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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. It would indeed be helpful. I also got something functioning, but it still lacks an actual suspension.
  2. My god! This is the best! I will use it IMMEDIATELY. edit - I looked at the source, and the method is identical to the one I had half done! I feel less incompetent at coding as a result
  3. There's no real... reason that you can't handwave a gasifier into the MPDT ;P. If the HydrogenGas wasn't treated as liquid volume-wise, well, we'd have problems. If you have a dig around in the thread, you'll see that I'm probably going to split things up. I'll still keep it in one thread though. Near Future Technologies . All good ideas .
  4. Working on the IVA for the Mk3-9 pod. Don't know if it will make it into the next NF update, but we'll see. Each pilot gets four screens! The top one will likely be a fuel display, and the others some variant of 'full' RPM displays. The centre top area is dedicated to various indicators and some digital readouts. You've got your abort and RCS/SAS switches in the centre as well. The mini screen will be a navball-only RPM-thing. Remaining: cabin/instrument light switches and general prop switches in the space between each pilot's two indicators, a bunch of analog 'backup' stuff on the roof, action group switches, then final texturing!.
  5. All of these parts are really pretty . I wish I had time to contribute a model - perhaps for the next part.
  6. You'll need to convert the engine to the new FX system for it to show things correctly. Check out the RAPIER or any of the NF engines to see how the FX modules work.
  7. I'd love to see them at least. If they're cool (which of course they are) I might start work on the code for NTRs as I described to at least support your engines. Yes, there might be some issues if you try using it with ModuleEngine versus ModuleEngineFX. There might be issues anyway though . Alright, cool, cool. I'll see what I can do sometime. Again requires plugin work, so time will be long. This is a good idea, but involves both of two finnickiest modules in all of KSP put together into one part! The horror... . I'm going away for two weeks, but this all looks good now. I'll work on station/deep space parts when I get back, get some concepts going. I already have some rough sketches.
  8. You can have a shot at a sketch if you like, if I like it, I'll model it and such.
  9. More solar panels will probably come along eventually, I do them when I want to relax . The parts are all under a CC-attribution sharealike (noncommercial) license, so you're easily free to make modifications and include them in the ISS pack if you want. Haha, that would really be the hard way. Electric RCS was not trivial to make, and needed the help of a plugin which I did not understand at the time. 1. Not a bad idea, what might it look like? 2. LFO is coming (needs to be textured), and there's going to be a "support" truss with monoprop and electrical storage. 3. PTFE-fueled pulsed plasma thrusters for small satellites and larger MPD RCS for larger ships will probably come along eventually. I will indeed be finishing up the Propulsion section of NFP before I start on this I guess what will happen is a rename to Near Future Technologies or similar, with a Propulsion subpack. ORS powers KSPI, Kethane is not the same. Integrating with ORS might need me to make some code contributions to pretty up the planet resource render too. Haha, I know you want it, but I don't have a design I like yet. I'll do it when I've figured it out . No offense at all! I just meant that it's not the greatest argument to get me off my lazy ass and redo the models . Yeah... I don't know exactly yet either. I would like something in the 2.5m size class of slightly-larger than hitchhiker size, with good visibility to look at my awesome ship. Something vaguely cylindrical would be likely, I envision this being the kind of thing you would put the duty crew members in while everyone else hung out in the centrifuge. The IVA would look something like the ISS's control center areas. Other than that, it will require some sketching to work out the details.
  10. This process has already begun - if you've had a chance to look at the folder structure for version 0.41 or 0.42 of NFP, you'll note that there are a number of subfolders like Nuclear, SolarPanels, Truss, etc. That's how the unfinished CSM stuff snuck in by accident. So the splitting has already begun! It's just not ready for separate downloads yet, possibly by the time I get to version 0.5 or thereabouts. I'm always torn with posts like this... see, I don't really like the idea of building landers with ion engines, it's so horribly wrong that it offends my sensibilities, just a personal peeve that's the result of KSP's handling of them. Not that I care really what you do with them, but posts worrying about landing capabilities (especially on Tylo!) always make me go meh . That being said, a redo of the VASIMR models is in the cards, and the result would probably end up being more compact than the current ones. Could be an option for development at some point. There's a number of issues with any system designed to tackle this that are not easy to work with, such as UI space, logical monitoring, player transparency... creating a system that's both intuitive and has the depth you want would be quite a challenge. On the poll note, looks like Deep Space and Station/Surface Base parts are winning pretty handily, so I'll probably start trying to get some of my ideas sketched on paper.
