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XSP-Xenon Space Programm

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Everything posted by XSP-Xenon Space Programm

  1. I use the lander to stabile the orbit, he isn\'t part of the i-KSS.....
  2. LOL [img width=350 height=350] http://tomandmic.com/images/redbutton[1].jpg
  3. Hello, the Inter-Kerbal Agency for Space Stations (I.K.A.S.S.) needs more Modules for the Interk-Kerbal Space Station (i-KSS) We need: Habitation Modules Airlock Docking Module (also for the Vanguard) Sience Modules and An Worst Case Scenario-Module (WCS-Module) You can use all parts, but we don\'t need a Space Station!!! We only need the modules!! I want to have the craft.file and 2 pictures in space Ok guy now its time to work
  4. I had an idea how to make the Forum Forum better WE MAKE AN FROUM FORUM FORUM Yeay If you have much sillier ideas, here is the right place!!
  5. Okay guys who has begun with the rainbow-equine-rubbish???
  6. SimCity 3000 is too easy SimCity 4 is too hard SimCity 4 RushHour is Perfect SimCity Societys is Rubbish
  7. 'still living at S23.631115, W46.695119 - google coords, get map ' Nice I\'am German, but i see myself as an Europe
  8. It looks like a shower in a bathroom with a microphone xD
  9. I talked to Flixxbeaz, Space Stations are no problem for me, I build beautiful and useful ones.
  10. You mean ICBM??? xD I build a very very small sattelite....
  11. You call these rockets Kerbal? I\'ll show you what a real Kerbalized rocket(plane) is: -snip- It is a rocket that uses SRBs for landing gear, it\'s a rocket that breaks the sound barrier in the lowest atmospheric level; on the edge of what is possible and what is plain stupid. That is what a true Kerbalized rocket is. You mean sth. like this?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNtZIYj2ehA
  12. Ich arbeite an Let\' plays aber youtube braucht bei mir min. 4h für 15 min, da machts dann 0 Spaß mehr :\'(
  13. guck mal auf youtube da häufen sich die video\'s dazu
  14. naja landen is besser als mit 14.953m/sek einzuschlagen..... oO(Ein zwei Sekt weniger hättens gestern getan aber ich musste ja unbedingt ohne umständliche Orbits fliegen.....)
  15. Dear NovaSilisko, normally I hate your parts, but the vanguard is PERFECT Thank your for this. But.... can you make a fueltank and bosters for it ????
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