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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Just an FYI, that plane was hyperedited up . Yeah balance is really a first pass. I appreciate the feedback. Yeah, that section got fixed. Protruding, but aerodynamic. Sorry . New version! Fixes: Added lights to cockpit, crew cabin Added corrected airlock and ladder colliders to crew cabin and cockpit Added internal ladders to service bay (only functional atm, not graphical) Added Mk4 Short Ventral Bay, Ventral Bay and Extended Ventral Bay Added missing air intakes to nacelles and engine pods Fixed incorrect node direction on crew cabin Fixed slightly offset service bay stack nodes Fixed cargo bay cap colliders accepting part placement Fixed several model seams on the cockpit, crew cabin and service bay Fixed smaller 2.5m engine nacelle containing too little IntakeAir for its size Fixed cost and mass of tailpieces to they don't have a dry mass/cost of 0. Fixed a number of maxTemps that were way too high Adjusted stack node location on Mk4 shoulder pieces Slightly adjusted Arcadia's stack attach node Downscaled snoopy nosecone/docking nosecone ever so slightly and adjusted attach node Shortened animation timing on Broadsword mode switch Normalized surface attach point for cargo bays, ventral cargo bays, fuselage pieces Remaining issues: Advanced Shock Intake open animation doesn't always play Texture colour matching needs to be done still (particularly for the adapters, tails and the cockpit) Most Mk4 crossection parts lack specular maps A couple fuselage parts have unwelded seams (if you see any let me know) Cargo tail part isn't textured or anything Cargo tail sometimes occludes things on its side nodes Cargo tail ramp can't alter its angle in the VAB yet Cargo tail ramp snaps back to horizontal without animating when it is closed IVAs are really nowhere (cockpit needs reinstrumentation, crew cabin needs textures, finished model and stuff)
  2. This isn't the bug you think it is (heh). The runaway heating is a stock bug with parts that are low mass. The actual bug is that the fuel switch properties of the two tail pieces are incorrect, causing 0 mass when tweaked to contain nothing, which you did there. So, low mass piece -> heating. Good catch. Meh, not sure what to do here. Will probably need to fine tune a lot. Engines are generally supposed to be about 5% better than 4 stock engines of the same type, with about 90% of the mass.
  3. Confirmed and fixed most of these. I'll have a new build uploaded once I work out how to fix the cargo bay endcap thingy. I've decided I don't want to do wings anytime soon though. Roadmap: 2.0: Re-release, no parts that are not in the prerelease beyond drop bays 2.1: Cargo update, nose cargo bay and inline cockpit plus some miscellany 2.2: Engine update, a few more engines and related parts plus a atmo-focused cockpit 2.3: Wings maybe.
  4. Heads up, found another bug... the cargo bay "cap" colliders for occlusion are being allowed for part placement when they shouldn't be.
  5. Model had a weird mesh referencing a missing texture which I had cleaned up because I thought it wasn't needed. I corrected this and reuploaded it (same link). Thanks dude!
  6. Well here we go. Here is a test release! Here are also some notes: Things that are probably done (so any problems here are bugs): All the engines Various intakes and nacelle parts Things that aren't done or are bugs and I know about: No cabin lights yet Texture colour matching needs to be done still (particularly for the adapters, tails and the cockpit) Most Mk4 crossection parts lack specular maps A couple fuselage parts have unwelded seams (if you see any let me know) Cargo tail part isn't textured or anything Cargo tail ramp can't alter its angle in the VAB yet Cargo tail ramp snaps back to horizontal without animating when it is closed IVAs are really nowhere (cockpit needs reinstrumentation, crew cabin needs textures, finished model and stuff) Hatches and ladders are kinda buggered at the moment. Things that could use looking at: Curves and performance of the engines Masses and costs of various parts (should match mk3 reasonably well) Ensuring cargo bays properly occlude Testing cargo ramp's functionality for loading cargo and stuff How things work with FAR? Bundles InterstellarFuelSwitch, BDAnimationModules. License is CC-BY-NC-4.0. Generally, how do things work? And if you build anything cool... Let me know .
  7. Dear lord people. There was so much whining when using the all-hidden approach, and there's so much whining now. Read the damn OP. You can't have it both ways, you either get trailing arrows or you get empty nodes. If someone writes a nice little plugin, I'll bundle it, but until then... please stop complaining about this.