  11. It's not the most interesting part set, but it might happen . Maybe I can find a way to make it exciting. Some thoughts on your thoughts : Yes... this is pretty contingent on me finding some way to make any NFP NTRs different both graphically and mechanically than Kommitz's and even KSPI's. Don't want to step on any toes . That version with a crew tube is something I've already mocked up, actually. I'd also consider a half or quarter-sized octagonals. It's hard to say, but ring-type solar panels, for one. More crew-type modules specifically designed for space rather than atmosphere use would also be in the cards, say a larger observational module than the cupola, and an inline command pod styled as a control center. The limit is that everything cool that I can think of needs IVAs, which take forever to do. Probably what I'll do is try to build a few deep space ships in stock and see what I'm missing . Definitely some overlap with crew tubes planned for station base sets. Yes, that would be the goal - keep it very simple, with essentially a single part designed to extract a single resource, and it would be strictly additional, so you would not need to do any mining to get the stuff, just as an advanced option. Nothing more complicated than Kethane. That and a few more 2.5m engines are basically what's on my todo list. Plus a remodel of the VASIMRs sometime. Always in the back of my mind, but haven't hashed out exactly how I want it to work. It's also a lot of programming :S. I don't mind the art, but the programming is no fun! It is indeed outside of my scope, but with CLS and a few other mods I saw in development, that might not be on your wishlist for long. There's that crew fitness one, and a sanity thing I saw in development that might fill what you need.
  12. As I understand it, new tech nodes wouldn't be too long to do. Waiting is indeed a good option, but luckily most of the options in the poll would fall into tech nodes covered by the current NFP parts, with the exception of possibly a few new structural nodes and some NTR nodes. Therefore I could implement a tech tree and then spend time filling it out. Luckily for you, I do want to do everything! I just can't decide what to start with . I'm glad nobody is voting for the two boring options yet! Hehe.
  13. So, I have a large amount of stuff I'd like to do with NFP, now that the primary mission is complete (barring a couple more parts in some areas and some fixes to existing parts). To that end, I added a poll to the thread - feel free to vote. I want to do *all* of these, the poll would only reflect priority really. Multiple choice was enabled, so let me know what *your* priorities are. Here's a detailed description of the poll options. NTRs: this is pretty dependent on finding some art designs I like, but sometimes I get these PMs and I'm slowly warming to the idea. I think it would be a set of several engines in various size categories using my nuclear resources. Some would be bimodal, some unimodal... some mechanics with radiators would be included for bimodal power generation, these would set them apart from Kommitz's FtMns. There could be some liquid core and some solid core (and maybe gas core? but there's like no way to balance those in KSP, they're too awesome). Structural Trusses: Well, I made some trusses that people like. Why not make more? This would include a 0.625m truss set to fit with cubic octagonal struts, maybe a few more bits to fill out the stock 1.25m trusses, maybe some more additions to my octagonal set. Deep Space Ship Parts: This comes out of that landing CSM that I've done. I like the CM, and wouldn't mind making some more parts that are oriented towards a nearly futuristic deep space ship. One thing that might fall into here is deployable ring solar panels (cool, they would be). And more things. Station Parts: Because Connected Living Space is pretty cool, I'm interested in making some base parts like the mockup earlier in this thread. This would probably take the form of structural and crew-containing tubes, with a couple of crewed hub-type pieces in a stockalike style. This also might include some landing legs that look more 'permanent' than the stock ones. ORS Integration: This is a big one. I've been trying to work out other uses for all the electrical stuff other than engines, and the only options tend to be science and ISRU. Additionally, some time ago I promised Fractal some mining parts (and a magnetic nozzle, whose model I still hate) for KSPI, and I'm considering moving those potentially as a download for the ORS system. A number of variously-sized drills, scanners and processors that could be used by people who want ORS implementations would be the thing here. A set of these with specific properties would become part of Near Future for extracting HydrogenGas, XenonGas, ArgonGas and EnrichedUranium. I call this the "most useful to the community" option. Tech Tree: A new set of endgame nodes for Near Future! This would allow a decent amount more balancing leeway with the various engines. Compatibility Integration: The most boring option. Spending some time providing an alternate set of cfgs for various compatibility, for mods like RealFuels, RSS and KSPI. I'm willing to farm this off to anyone else . Keep Making SEP/NEP Parts: Ok, ok, I'll get back to what I was doing . So, feel free to comment, or add ideas to these categories, or such things. I'm interested to see what people would be excited about.
