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Everything posted by sharpspoonful

  1. But having 8G of RAM in comparison to 4 is a big difference. I've had to run the graphics at 1/4 the default setting for ksp to run without freezing. Extra RAM would give my OS a bit of breathing room.
  2. Haha, Here are some pictures of what I've been working on. Imagine the modules stacked on top of one another in the order the album is in. http://imgur.com/a/uEhVl
  3. Without that cooler, I'm pretty sure my laptop would have caught fire by now. No, I just need to sell it and build the PC I want/need.
  4. I wouldn't dare overclock my mac. She's running at 70~80C with KSP, and 90% of that heat is coming from my CPU. My fans are at a constant 6000 RPM unless I'm building in the VAB. Then it drops to 5000 or so. I can't afford to fry the poor thing.
  5. So, I'm sharpspoonful. I like KSP. Erm, allow me to re phrase that; I'm completely infatuated with KSP. I spend most of my time in the VAB/Orbit in Kerbin than actually flying. I imagine up functional space stations, and craft to serve it.. I have been running the following: FusTec Expansion, KW Rocketry, Biofuel (for the greenhouses), Crew Manifest, Mechjeb2, IonCross, and Chatterer. Graphics are borked now, but somehow this game is still beautiful. Anyways, I'm 23, in the USMC reserves, and I work nights at a casino. I don't sleep because of insomnia and KSP. So tired right now.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/user/Nassault630?feature=g-high-crvGorgeous video man! I loved the cinematic shots! It reminded me of Nassault's stuff.
  7. Hey there! I found this game on /r/kerbalspaceprogram and was immediately infatuated. I've become a fan alpha-release games due to me playing a lot of minecraft back in the alpha 1.5 days. So far, this is one of the best communities I have ever seen for a game, and some of the smartest I've seen to boot as well. I really just want to say thank you to SQUAD, the modders, the machinima artists, and the rest of you guys that make this such a great experience!
  8. Agreed, but my poor MacBook Pro is straining to keep up with KSP's RAM demands. C'est la vie I suppose. I need to install some more RAM methinks.
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