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Everything posted by rostamike

  1. Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out, hope I won't have to start a new game because of this
  2. I'm having the exact same issue with the same 7.5m and 10m fuel tanks.
  3. Hello I built a vehicle using KPBS and DeepFreeze parts (among other things but that's irrelevant now) and everytime I press Launch in the VAB, my game crashes with a "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. I re-launched the game about 3 times, removing sections of my vehicle trying to narrow down what caused the crash and it was one of the KPBS parts. I went into the ksp.log file to and found errors and "NullReferenceExceptions" regarding 1 part, which is the CRY-5000, the Planetary DeepFreezer. So I went back to the game, removed that one part, and I was able to Launch the vehicle without the game crashing. If the CRY-5000 is installed, my game crashes. How can I fix this problem? Other DeepFreeze parts work, like the CRY-3000, I can install it and Launch without issues. [ERR 13:23:21.051] [RasterPropMonitorComputer]: UpdateLocalCrew() - no internal model! [ERR 13:23:21.132] Cannot find an InternalModule of typename 'InternalVesselView' [ERR 13:23:21.154] [RasterPropMonitor]: No RasterPropMonitorComputer module found on part CRY-5000Freezer for prop LightSwitch in internal Cry-5000Internals [ERR 13:23:21.155] [JSIActionGroupSwitch]: Exception configuring prop 4 (LightSwitch): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at JSI.JSIActionGroupSwitch.Start () [0x00ade] in <ecc97696119b4d078a20020bb4e1bac9>:0 [ERR 13:23:21.155] [JSIActionGroupSwitch]: INITIALIZATION ERROR, CHECK CONFIGURATION. [EXC 13:23:21.159] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.VariableOrNumberRange..ctor (JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer rpmComp, System.String sourceVariable, System.String range1, System.String range2, System.String moduloVariable) (at <ecc97696119b4d078a20020bb4e1bac9>:0) JSI.VariableAnimationSet..ctor (ConfigNode node, InternalProp thisProp, JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer rpmComp, JSI.JSIVariableAnimator parent) (at <ecc97696119b4d078a20020bb4e1bac9>:0) JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.Start () (at <ecc97696119b4d078a20020bb4e1bac9>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [ERR 13:23:21.159] [RasterPropMonitor]: No RasterPropMonitorComputer module found on part CRY-5000Freezer for prop DFGlykerolGaugeBar in internal Cry-5000Internals These are some examples I found in the ksp.log file and it's all related to CRY-5000.
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