  14. I promise to test it out just as soon as I have time .
  15. The trusses are now done and will be in the next version of NFP! So, on to more random ideas. I was building a moon base, and was thinking that the structural fuselages that I was using for habitation tubes were a bit lame. So, I thought I might give a nicer looking hab tube a shot. They're supposed to be covered with spacesuit-style insulation material and be generally cool for use in ground bases and space stations. I mocked up a basic one, one with a viewport and one with an airlock segment. They're obviously quite WIP and would get more detail and proper textures. 1.25m size class... I suppose if I did one of these I would also do a couple of hub components. Anyone interested?
  16. 6 way hub I understand, but what would a 3-way be? A t-shape? Probably not sadly.
  17. These are actually around 2.5m already! So you'll easily be able to slide a 0.625m (or a little larger) probe in the empty bay. They are calibrated to be stackable and fit the modular girder pieces on the side like above without overlapping. The performance use won't be too bad, as all the trusses are identical in outer structure (and can thus share a texture). Only the insides will be different.
  18. So, despite the existence of quite some similar stuff from Kommitz, I'll probably finish off my truss set. I mean, it was already unwrapped, so it's pretty much 80% of the work done. Plus, I want to make some specific NFP-matching fuel tanks and such. So, here's what I had made. There's an empty purely structural truss, one with the sides cut out that will be attachable inside, one with a stock-style liquid fuel tank, and three NFP fuel tanks (Hydrogen, Xenon, Argon, try guessing which is which ). Additionally, a 2.5m to large truss adapter, and a bonus skeletal 2.5m to 1.25m adapter.
  19. For the reference of anyone having these problems, I've largely fixed this by doing the following: Ensure that colliders are perfectly symmetrical and zeroed Zero all transform axes AND rotations Restart from 3D program export if needed I went through these for everything and it fixed all them, seems like.
  20. Sadface . But seriously, make me a better version of this, people . I like the idea, but I don't really have time to make nice example craft.
  21. It's super pretty! Would you mind if I used the design for an example NFP ship with the other mod packs stripped out? Credit would of course be given . More will come!
  22. So I have a large number of engines that have slightly asymmetric thrusts (a rotation is created at high thrust). This is pretty vexing, and I'm not exactly sure why it occurs. So I thought I'd ask for help. 1) The part's root (with the PartTools component) is centred directly on the Unity origin and contains the engine mesh, colliders and the thrust transform. As I understand it this defines the CofM 2) The thrust transform is directly below the origin, pointing exactly straight down (typed the rotation in numerically) and aligned exactly with the origin in all but one direction (again, numerically entered). This seemed correct. Am I doing this right? Because some of my engines have an offset thrust and some don't. Anything else I should be taking into account? I can also add pictures if it would help. - edit: This is being tested with infinite fuel + a single MK1 command pod. So other parts shouldn't interfere.
  23. Add me to the list. I've tried a large number of things, but it seems like that single image that they gave us of things isn't enough...
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