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Posts posted by llegar

  1. Ever get annoyed that you have to keep refueling your fuel station? Ever wanted to put some fuel around Jool but thought: “It’s annoying to top off the tankers around Kerbin, it’d be a nightmare around Jool.â€Â

    Your worries are no more.

    This 2000+ part launch system can be modified to lift just about anything into orbit. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes to get this thing into space on my computer due to the significant frame rate issues. At launch, it takes nearly 15 real seconds for each game time second.

    Craft file: http://kspadventures.com/single-launch-fuel-station/



  2. Want to put a Cheers-inspired tap room in orbit? This .craft file will get you your very own hangout for your own Kerbal universe. It’s 100% stock parts and comes with its own lifter staged and ready for take-off.

    The lifter has enough fuel to put this space bar anywhere in Kerbin’s sphere of influence and with a few modifications could easily be put anywhere in the Kerbol universe.

    Craft file: http://kspadventures.com/the-space-bar/


  3. Easier than MechJeb!

    Just load engines up to full throttle, hit T for SAS, and then press the space bar. 23 minutes and 35 seconds later you'll have an empty fuel station in orbit ready to be fueled up.

    Don't steer, don't mess with the throttle. Just walk away and make yourself a sandwich.

    Craft file is available here:


    Oh, and I've been attempting this for a few hours, but the craft has docking ports on it. I believe it's possible (with exact timing) to press space bar and dock with itself (if you've got a copy of it already in orbit).

    If you succeed at "Space Bar to Dock", let me know!!!


  4. Congratulations, this tutorial didn't work at ALL for me. The closest it got me was a direct collision course with my station. Not a docking collision course, but a messy explosive collision course. I eventually gave up after trying throughout 10-20 different quicksaves.

    Congratulations! You had what we call an unexpected rapid rendezvous.

    Did you have your navball in target mode?

  5. Wait no gravity turn? So you want to move in a straight line towards the mun's surface? Watch this video:

    Another way to go "straight towards the moon without going in circles":

    Not sure if this is correct, but i do it this way:

    Imagine you are in an circular orbit. Usually the best time to make a hohman transfer to the moon is when the target-vector (moon) matches up with your velocity vector. Now, while on the launchpad, timewarp until you reach that time (When the target vector is 90° east of the "up"-vector, maybe a little earlier). Now do a standart launch, the same as usual, but instead of heading for a circular orbit, try to move your velocity-vector towards the target vector and just burn towards the moon. Keep an eye on the orbit view, you should get an encounter. If you can eyeball the way you have to burn to go for a collision course, keep the engines running and do it, else make a maneuver node. This way you should go straight towards the surface of the moon, with no unnecessary "going in circles" :) But it still includes gravity turns :/

    Amazing video! Nice post.

  6. The title sounds pretty arrogant to me and I'm sure you haven't looked at every other docking tutorial so there's no way you can know that this is actually the easiest.

    Also you do it pretty much in the most inefficient way there is and you are only explaining how to do a rendezvous and not how to dock, which are totally different things.

    I looked at every single one.

  7. HELP! Jeb & Bill are stranded! Return them to Kerbin safely!

    Bill's Situation

    Bill was on a mission to explore Minmus, but he isn't such a great pilot and crash landed his platform on the surface. He has two escape vehicles with plenty of fuel, but in typical Kerbal fashion, the vehicles were tragically launched without landing gear, parachutes or even a command pod. Just a command seat loosely bolted to the side of a fuel tank.

    After the crash landing on Minmus, Bill is not courageous enough to attempt landing one of these things on Kerbin without some instruction.

    Jeb's Situation

    Jeb was on a science mission in low Kerbin orbit when things went wrong with his ship. He managed to save the science in the command pod and dock with a nearby orbiting dive bar (The Space Bar). But he's all out of fuel and can't launch to return the science to the Low-Kerbin-Orbit science ring.

    The Mission (Should you choose to accept it):

    Design a ship (manned or unmanned) that docks with the command module currently attached to The Space Bar. Retrieve Jeb and the docked command module.

    Fly the command module and Jeb to The Science Ring in low-Kerbin-orbit and dock with it to unload the science onboard.

    Take Jeb from The Science Ring and land him near Bill's crash site on Minmus.

    Board the parachute-less, command pod-less rockets on Minmus and return to Jeb to Kerbin (safely). Then Bill.

    Completion criteria:

    • Launch vehicle successfully docks with command pod attached to The Space Bar.
    • Command Pod attached to The Space Bar is docked with (or connected to something docked with) The Science Ring. Jeb may fly to Minmus directly on a separate ship or go to The Science Ring first.
    • Jeb safely arrives on Minmus
    • Jeb and Bill each pilot one of the "escape" pods.
    • Jeb lands on Kerbin before Bill. Both land alive.

    Determining winners:

    Fastest in-game time to have ALL Kerbals safely alive on Kerbin.


    Installation instructions:

    1. Go to your "Kerbal Space Program\Saves" directory.
    2. Create a folder named "Space Race"
    3. Copy the persistent.sfs file into the folder.
    4. Load KSP, resume the saved game called "The Space Race".


    Stock except for purely informational mods (ie. mods that give you dV or orbital information for example).

    No mods that upgrade/change the stock parts, fly for you, upgrade maneuver nodes, or anything else. Keep it clean.

    Additional information:

    • The Space Bar is in an eccentric Kerbin-sychronous orbit, but NOT Kerbin-stationary orbit (it was a westerly launch).
    • The Science Ring is in an approximate 200km easterly equatorial circular orbit around Kerbin.
    • The kerbalistic escape pods from Minmus are certainly landable safely on Kerbin. Watch your fuel though.

    Good luck!

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