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This is driving me nuts. I'm playing v1.12. Somehow I have the world milestone for finding the Curiosity easter egg on Duna. Yet I cannot actually see it anywhere on the landscape. I want to plant a flag to mark its location! I'm in a rover and cannot find it! I had a waypoint set in the rough location but it's impossible to see it on the terrain. I checked the Wiki and while it gives coordinates it said they needed to be updated for v1.12. I never had this problem with this easter egg in earlier versions.
In all my KSP adventures, I feel one feature has always been overlooked: the ability to recognise kerbals by trait and XP level at a glance. It is so frustrating to be expected to memorise randomly generated names and know who they are (yes you can view them in the Tracking Station but you still need to memorise them!). And not once did Squad think about this. Instead they gave us what we really needed, coloured struts. All we need is the addition of P, E, or S, by their name, along with a number 0-5 for their level. This could be added to the left click menu when you click on a module hatch. I think the Haystack mod did something similar. This would make managing large numbers of kerbals on a station or a base so much easier. It's just really annoying that such a simple, quality of life enhancement was never even considered.
Maybe this is more of a coding/programming question, forgive me but I didn't know where else to ask. I'm just trying to modify the noise the Mainsail Engine makes, but no matter what I do to the Squad\Parts\Engine\liquidEngineMainsail_v2.cfg file, it makes no difference. I'm no programmer but I'm assuming these lines of code control the sound: EFFECTS { Thrust { AUDIO { clip = Squad/Sounds/sound_rocket_mini volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.0 pitch = 0.0 0.0 loop = true } } } So why is it no matter what I change here, it's never reflected in the engine sound. I F5, reload F9; I even save and quit the game, it makes no difference. Sometimes changes in CFG files appear immediately after an F9. Not in this case. I've always hated the default engine noise, it repeats too much (or am I the only one who hears it repeating?). So I edited the Squad/Sounds/sound_rocket_mini.wav file - making it longer, playing with the low/high frequencies etc - and it still doesn't make any difference, even though the WAV file sounds so much different in Wavepad (where I modified it) than in game. No changes I make to these files is reflected in the game, and it's driving me nuts! Just what the heck do any of these lines of code actually do? It's possible I have screwed up the precise formatting of these lines of code, but the only changes I made were to these values. I also checked the file against the default version before over-writing it, they looked identical in Notepad++. Yes I am a noob, at least when it comes to Unity, programming, coding, etc. :)
Ever since playing 1.12.2 I've noticed that vessels slide down slopes, even shallow gradients. Whether it's a 5-man vessel or a 100-tonne mining ship it would slide down a slope at maybe 0.1, 0.2 m/s. Duna, Ike, Mun, Minmus, it didn't matter. It was like the legs had no friction. So I opened up the part file for the LT-2 landing legs and looked for anything friction related. I had no idea what I was doing. I changed a few values (in bold) but the one that seemed to work was "autoFrictionAvailable = false". If you set it to "True", a friction slider control becomes available for the legs on your vessel (I'm talking about the heavy LT-2 legs but the other legs might be the same). I then tested a vessel by landing it on Minmus on a heavy slope. With the friction slider set to 0, the vessel kept sliding. With the slider set to 1, 1.5 or 2, the vessel eventually stopped completely. FYI Here is the section where I made the edit/s. MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBase wheelColliderTransformName = wheelCollider useNewFrictionModel = true wheelType = LEG adherentStart = 0.01 frictionAdherent = 0.5 peakStart = 2 frictionPeak = 1.0 limitStart = 7.0 frictionLimit = 1.5 // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters FitWheelColliderToMesh = False radius = 0.12 center = 0,0,0 mass = 0.040 autoFrictionAvailable = True clipObject = piston_collider TooltipTitle = #autoLOC_502076 //#autoLOC_502076 = Landing Leg TooltipPrimaryField = groundHeightOffset = 1.37 } I was reading the patch notes for 1.12.2 and Squad claims they've finally fixed the landing legs. Well, they haven't. By fixing one thing they seem to have introduced another issue. In all my time playing KSP I've never had this persisent sliding problem until now. All they had to do was turn this value on by default and there wouldn't have been a problem. Yes I know this setting is meant for wheels but in the part file it treats wheels and legs the same. Both wheels and legs still need friction! In 1.12.2 they (at least the LT-2 legs) don't have friction! Anyway I hope this helps anyone else having this issue. Come on Squad, add this part edit to the next final patch. Prettty please! Was this an oversight? Did you miss it? Did you intend to fix this and forgot?
So it now looks like ports are glitched in v1.12.2. I have a station in orbit of the Mun, with a ship attached to a docking port on one end. I've just tried to undock it and the options to undock and dock aren't there. The options are also absent from the port it's attached to. This station has been left in orbit with the ship attached for over 40 in-game years. And no the ports are not locked. Other ports on the station don't seem to be affected. It's reminiscent of an old glitch dating back to 0.23 I think in which the only solution was to edit the save file, or try to dock another ship from the other end and then re dock (Kurtjmac encountered this during his let's play). However, I tried both (not sure if I edited the file properly) and the ports are still jammed. This is the first station I've built in 1.12.2 and if this is a glitch, then it completely screws station design or using stations. I just can't believe Private Devision have reintroduced an old glitch from years ago while faffing about with new and unneeded things like docking port alignment!
