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Everything posted by AdmiralSirJohn

  1. Not really. I'll post a screenshot shortly. (If I knew how to get Photoshop CS3 to save .dds textures properly, I'd do it myself...)
  2. I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it, so I'll ask. Is there any way to change the image on the TV in the Gym Hab module? I'm sure my Kerbals would much rather be watching Star Trek (or rather, one of the fan films based on it)...
  3. He's behind the Great Firewall of China, which means file sharing/storage sites are pretty much impossible to use. Chances are, he'll have to wait until the final version is posted. And I think I've bitten off more than I can chew with re-texturing Node 2. I can't, for the life of me, get the mipmaps to save properly.
  4. Probably the best way to simulate that is to use the clamp-o-tron junior. Put one on the underside of the S0 and one on the top (or side, depending on your point of view) of the Destiny module.
  5. And I must apologize again. Seems is messed up when saving the WIP textures, so I'll have to redo them. I'll let you know when they're ready.
  6. Do you have "Avoid Overheats" and "Limit to Terminal Velocity" checked? - - - Updated - - - Also, I must apologize. I said I'd have the textures to change node 2 into node 1/Unity posted by now, but I only got to the base texture (the 000 file). I'll figure out the bump map tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a sneak peek: As you can see, I left off all of the black and white thingys, since they're not symmetrical around the module. Same thing with the UNITY ID. I don't know if there's a way to do it without completely remapping the textures, and that's beyond my ability (I can't figure out Blender to save my life. I'm a Lightwave guy...).
  7. Are you using FAR? It's notorious for not handling heat issues properly.
  8. On retexturing what is now Node 2 into Unity (Node 1), there will be a bit of a fudge factor, as it looks like Bobcat uses the same texture for each of the four sides, so there is no way to put the UNITY markings on only one or two sides. I'll re-work it this evening and post a link by midnight (US Eastern time).
  9. I'll start with the docking nodes. Just the retexturing and renaming of those should be a major step in addressing Trooper's nitpick list...
  10. I can do texturing. Hell, that's one of my favorite hobbies... Back when I was into FSX (and FS2004 before that), I'd make dozens of custom liveries for my planes.
  11. Have you had a chance to check the JEM arm mesh? I've had meshes in Lightwave end up with points way out where they have no business being, so I suspect it's something like that. - - - Updated - - - And speaking of the arms, did you ever fix the grappler magnet problem?
  12. Agreed. A standard 1.25 port would allow for a multitude of docking ports. If a smaller one is needed, one could always use an adapter plate.
  13. Apparently, my problem is the JEM arm. Once I undocked the JEM pressurized module, the bounding box reverted to normal.
  14. It thinks there's something attached to the station that's 550m or so in size. The problem is, there's nothing that big attached.
  15. Probably. It's whichever was the second Russian module... Anyway... I saw something reflecting sunlight (Kerbolight?) on approach, but damned if I can find it. It's gotta be at the other corner of that big blue bounding box...
  16. Another issue I've run into is the bounding box for the ISS. Last time I tried to dock something (a Progress to the end of Zarya), MechJeb gave me a ship size of over 600m. When I had it show the bounding boxes, the one for the ISS was enormous! I'll try again tomorrow, and if it persists, I'll post a screenshot.
  17. The Dreamchaser thing seems to be that the control surfaces attached to the center tail rotate in the vertical axis, rather than the lateral axis (i.e. they should "pop up" like spoilers).
  18. Yes, I'd love one! While Chaka makes a good SLS, I'd love to have a working Ares I and V. - - - Updated - - - I don't know about editing, but if anyone wants custom markings, I can do those.
  19. Probably one of the "allow ____________" switches. I had to edit one of those to allow the node you added to the JEM PLM to properly attach to a launcher.
  20. On the Dreamer docking issue, MechJeb doesn't recognize it as a docking node and thinks it's rotated 180 degrees. Not a criticial issue (it just gives you a nag reminding you that it's not a docking port), just an annoyance. I suspect replacing it with an APAS port will fix it, and that's something I can do in the VAB.
  21. Thanks for that. - - - Updated - - - Did you add yaw thrusters, or will that need additional work? (It helps to be able to translate to the side, y'know...) - - - Updated - - - Never mind. I'll check back when you've updated the zip. (Dropbox is showing it as "3 days ago".)
  22. Oh, that's so pretty... but probably way beyond my poor machine's abilities. But in the meantime, could I get an attachment node added to the top of the JEM ELM-PS? The CG is too far off the CT when I try to launch it already mounted. This would let me launch the JEM pressurized section in two main parts, rather than one. Once the arm grapplers work, I'll be able to add the exposed parts. - - - Updated - - - And gotcha on the Dreamer. I know Mechjeb doesn't do well with spaceplanes, but maybe a once-over to get a more stable ascent? No hurry, though. I'll probably use Soyuz or Orion capsules for crew launches.
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