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Jug head

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Everything posted by Jug head

  1. Problem would be legal stuff which I don't know nothing about
  2. Well it's my first fan work so I wasn't sure how long I should make it
  3. It's just the prologue. It'll make sense in the next chapter when mechjebs plan is revealed
  4. This is the story of when mech jeb tried to become the only pilot in the space program One day a new rocket was about to launch. Mechjeb was excited because it would be the first lander on duna. However Mechjeb was left off for jeb who would never do anything evil to get on a flight. Mechjeb however was different......
  5. We should have one in case of an emergency like what happened in April I don't mean the revert I mean the no forum weeks
  6. Really who would do that I'm talking about the ions
  7. Nice another Canadian here I'm from toronto

  8. According to steam 0 because I don't own it
  9. So that jeb has a place to explode stuff. Just joking for reasons
  10. I think just the plane was destroyed because the picture of joebald was on different terrain then the explosion
  11. What to do see the air and space museum or protest at the White House
  12. Does kmp work with mods that don't add parts like hyperedit
  13. What about Ike and the magic boulder
  14. Nice work how do you make the crafts
  15. What's that orbit by the way is rozer krussian same question with Lamgl and berty
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