  8. Hah, I'll throw that somewhere in the Broadsword description. Today, progress was great! As is evident, I finished off work on all the engines, their emissives and sounds. Lots of legacy parts got tweaks as well, the Yellowjacket got its shroud, the endcaps of the old intakes and intake pods got changed to the new fan style, and all the old textures that I'm keeping got converted to dds. Additionally, I completed revisions to the collision boxes and drag cubes of all the parts. Finally, I did a vague balancing pass over everything, though it's probably not awesome yet. What's left... well, basically, textures on the blunt and flat tail/nose parts and everything to do with the tail cargo bay. That last one I'll leave untextured for a bit, I'm working on a plugin that'll allow the ramp to be lowered a variable distance and that'll need testing before I commit to an unwrap party. I'm expecting a test release tomorrow, then I have to take a break and fix NFP/NFE. edit - oh, I textured the crew cabin!
  9. Thanks guys . I'm really pleased with how they turned out, and I'm glad you like them. Here's another shot of the internals of both engines - I think it will make for some great emissives. Also rendered the Broadsword with the ram bypass doors open. And 2.5m parts alone... uh, maybe. -edit: one more bonus! Improved view from pilot's seat of the cockpit.
  10. Lack of access to KSP computer means lots of texturing! 2.5m engine components are all done now... Well, I have ambitions of doing a couple of LF 2.5m fuselages, but I'm putting my foot down, these are too much fun and I'm avoiding that pesky rear cargo bay .
  11. You're referring to the tanks from NFP that are adjusted to be switchable, right? Yeah those certainly need some capacity tweaks. If you let me know what values are consistent with the switched tanks, I can test it for the NFP update. Otherwise, I'll get to it, but not really sure when (limited time with KSP computer at the moment).
  12. Oh yeah, no reason to get rid of them at all . Progress good this evening, textured the engine nacelle and the large fan intake. Put them on one of those stock planes to test, worked well! Working on the precooler and shock cone now.
  13. Well, if it says 1.02 on the can and you're using 1.04, I'd wager that it has something to do with things. Alright, that's good that the 100x warp stuff works. I was occasionally seeing some weird issues in testing. Let me know if you see any more temperature jumps. And, we'll probably need some kind of rating type thing instead of a number. I think it's necessary to have some kind of metric, when there are many radiators that can be chosen. There is no test version of HC, that will come after NFE is locked off.
  14. Oh trust me, I know . It's less the theoretical BB radiation and more the effective heat removal ability. They don't need to be painted black either. A common misconception - it's perfectly possible to have high (>0.95) emissivities with bright coloured materials, as we're generally talking about emissivity in the thermal region of the spectrum while we see in the visible spectrum. Those only overlap significantly at very high temperatures.
  15. New test release Removes conformal radiators, tweaks reactor temperatures and masses a bit. Also stops reactor heat production at > 100X time warp. See if that helps (I have a worry here). Is there some effective way to quantify radiation capacity of stock radiators at optimal temperatures? It would be good to place a descriptive field on them (for HC) for better intercomparison between parts. I can add a part description field easily enough.
  16. Always a pleasure to look at your greebles, Daishi. Masterful work.
  17. Ah, no. Well not right now. I really like my models and crap, and don't have any desire to do a redo on them, not for a while. Nah. Interstellar always used its own heat system which is really not coming here. The thing is, this all requires more code, and requires what is essentially a parts mod to change stock gameplay. Which I don't want to do . Generally anything that I add should not modify stock parts except in a particularly beneficial or optional way.
  18. I'll have a look at your changes tonight Fraz. Have you tried playing with radiatorMax at all?
  19. Ah, I see. Yeah, I can think of something cute I could do with that.
  20. I wrote a long post but the forum ate it. Summary: I really need to work out what's going on about over 100x warp. There may be actually some more issues than we think. I'll see what I can do later (next week probably) . Feel free to play around with more solutions in the meantime. Thanks for all your ideas and work guys.
  21. Squad has nothing to do with OnGUI. I'm pretty sure that it would take a lot of work to leave a Unity system out of the finished game. It still exists in U5, though it's legacy, and I doubt that it will disappear for a Unity version or so. Now, they might not include their custom libraries like.. EZGUI I think. But I don't think too many mods use that?
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