I'm guessing that 1.12.2 is the final, final, last ever update to v1, yes? That's a shame. Because I've just encountered an infuriating bug that made me want to eat my own eyeballs. I had a repair mission to do around the Mun, repair a satellite. So I loaded a ship, clicked the Cargo icon in the VAB and edited the Engineer's inventory so that he was carrying 4 repair kits, instead of a parachute. I then saved the ship and launched. I got to the Mun, rendezvous'd with the satellite, and put my Engineer on EVA. Only to find that his backpack inventory had reverted to default - a parachute and an RCS pack, instead of 4 repair kits and an RCS pack. You may be thinking I didn't actually save my changes to the ship. I thought so as well. So I loaded the ship again in the VAB, edited the Engineer's inventory to include 4 repair kits, but this time I added 4 repair kits to the Lander Can's inventory as well. I saved the ship, and launched. I checked the ship on the pad, to discover that while the Kerbal's inventory had indeed been changed back to default, the 4 repair kits I had put in the Lander Can were still there. So...it looks like the game doesn't save any changes you make to a Kerbal's backpack inventory in the VAB. Either that or I'm doing something wrong. But all I did was open the top Cargo menu icon in the VAB, and drag-n-drop the repair kits into the inventory from the Cargo side menu. If there aren't going to be any more patches for v1 then this bug report is a little pointless. But I just wondered if I was going crazy or if others had found the same thing.
KSP gives you 5 years to plant a flag on the Mun; 10 years to rescue someone in orbit of the Mun; 30 years to plant a flag on Ike....and yet only ONE YEAR to repair a rover on Moho?! It takes longer than that just to get there! However you choose to get to Moho, with or without a transfer window, it would still take you more than a year to get there which isn't the easiest target at the best of times. You may be thinking that the game assumes you've already got a heavy Kerbal presence on and around Moho, therefore the mission is doable. But I would point out that even contracts that are based on and around Kerbin still give you more time than one year. All these "repair X on planet Y" missions have AT MOST a two year deadline, which just seems ridiculous. The only ones that can be done are on the Mun and Minmus; anything further afield is just crazy. Squad, are you aware of this? Do you even play your own game? I've been playing since 2013 and I've never seen contracts with such absurdly short deadlines. They're just not doable. You need to re-evaluate these mission types.
I've stopped doing those missions because they just seem bugged or incomplete. When asked to attach something to a satellite I always find that there's no satellite there to fix other than the relays I've put up there. The contract never specifies to what satellite I have to go to in the contract parameters. However I'm not sure if I tried this, though I think I did. I might try it next time.
My PC is ancient but I still get a good 30-60fps in most situations. It depends on the complexity of the base or station, and the situation. When I landed my base on the Mun I noticed that when I turned on the lights, the framerate dropped from 30 to 15 fps. (Terrain Shader is set to High, so is the Terrain Detail). When I turned them off the fps returned to 30. It doesn't seem to happen on orbiting stations, only landed bases. It doesn't make any sense considering these new lights don't cast shadows, I don't know why there'd be a performance drop, even with the current terrain settings. Audio Muffler Redux Chatterer DistantObject KerboKatz NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE PlanetShine RealPlume RealPlume-Stock scatterer SmokeScreen Squad TextureReplacer
Yes it's comical and very Kerbally but it's also a bit annoying. In all my years playing KSP I've never seen this before, it's only happened since 1.11. When planting a flag and the "Name Site" dialog box opens, the flag glitches or jumps and tips over. It doesn't seem to matter which direction the kerbal is facing when planting the flag. The strange things is it doesn't happen all the time, but on the last two attempts the flag did fall over: I picked up the flag, tried to plant it again, and it still fell over. Also, as a sidenote, the message on the plaque appears on top of the plaque instead of actually inside it. Most mods are 1.9, 1.10 or 1.11 compliant. Audio Muffler Redux Chatterer DistantObject KerboKatz NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE PlanetShine RealPlume RealPlume-Stock scatterer SmokeScreen Squad TextureReplacer
Mine is a simple mod called Audio Muffler Redux. I found it by accident on CKAN for 1.9 and I'm so happy it still works in 1.11. All it does is muffle engine noise the higher you go, until it cuts it out completely in a vacuum. You can also configure it to only play sounds in IVA (works with Chatterer). It was created by Nova Silisco no less, and just adds that touch of extra realism. Especially when used with RealPlume. What's yours? I bet there's too many to mention!
According to my KSP account, I bought the game in September 2013. Been playing ever since. What a ride! It's been fun watching the game mature over the years, to the point where Jeb can now practice his golf swing on the Mun. Four!
High-G adventure - in spaaace
TimKerbin replied to Saaur's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Hmm, I love doing the atmospheric G-Force contracts (I call the plane the Vomit Comet) but I've never tried the "pass out while in space" contracts. -
1.11 Repair missions seem glitched
TimKerbin posted a topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Is it my imagination, or are these repair missions really glitched? I had a mission to repair a communotron 16 antenna on a satellite. So Jeb and Bill went to it, with repair kits (Bill is level 3). He EVA'd over to it and repaired the antenna. I checked to make sure anything else needed fixing, and there wasn't. However, the "repair antenna" criteria of the mission wasn't checked and the contract didn't complete. I tried reloading the save, I tried going in and out of the Tracking Station and the contract still did not complete. I re-read the mission and there's nothing I failed to do. I repaired the antenna as requested, I even extended it. This is getting a big annoying because I've done these repair missions before and they worked fine. I have no clue why this one isn't completing. Sometimes i think these new repair and "attach in situ" missions aren't explained adequately; their success and failure states are unclear.