build a new one, like the launch pad. Also have another button in the assembly build to send the craft to the command centre. The CC (Command centre) will open up the map with an additional slider at the top to adjust the position of planets. Basicly time acceleration that can go backwards and instead of buttons you have a slider. Then a dialogue will open in which you input your take off parameters. (like mechjeb) then it will create the orbit. Now like maneuver nodes you can input more on the supposed orbit. But we need more types of nodes, for landing, take off, docking and operations. I was thinking of having these as additional options when you right click to delete the node. This others will bring up mechjebish dialogues where you cam input parameters. For the operations node I was thinking that all it will do is carry out an action group, so you can deploy your science modules. Then when the planets align in real time with the slider, the mission will launch. I think it would also be cool to save the mission so that you can keep redoing it. Also I don't think it would be a good idea to give those additional nodes to the player in a normal situation. I was also thinking that you could plan your own piloted missions with this. More crew management Have 3 different types of crew; Pilots, Scientists and Passengers. Pilots have skills, I was thinking like RCS, Fuels Efficiency, Engine Power, Stabilisation... etc... I think these are all kind of explanatory. So the more skill a crew man has the more of a boost he will provide in that area. Even more reason to bring them back. Then obviously you can train them on the ground. Another option would be assign your crew tasks (Kinda like FTL) and as they do the same task more they get better and better. You could perhaps assign them from the map screen. Now Scientists provide no flying boosts, they provide a boost to your science generated. Passengers are Kerbal Billionaires that want to go to space. And they pay well for the flight. But they are hard to keep happy as they after the flight. Take them another planet and they get very happy, but keep them waiting in space too long and they get bored... I was thinking of having a bar that displays how they feel about the trip. You know the slider that moves from the happy side to dark side depending on how they feel. And then depending on the average of the slider when you land is your money that they pay you. So that's all for now folks... And thanks for reading all of this.
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