Hi all,
I recently started playing around with KSP (v. 1.7) again, and I have to say that it is still as fascinating as I had remembered it.
After installing KSPI-E, I found some rather odd behavior. Specifically, I think the waste heat system is somehow broken. I am using the Liquid Core Reactor Engine. It seems that no matter how many radiators I put on my vessel, the engine will always overheat after a short time, and this time is the same regardless of the number and size of radiators. (I'd like to post a screenshot but I could not find the function to do so).
I am also super confused about the difference between radiator temperature and part temperature, and why these are even separate. It looks as if these two have hardly any correlation at all, with either of them being much higher than the other at times. From what I have seen, the only thing that seems reasonable is the relation between the radiator temp and the power radiated. For the particular example of the Titanium Radiator Semi Foldable, in one case I get a rad temp of 415 K and a power of 44 kW. When you plug these numbers into the Stefan--Boltzmann radiation law [1], you will get a total of area of 26 square meters, which is I guess is about right when compared to my eyeballing estimate of the radiator's size.
[1] https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=43.8kW+%2F+(stefan+boltzmann+constant+*+(415.3+K)%5E4)