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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Quote of the day. I've had a long-time career mode save be wrecked by Jeb getting out of the capsule and summoning the dreaded Hell Kraken and destroying all the saves in the entire install directory.
  2. Engineer and KAC shouldn't be causing that. It's weird. Yeah, the craft upload would be a good plan. Try dropbox or mediafire if you've got it, or you can do http://tinyupload.com/. It's free and fast, if you just want to get it out as quick as possible.
  3. I'd be surprised if it was a clipped part. Such a phantom drive is hard to make, let alone make it by accident. Does your craft have any landing gear? They are particularly notorious for making phantom forces, and are, in fact, the key to phantom force drives. If not, it could be some kind of bug that makes the game think you're still in the atmosphere/still thrusting, but I've never heard of such a thing before.
  4. Moderators can't hear the whispers of their downfalls. Not long now. (Nah, JK.) At the moment, is anyone else a candidate for the position?
  5. What the hell are the expanding circles at 4:10? It's like Kerbin suddenly spawned a force-field...
  6. Oooh, the smoke-ground collision seems promising! Also, the expanding exhaust is something I've wanted for a while, but haven't found any mod for it.
  7. Must've been frustrating. Is it just me, or is it interesting to read these posts? Seems like most everyone started off the same way: nice, short, simple and to the point. Now we go and write stuff like this... I'm kinda surprised that this thread is still going, but whatever it wants, I'll let it be.
  8. I like this idea, especially the spaceplane rebalancing. At the moment, just like Alshain says: you need rockets first. Give us, at the very least, earlier access to the parts, like in the 18-science node splitoff.
  9. No, not really. I certainly don't care. I'm not in the game for the aesthetics as much as the general feel and genre. (Though, reentry contrails would be really nice, and such a far distance would prove interesting.)
  10. This question has been hovering around my head for a while now too, just too shy to ask. Also, it seems as if I don't qualify... (1, maybe 2 things missing...)
  11. Nay. (Good god, SQUAD posted?!? ) Mythbusters.
  12. Yup. Light up the whole damn planet. In fact, the atmosphere would probably be on fire anyways if there was any kind of lightning / internalized heating on the planet.
  13. I remember in my old games that the funds -> science! strategy only worked for returns and not advances, but in my new game it seems to be both. (WHY did I get rid of that strategy? What was I thinking? Must get it back)
  14. If they added it to Minmus I could actually get to the darn equatorial stations I've set up. As of yet, even a 0 degree relative inclination to Minmus on approach gives you a weird final inclination in Minmus SOI. Waiting for Minmus to get to the Ascending/Descending node would work, but that takes forever. It seems as if the devs programmed the planets to have 0 degrees of tilt in the global rotation system. If they could recode to put bodies in a local system, the problem might be solvable. Maybe in 0.92.0, as 0.91.0 is the Aero patch, or so it seems.
  15. Sneaky, having double wings like that. Mine are gigantic instead of 2-layered. Any performance gained or lost from that configuration? (Also, maybe a flight plan and action group documentation on the OP?) EDIT: Ah, wait, there's a post up above with the info.
  16. By "Spaceplane" you mean "Single Stage to Orbit" plane, right? If so, here's my advice, in order from least complicated to most. 1 - Center of Lift behind Center of Mass, but not by much. 2 - More intakes, less fuel. (You can never have too many intakes ) 3 - Fly lower for longer, so you get more speed. 4 - More efficient engine combinations. Check this out, too. My Starstreaker model, a Single Stage to Minmus spaceplane. Starstreaker Release Thread As for the Stearwing D45... it doesn't work. Period. End of story. Don't even try to get to space: you won't make it. Put up some screenshots of the craft and I can help you much, much better. Even better, pics and a craft download. EDIT: DARN YOU, Specialist290!
  17. I'll check it out, I've got a decent knowledge of Arduino. Rigged an R.C. car to navigate autonomously with one. Yeah, I've tried kOS, made a few circularizer scripts and such, but it was a little complicated and slow to get the stupid code on every ship when you launch... what was it, "copy copyall" "run copyall" (A script that copies the five or six programs I had) "run kosLaunch1" A custom interface like that would be fun to make. At least some analog instruments. I'll check out the I/O mod.
  18. Wow. That's all I've got to say. Wish I had the time to do this. How are you communicating to KSP with the Arduino? I remember some talk about a plugin a while back, wondering if I could make an autopilot with Python.
  19. 10/10. That's got to be the coolest fighter I've ever seen! What is it, a concept drawing for an X-Wing? (A C-Wing? )
  20. Or, you know, you could make them yourself? With the stock parts?
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