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  1. thanku thanku thanku i didnt even realise this existed until today, installing now
  2. Nert, Any plans to make a cargo bay with a bottom opening cargo hatch as well? Or modify the existing cargo bay so you can have both top and bottom opening hatches. Would love to fly somewhere land vertically and then drop out a rover aka TB2
  3. Ohhh nice Ven vewy Nice indeed cant wait to see more of it and using the IVR for the Mk 2 cockpit is a great idea and will save you some work as well, cant wait to test it. Are you still thinking of doing the liner aerospike at all?
  4. Hi Ven, Not sure if this has already been asked but are you also looking at redoing the Mk 2 cockpit as well? cause I have never liked it and it can most certainly use your polished touch to make i much better. And by the way I know consider this mod to be a "must have" for all of my games now I just love the retectured work, hopefully we see what you ahve done become stock
  5. I had a similar issue with some of the textures and parts not showing up. Try installing the mod without hotrockets and see how that goes. After I did a clean install I left hot rockets out and all my textures are fine and there is an issue with hotrockets and the Turobo jet texture and node sometimes missing / being in the wrong spot.
  6. Oh god i want this now! Its looking amazing Nerta, keep up the work and it needs to be stock no questions!
  7. Nice little pod their, can never have enough command pods, looking forward to testing it
  8. I would agree with the above sentiment, just have to say loving this mod absolutely beautiful parts.
  9. I second this as well, most of my larger ships are now based around these parts cant wait to see the lander
  10. all i can say OMG , cant wait until this is available absolutely beautiful.
  11. Hey Blackheart just wanted to say I absolutely love your mods and retextures, in fact i have them all installed Took forever to find this one though you might want to add it to your sig? Keep up the excellent work mate:wink:
  12. Have to say this mod rocks, been using it with TAC and just love the models, cant wait until we have the food resources:D
  13. Sweet cant wait until the internals are done. Im just loving this Command Module, it looks awesome keep up the good work Just a thought have you thought about adding RCS ports that are inbuilt to the module?
  14. The internals are awesome! Can we have a large Screen? for inflight entertainment i.e. movies?
  15. fyi Nazari, clean install without using the Mod Pack Manager worked fine. As soons as I installed my normal mods and used the Mod Pack Manager I had the same issue so it looks like a conflict with one of my mods. When I work it out will post ths uspect mod.
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