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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I saw that movie! Thanks for the reminder, I'm going to have to watch it again. Anyways:
  2. Screw protection devices. I'll go find my own hill. *Fires an ICBM from orbit via my space station at the old hill just for good measure* I found a new hill in middle of the North Pole. My hill.
  3. Starwhip


    There we go!. Your turn.
  4. Starwhip


    No. You guys were on the right track for a while and then veered off course. Small I may be, but you wait and see. I'll show you what I make, and it's much more than me. Parts of a whole that are many in number, yet powerful forces may rend us asunder. Dependent on currents with nature of lightning, images depicted, may be fascinating or frightening. Tricking the eyes with the illusion of motion, I may not fly, but I can give you the notion. What am I? Here it is again.
  5. "...unfortunately, he cannot reach the ladder..." WHAT?! Holy cow, how could you screw that up? And once again LMAO.
  6. I surround the hill with 25 foot high concrete walls. Good luck chopping your way out of that. I promptly fill the space created with dirt. I use the concrete cylinder as the base for a still larger hill, and I plant a whole forest of trees. My forest-hill.
  7. Starwhip


    'Fraid not, my good sir.
  8. LMAO Anyway, I completely failed to get my newest aircraft off the ground. It literally took off, flipped over, then promptly keeled onto it's side and exploded against a building.
  9. *whilst using RCS tug to disassemble station for a tutorial* [Tug latches onto part, spins it around an lets go] Duncott: Hey, woah, what the heck just connected to us? KLaDOS - Module disconnected Duncott: Wait, what?! *Tug starts to spin and build up centrifugal force* Mellorf & Duncott: WHAT IN THE NAME OF KOD IS HAPPENING?!?! *Tug lets go* Mellorf & Duncott: Oh, s--- KLaDOS - Transmission Ended Me: Thank you, KLaDOS.
  10. Wouldn't it be great if you could get science from Claw-ing one and doing materials/goo reports and surface samples?
  11. 0/10. I have never seen you. Hello there.
  12. Starwhip


