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Everything posted by Stealth17

  1. Hey guys, I've progressed quite a bit in the tech tree, but I just can't seem to get soil samples from the Mun back to Kerbin. Here's a screenshot from my techtree: I've tried several different designs, all of them rockets. SSTO's can't refuel anywhere yet so mine can't get to the Mun yet. Here's my ultimate goal: have a lander which can bring back several different samples from the Mun to Kerbin. If anyone could help me with pointers or a design that'd be great . Best, Stealth
  2. Hi all, Been playing Kerbal for quite a bit (about over 200 hours). Still learning a great deal about it. Finally had some great achievements today: Created an SSTO that got into orbit straight away Launched 2nd SSTO into orbit Finally (with plotting help from MechJeb - not its autopilot) got 2 SSTOs to rendezvous in Kerbin orbit Docked 2 SSTOs to transfer fuel (this was a big one for me) Launced a simple yet effective fuel station to refil one of the SSTOs Put 1 SSTO in orbit around the Mun My Sharktooth SSTO makes it to space in 1 go! 2 Sharktooths meet to dock Docking completed! Made it to the Mun Why am I sharing this? To hopefully inspire you to keep at it! You can do it too, it just takes time, practice and patience. And that's usually the hard part . I'm hoping you won't need 200 hours like I did, but every small step counts. Enjoy! Stealth PS: Take frequent screenshots (F1) to document your progression as you build better and prettier things
  3. Fractal_UK major thanks for this very nice mod . Really like it! Wanted to share a science ship I made with you guys. Took me couple hours to build it, but here is <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/j4Ded/embed"></iframe>
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