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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Starwhip


    He wouldn't do that. I think. Vexx, please tell me you didn't.
  2. -584 points left. I'm out for a while. Managed a few hits a few hours ago, still can't give out any more rep.
  3. *cough*Kerbal Space Program*cough* Seems like you're off to a good start. But: Real Solar System / Realism Overhaul? Are you nuts? Most people, let alone new players, never even touch it. It's very complicated, designed for those who really love rocket science, down to the nitty-gritty of fuel type balancing. And I don't know about the Steam thing, but I think that it means that you should copy your files to a separate directory as a backup. I don't use Steam for KSP. Other than that, hello, and Welcome!
  4. Starwhip


    The Sun? That makes more sense. Mythology and whatnot.
  5. Starwhip


    If I got this, I blame the pen. Is it lightning?
  6. Yep. It's exactly as Upsilon said. How'd you manage that?
  7. Wow, is this still going? I engage physics, and the hill above the hill crashes down. I now have an even larger hill. My even larger larger hill.
  8. Cannot seem to keep the same avatar for more than three minutes. (Hey, you put my thing there! )
  9. Starwhip


    I got that. Just never would have occurred to me. Yeesh. Still got 35 minutes of upload time on the C-SPAN thing for AP English, then I can go to bed. Vexx, do you have a riddle? EDIT: Uh-oh. Internet cut out. PLEASE don't stop, uploader! You've been at this for half an hour! NOOOO! It stopped. Drat. Only 10 hours till the deadline. Don't know if I should wait for school internet or try again.
  10. See! Some of us still respect the game for what it is. A lot of what I see is people ranting about how "this could be better" or "SQUAD plz fix this" and "this needs to be removed". Is it your game? No. SQUAD doesn't have to listen to us at all. Be glad that they are at least aware of the situation, and are (Most likely) trying to fix anything that poses a serious problem to gameplay. [/rant]
  11. Pop goes the fire-breathing lizard. Heyo! Zekes.
  12. Starwhip


    I am so confused, but whatever. ... Hmm. If I'm confused now I'm about to be hopelessly lost! YEAH! (Unless I have another epiphany, like with the pen riddle a while back. I'm still proud of that. )
  13. Ah! Ah-ha! HA! YES! Four bars now! I'm coming for you guys!
  14. Starwhip


    This isn't some kind of obscure reference or anything, right? I've got nothing.
  15. Well, yes, but KSP uses a REALLY FUNKY coordinate system. So basically it is SpeedY+gravity. Which way Y is, however... Again, there's still the implications of engines, wings, drag, and orbital mechanics.
  16. :| I can breathe fire. It's all good. Next poster is falling from a high-altitude jet with no parachute.
  17. What happened to Wagon #67? Weren't we supposed to be there by now? Wagon 68: There's a tricorder in here!
  18. Is it FELSmak or FELsmak? 10/10
  19. Really? What makes you think that? Just happened to me again. And now I've got 4 rep bars.
  20. Wow. When I can rep people again (I've overloaded my counter), you'll be the first. Incredible base. (I suck at bases. ) Welcome to the KSP Forum!
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