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Posts posted by MadHorse

  1. Just curious, but how are you guys putting the minimalistic flag texture over your flag designs? I have been messing around in photoshop with it but haven't been able to figure it out.

    I use the original minimalistic flag from KSP as top layer (usually layer set to multiply).

    like this: http://www.workupload.com/file/pEqrs3Gh

    Can I have 2 edited versions of the flag you gave me (the one that says "VORTEX") but with one saying "Military Division" and "Civilian Division" somewhere on it? That would be great.


  2. if you're still making them could you do one with


    HL or Handland

    (with hl/handland crossed out what ever would look better)

    i have no idea what you want...

    a flag with a space station

    Need moar informations!

    Color scheme? example Pictures? real space station? random KSP space Station?

  3. Update

    Oct. 17, 2013: During the NASA shutdown, the LADEE mission continued to perform its critical maneuvers and capture into the commissioning orbit around the moon. The trajectory correction maneuver (TCM-1) was completed on Oct. 1, and set the spacecraft to rendezvous with the moon on Oct. 6. The Neutral mass Spectrometer (NMS) cap ejection on Oct. 3 was successful. The first Lunar Orbit Insertion maneuver (LOI-1) on Oct. 6 was very accurate, and required no course adjustments afterward. This is impressive performance of the propulsion system, given the size of the LOI-1 burn. This maneuver put the spacecraft in a 24-hour elliptical lunar orbit. The LOI-2 maneuver on Oct. 9 also was very accurate, putting LADEE into a 4-hour elliptic lunar orbit. The third and final LOI-3 burn occurred on Oct. 12, and put the spacecraft into the 2-hour commissioning orbit (roughly 235 Km x 250 Km). The LADEE spacecraft commissioning activities are now complete, and the instrument commissioning activities have begun. The LDEX and UVS aliveness activities were completed successfully on Oct. 16, with both instrument covers deployed. These instrument cover deployments were the last remaining planned critical events for the mission. All critical maneuvers and all instrument cover deployments are completed at this point. The science instrument commissioning and lasercom primary experiment will be conducted through mid-Nov., at which point the spacecraft will start to drop down to the lower lunar science orbit.

    Source: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/ladee/main/index.html

  4. Thanks again for the flag, MadHorse. I played with the "swoosh" some and ended up dropping the original one in favor of basically a clone of the one on NASA's logo,

    That is way better. NASA can't be wrong! :D:P

  5. I would like to request a flag for the Kerbin Socialist Party (KSP). However, this can not be the commercialized flag of capitalist fame. This must be Kommunist high art! *snip*


    lxxL76w.png*argh* forgot the lampshade...

    ...aaaaand listen to this:

    Hey guys,

    I am from Germany and I love the Union Jacks you did. I used it quite a lot allthough i am not from the UK.

    So here is my request:

    Could you do something with this flag?

    Make the eagle bigger so it has a better visibility when used in the game or do something completely different with it :)

    made some more versions for you:


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