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Everything posted by Rabble

  1. 2. Well hopefully I can make it easier for newer modders. I've streamlined the setup and exporting of the .cfg files. Now I'm setting about attempting to make a rough balancing guide/toolset. With that in mind, I'm trying to setup guides/formulaic approaches to guide in determining just what things like the mix ratio should be -- Similar to how you've done with setting up the TWRG Q2: So in you're resources table I see you have hand calculated an additional tank mass for Default, Cryo, &ServiceModule. How did you determine what their values ought to be? #3: I hadn't realized that interesting!
  2. I did see that. I was just adjusting it to be a bit easier and adding that sheet. QQ: Is there any reason you have the mix ratio set per engine rather than referenced from the 'mixture' table?
  3. 1. That's what I had figured just double checking. 2. As far as easier goes. I was thinking that that config spreadsheet should support easy configuration of Engines, Fuel types, and tanks. So for right now I'm just making it easier to read and cleaning out the deadends/scratchpad calcs I find. Then I'll be adding support for easily configured fuels & tanks 3. I am interested but it's going to come after the engine cfg.xls. My programming experience is limited to SQL and overly-complicated spreadsheets for work. So it depends on what it'll require (Haven't looked into it yet).
  4. So I'm working on a easier to use version of the calc sheet would you mind explaining the function of the RT, MISC, & ObjDump sheets? They don't seem to be related directly to engine configurations. Also, Thinking of making available fuel types linked to tech nodes; so that you have to research more advance fuels to make them available..any thoughts on how to do this/has anyone already looked into this? Thanks!
  5. I wish I could unfortunately It's the absence of the Kerbal that is the issue. However I figured out that this does not have to do with TextureReplacer. On to other mods!
  6. Has anyone else been experiencing problems with Kerbals on EVA not loading correctly? I either get no texture/ no response and if you look at the navball all the directions are one or a malformed texture that spins wildly across the screen. Anyone know what might be causing this? I think it has to do with TextureReplacer but not sure yet. Thanks! Edit: It doesn't have to do with Texture Replacer. On to other mods! PS I wish it was more descriptive unfortunately its the absence of the kerbal that is the issue. I'll
  7. Thanks for the quick response and answers, e-dog and AndreyATGB and starstrider42.
  8. Anyone have any idea what is causing values/formulas to show up in the part menu? I'm posting here because it started with the "isShielded: True/False" which I think has to do with procedural fairings. I've had this little bug around for awhile now but have ignored because it wasn't that annoying. It now as CoL, CoM, Cod for every part and pushes the Gui buttons off-screen. Thanks! Pic http://imgur.com/LNxaDkL
  9. How much the KSC has to pay out to kerbal's family. That and if their just "Missing in Action" I can't be sued for wrongful death which lets me take dangerous and unsafe liberties with rocket design.
  10. You already can, assuming the targeting dish has a wide enough cone
  11. You're right. It doesn't mean your mod won't work or is broken but including the latest approved version is helpful in telling me if it will work for my version of KSP. Perhaps that could be just as simple as editing the subject for the forum thread (most do this anyways). My assumption if I see an old version number of KSP up is that the mod is outdated since updates frequently break mods. Afterall, the 2 chief question I as a modder have is: 1: Will this work with my version of KSP? 2: Is this the most current version of the mod? In regards to #2, including the release date is very helpful when I'm trying to determine if I have a recent version or if the mod is still maintained. If it isn't I might want to look toward fresher mods that are still being maintained. A really old release date is an indicator of that. Case in Point: I downloaded Mapsat recently turns out its been abandoned meanwhile Scansat is up and running and maintained. If I'd seen the old release date for Mapsat I would've known to look for other maintained mods that provide the same functionality.
  12. Thanks! Actually, I just checked it and RT2 is working fine. (Also, it was actually the part models not loading. Whoops... I'm guessing one of my 34 other mods was causing a conflict before they'd been updated to handle .23.
  13. Well, I don't have Interstellar installed and don't have crashing problems with RT2. Idk if that helps (The only issue I'm having is the ~textures~ part models are failing to load. It still recognizes my comm networks and lets me point the dishes...) Edit: Okay so I went ahead and downloaded Interstellar with RT2 and it crashed when loading the gigadish. Now to see about getting a log to send to Cilph...
  14. Awesome! Thanks NathanKell; I'm finally back up and running.
  15. I keep a spreadsheet with the latest compatible version I have installed for each
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