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    Salmon of Knowledge
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  1. I might try and push through a truncated version of the update before the end of the year. There's a lot more I'd like to do which isn't really ready for prime time yet and probably won't be for a while.
  2. The new update is still under development so you will need to grab it from the GitHub repository by downloading the code there. Bear in mind that it is subject to change which may break craft files in the future so use with caution.
  3. I imagine this is caused by using the dev version of HabTech with the release version of FreeIVA (which is meant for the release version of HabTech). Changes have been made to some of the parts in the dev version that could affect FreeIVA compatibility, so either roll back to the release version of HabTech, or just live with it until the new update comes out & FreeIVA support is fixed. Third party mods tend not to support in-development work because of the compatibility/versioning issues like this that can arise.
  4. A few new parts now available with the latest GitHub commit: Firstly, a Destiny-length habitation module, an extra long hab/lab (based on the original Space Station Freedom module sizes), and an extra long Columbus laboratory (again based on earlier Freedom designs). The experiment mounting points on the Columbus labs are also now switchable so you can use either of them inline. Additionally I've added a couple of ISS cargo container parts: They share the same built-in docking port as the Quest high pressure gas tank. Makes for some nice greebling:
  5. Make sure you are using the latest commit of sharedAssets (i.e. download the code rather than the release). Revamped Cupola + new Space Station Freedom-style Cupola: They both come in the usual grey, white & shiny variants and the shutters can now be toggled off if you'd prefer.
  6. Others have experimented with it and been able to run them both so long as they don’t have the same effects enabled, so might not be worth totally writing it off yet.
  7. Not quite everything, it lacks screen space reflections (which you can see in my screenshots above, e.g. the kerbal reflected in the module panels), which makes a big difference to metallic surfaces. However I believe you can run both KS3P and TUFX at the same time, so you could use a normal TUFX config and then run a KS3P config with only screen space reflections enabled.
  8. Heavy WIP, but paste this into textedit/notepad and save as a .cfg anywhere in your GameData: https://pastebin.com/raw/m1AzLbqh You'll also need the latest unofficial beta fork for KS3P as the official version's SSAO/SSR don't work correctly with the current KSP version, and of course Blackrack's deferred rendering. As for TUFX, I can't use that as I'm on macOS, but as I understand it that doesn't have screen space reflections currently.
  9. Some new developments: Updated Quest module high pressure gas tank parts: Separated out EVA toolboxes: Updated JEM arm attach mount & exposed facility docking connectors: Also been playing around with Blackrack's deferred rendering paired with KS3P, which enables screen-space reflections that work very nicely with the new reflective variants: (these are raw photos straight from the game, no editing in photoshop or anything like that)
  10. The Quest module is updated but the toolbox hasn't been split into a separate part yet.
  11. Updated Kibo module, now with animated airlock: Still needs a little bit of work e.g. new mounting point for the robot arm and exposed facility. Also continued updating the other modules, including adding animated window covers. And the big 3.75m & 5m parts also now have shiny variants:
  12. Quest EVA toolbox: I also intend to pull this off and make it a surface attachable storage part. Additionally, I've been redrawing the main texture sheet to bring the modules up to par with the rest of the new parts and clean things up a bit. Here's how that looks so far: While I'm at it I'm also adding a new reflective variant using the mapped shader. Very WIP still but here's how that looks:
  13. They share a texture with the SSF propulsion/propellant modules, which are on propModule_diff and propModule_nrm in HabTech2/Parts/Trusses.
  14. Do you definitely have the latest version? I made quite a few commits yesterday evening and thought this was fixed, but let me know if it persists (it's seems fine on my install). All parts except the in-progress SCRAM capsule are now using the new hatches: Also bumped up the normals on the spherical node to bring it more in line with the other parts: Yes, I've been thinking about improving the model on the airlock EVA toolbox and also separating that into a cargo part. Like this:
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