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Everything posted by Molybdene

  1. Especially that it will be a part-free plugin. No risk of destroying your save file with unloaded ships if the plugin went missing. Good news is I have a working plugin right now. (yeaaah, already). Totally not user friendly, it's just a windows filled with debug data, but I have the info that I need. All I have to do now is making a pretty interface for it.
  2. Hi, While working on my other plugin (Mass Relay), I searched for a plugin that will tell you if you are accelerating too slow (fighting gravity too much) or too hard (fighting air resistance), so I decided to try to find it on the forum, with no luck. Sooo... Let's do this I tried using real data of atmospheric pressure and altitude and drag and and... Well I don't want to be dead precise, so a good approximation should be enough. Ence, the fabulous trendline get from a terminal velocity table (for Kerbin - at first) that I get somewhere... And I will try adding something like a slider next to the throttle that will tell you if you are in the green zone, or too slow/too quick. Tell me quickly if something like that already exists, I couldn't find it, but as a french I have trouble finding the correct search words
  3. You will be able to add a signature & an avatar once you have enough posts.
  4. Event.Handled = true; should work, where Event is a KeyEventArgs
  5. Is everything fine, Frizz? Keep cool, man, I do not mind, having some feedback is always a good thing, I like feedback. Nevertheless, I'll keep it the way I planned doing it. The idea of having a large amount of power consumned is not having to wait for the mass relay to charge, but to ask the player to build a station with a good amount of batteries, so some good weight to put on orbit. that's all
  6. No size restriction as I see it. The way I want it, is that it will not be a ring that needs 4-6 parts and everyone has the same, like the one tom linked (4 parts. yay). You will have to put any amount of "things" in a circular pattern. You will have to design and build it, the size will be yours to choose, the vessel will be yours to assemble. I myself will have to do the math to check is the vessel is an appropriate ring & if you are going through it, hehe.
  7. I'm wondering if anyone is reading the first topic because I kept repeating and repeating that. The first release will have only a single part mass relay. Later, I will develop a mutli part relay that needs to be put together in space. I said that already like.... 6 times? so, tom, point one and two: already planned ^^ As for the mecanics... - The delay will be around 2-3 seconds (the time of the gate animation), I didn't planned on having to wait more next to the gate. If the energy consumption is big, the time you will have to wait for it to be charged will be great too. - The game does have a magnet like effect for the docking parts... I'll try to see if I can find it, but I will certainly not code it myself. Docking is super easy once you have done it several times.
  8. I currently have a working plugin with all features that I wanted to include for the first release. No I have to choose an energy consumption, bugproof the plugin, clean the code a little, doing some more optimisation, and then making sure that the parts are done & ready to go with Frizz.
  9. Look at my first post. First version is "just" a one-part relay, just to be sure we have the technology to do that. After first release, Frizz & I will work on a multi-part Mass Relay Ring. It will be hard to put together, and it will be at any size, that will depend on your ability to fly through it, and my ability to check if a ship has a ring-shapped relay, and that you are going through it. easy enough.
  10. Read the description of the video, Railgunner. The explosion is the aftermath of a massrelay warp. if you try to warp a warping machine, you will be in trouble, that's all No explosions when using a regular ship. only light & awesomeness.
  11. Thanks for the feedback Buckshoot. We will release the first version with the current part & functionnality. Later, after the first reaction of the "public" and some improvement, I will work on a way to make it a multi-part gate. I want to have something build into space, that will require time and sweat.
  12. I think if I work well I can make it works before that! maybe Aug 22 2019, 21 at best
  13. It does not help, as I answered that I was just back from a work trip today. But I'm glad to see that people are waiting for this plugin
  14. I'm just back from a work trip. Will finish the code part soon ^^
  15. Sorry Xandertek, I asked for a change on the batteries, I didn't like it at all ^^' And as for the relay, the texture is less white, more grey-ish to be more like other parts. Thanks for the modification, Frizzank, I thought you wanted to keep the white on the relay?
  16. Adding parts for completing a mass relay station is something that I will implement (with the help of frizz for the parts, of course), for a next version, like I said previously, this first version will be a "proof of concept"
  17. I don't feel the need to add another resource to the plugin, that will mean more parts, and a plugin that will ask for more resources. Once again, the idea behind having to spend energy is not about the time to gather and fill the batteries, it's about getting the batteries into orbit. You will not only have to send a mass relay on orbit, you will have to build a station.
  18. Xentoe: If you have something else than energy in mind, please share, I'll think about it. Mekan1k: An other plugin (Hyperjump) was doing exactly what you first describe: the simulation was put on rails, and the ship was given tons of speed to "get there" in a straight line. Trouble is, it was very very laggy. I didn't want that. My plugin is modifying the orbit value of the vessel. Xandertek: Yep, you are right about the Joules formula, but I have an excuse, it was 4am, hehe. I was not really serious about the 1.2gigawatts, we'll see how much it will cost per Mm
  19. No, Mekan1k, it will not be possible. Not because I can't make it work that way, but because I don't want it to work that way. I want to give a purpose into making space stations in orbit around planets, and I want an alternate way of having to time warp for the good configuration for a transfer to another planet. I don't want to make the game too easy, if you want to put something in orbit fast & easy, use HyperEdit, it's a great tool ^^ And as for kaldak, I agree, the limitation of having to spend tons of energy to warp is not such a big deal using the time warp to charge the batteries. The limitation I want to include is in the total of energy you have to spend. More batteries, more weight to send into orbit. You have to work a little to have a working mass relay, that's all Plus, I kinda want to have "1.2 giga watts" spend into sending ships. the animation of the warp is 4 seconds long, so it's 1.2*4 Giga joules of power to spend. maybe
  20. I put a random variable on the settings for now that will convert distance into power requirement. I will find & set a value after some tests, and I left the possibility for users to alter this value with the config file if they feel the need for less/more power. I'm currently working on the animation of the mass relay for the warp. It will fire the animation, then warp the vessel
  21. For myself I worked on the GUI. Now you have a toggle button on the bottom left of the screen to show/hide the GUI. I also added some settings, so you'll have the position of the screen saved, and you will be able to edit the config file to modify the behavior of the plugin (range of the detector, speed required, allow the warp of mass relays...) In case you have some plugins that have also a button on the bottom left of the screen, there is an offset variable that you can modify to avoid superposition. Next step: power requirement to use those nice looking batteries
  22. Pretty simple in principle, not so simple in code. You take the Orbit of your vessel and you modify it, alongside with the body of reference. Code wise, it translate into putting the simulation on rails, manipulate the orbit, and crossing fingers
  23. Cool down, mazuzuri, it will come quickly, keep in mind We've started working on it only 7 days ago ^^
  24. Pretty soon. All the system are working fine. I need to add some bug-free tests for some obvious conflicts, work on the GUI for a more user-friendly experience, and then I'll make a release if Frizzank is ok with the design of the parts.
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