    Nope and nope. I'm going to be in Pittsburgh by the time you guys figure this out...
  13. Tutorial #7: Finishing Spirion Station Mark II The moment(s) you've all been waiting for! This last (Maybe the last one. Unless people ask for more) tutorial will give you the building instructions for the final modules. Hope you've learned quite a bit about station building by the end of this! Custom Hub Ok, as you may have noticed, there is a large central "hub" of Senior-sized ports in the middle of the station. 1x Protective Rocket Nose Mk7 4x Sepatron I 1x Sepatron I (directly above one of the other Sepatrons) 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port (The docking side faces the bottom of the nose cone) 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 1x Rockomax HubMax Multi-Port Connector 4x Rockomax Brand Adapter 4x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port 16x EAS-4 Strut Connector (look at the pic for reference) Now, go into the Action Group editor. To to Custom01, and click on the topmost docking port. Select "Decouple Node". Then, select the four Sepatrons, and set them to "Activate Engine". Do the same for the other Sepatron. Stick a Kitan I on it. Once you are at about 60,000 meters, hit the "1" key to eject the nose cone. Rendezvous with the station and decouple the payload. Dock with the payload with the RCS tug, and connect it to the station. Deorbit the leftover stage. Station so far. Please disregard the thingy docked up top, I forgot to disconnect it when I was screenshotting. Fuel Depot Section 1 This is the X200-32 you see on either of the solar array arms. 1x Protective Rocket Nose Mk7 4x Sepatron I 1x Sepatron I (Directly above one of the other ones.) 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port (Facing the nose cone) 1x Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank 1x Advanced SAS Module, Large 4x RV-105 RCS Thruster Block (Near the bottom of the fuel tank. See above pic) 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port (Facing down) Do the same thing with the nose cone as the one above. (Action Group editor.) Again, around 60,000 meters hit "1" to eject the nosecone. Rendezvous and decouple. Dock the tug and stick the module on the hub, on one of the lateral ports. (See image below) Solar Array Consists of: 1x Protective Rocket Nose Mk7 4x Sepatron I 1x Sepatron I 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 1x Modular Girder Adapter 1x Modular Girder Segment XL 1x Modular Girder Adapter 4x Z-400 Rechargeable Battery 2x Clamp-O-Tron Jr. Docking Port 4x Gigantor XL Solar Array 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 2x EAS-4 Strut Connector 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port Launcher: Kitan I Same setup with the Action Groups as before. You may find it easier to set up a separate Group for the solar panels, like Custom02: Extend Panels Same as before: Rendezvous, decouple, grab, place, deorbit. Extend the panels. Put another fuel tank and solar array like this: Spaceplane/Crew vessel Docking Port Adapter 1x Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 4x Illuminator Mk2 1x Mk2 Lander-can 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 1x Modular Girder Segment 4x SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port Launcher: Kitan I Rendezvous, decouple. This time, you will have to open the docking port BEFORE YOU DECOUPLE if the piece is not manned. Otherwise, you just complicate the process. Dock with the small end of the RCS tug to the standard docking port, and connect the module like so: And there you have it! Spirion Station Mark II is complete! Hope you liked this series of tutorials. Let me know if I need to clarify any parts of it.
  14. LOL, for the next tutorial I had to literally disassemble my station. I decided to reverse-engineer it rather than build it because it's easier. And faster. There is something rather disconcerting about solar panels spinning away into space. Kudos goes to that RCS tug. Disassembled the whole thing in around 10 mins.
  15. I plant a new tree and use Duct Tape to tape you down so that you can't move, directly over the tree. Eventually, you die from becoming impaled by said tree. My hill and tree.
  16. Tutorial #6: RCS Tugs - Function and Design RCS tugs are essentially the replacements for robotic arms on stations to move modules around. I had never incorporated one before, but my Kod they are really great to have around. I didn't install one myself until later in the process, but now would be a great time to do so in the tutorial. Basic Function Let's say you accidentally put that fuel tank on backwards, or some part is rotated awkwardly. (BOTH happened to me when I was building the darn thing). RCS tugs let you reposition a piece in orbit with minimal effort. They can move pieces much heavier than themselves because they are equipped with many RCS thrusters and reaction wheels, enabling them to keep themselves straight whilst thrusting laterally and carrying a load. Design The Spirion's RCS tug has a Senior port and a normal (1.25 meter) one, connected by an adapter. It comes equipped with 2 large ASAS modules for torque, and 4 RCS thruster blocks, combined with 8 of the lateral thrusters. It can easily move modules around for reconfiguration or docking. Here's the tug in the VAB. It consists of these parts. 1x Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 1x FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank 4x PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (Rotate them with the WASD keys to fit them as shown) 1x Advanced SAS Module, Large 1x RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit 4x RV-105 RCS Thruster Block 1x FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank 4x PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator 1x Advanced SAS Module, Large 8x Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port (Center of the two SAS modules) 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port Stick another Kitan I lifter on it. Rendezvous with the station. However, you do not need to dock yet. Decouple the tug. Right-click on the Senior docking port on the tug, and select "Control from Here". Now, dock with the station using the tug's RCS. Deorbit the leftover stage.
  17. Starwhip


    I see. Any guesses, by the way?
  18. Tutorial #5: First Module Okay, so, this is the first module of the Spirion Station Mark II. Directions for build: (From top down) 1x Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port 1x Rockomax Brand Adapter 1x FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank 4x Gigantor XL Solar Array (Vertical, attached to the center of the RCS tank) 1x Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 (FOR SCIENCE!) 1x Hitchhiker Storage Container 4x Z-400 Rechargeable Battery (Bottom of Hitchhiker container) 1x Communotron 88-88 (Bottom of Hitchhiker container) 1x RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit 1x Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port Now, go to the Subassemblies tab. Click on the Kitan I or whatever you named it, and attach it to the bottom of the module. Name the entire thing, "Spirion Station II-I", corresponding to Module I. DON'T FORGET TO SAVE! Now, I assume you know how to launch something. Go ahead and stick the thing in an orbit of approximately 140 Km (140,000 meters). Make it as circular as possible. Transfer whatever RCS is in the stage with the engine to the tank on the module by ALT-Right clicking on both fuel tanks and selecting "In" on the module's fuel tank. Decouple the module and deorbit the extra stage (the one with the engine on it.) Presto, your first module is now in orbit!
  19. Banned for being an Explodey Guy.
  20. I portal in the floor and at a nearby light-bridge, thus shielding myself. I drop a few turrets around the next poster.
  21. A tree grows on the hill, and everything is back to normal. It's the tree's hill now.
  22. Hey, that's a theory, if I've ever seen one!
  23. Actually, that makes sense. @AmpsterMan -> he is assuming the Universe is actually a computer simulation, not that it is a physical reality, if that clears up anything. Wouldn't really be very surprising to me. But it would be fairly hard to do.
  24. The Vogons come in again. Your planet is destroyed. Still my hill.
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