Some thoughts on science and experimental parts. * Say I get a test contract for a turbojet. Then I could build a whole fleet of planes as long as the contract is active. However, afterwards I'm not even allowed to put a plane in the hangar for refueling, because the part will magically vanish. This feels strange. * When I research a new part, I typically only need a small number of them. Like the first pair of docking ports for that mun/minmus hopper. * Later at the end of the tech tree, I would be happy to spend large amounts of science for minor things. I'm equipped and motivated to do more science missions, but have nothing to spend the results on. => I suggest that a contract gives a finite number of prototype parts, which can be recovered even after the contract is finished. This could be one engine, or a pair of docking ports. When all are destroyed without doing the test, the contract fails. => Make those parts available at the time when you would research their tech node today, and make the tech more expensive so it is unlocked much later. So where today you research LVNs and then send a manned jool mission, you would instead use an experimental LVN to send it and still have plenty if things to spend the mission results on, like unlocking the LVN as a standard part. This would make the science game last longer, while introducing new parts at the same rate as today. It would be possible to build ships with all the parts in the game, and still have something useful to do with the resulting science.