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Everything posted by adge

  1. I just saw the steamdb page update, and noticed Steam was downloading!!!! Then saw it was a skyrim workshop update....
  2. Ah, I see what you mean. Sadly, most of the stuff on that site is jargon to me, I just happened to have the Depots tab open when you mentioned
  3. I need to stop refreshing the forums every 5 minutes
  4. Alright, thanks for clearing that up! I think it would be unfair to pass judgement before the update has been released, and before the modders have had chance to adapt their mods to suit the new contract system, and had chance to ensure they blend as seamlessly as possible.
  5. I don't mean to come across as ignorant or rude, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but are people seriously complaining about realism with regards to life support, in a game where you run an alien space program in a physically impossible solar system?
  6. It's like waiting at the baggage carousel at the airport....
  7. I would like a date, but that's because I am away at sea for 3 months starting Thursday, and I want to know if I'll be able to enjoy the contracts while I'm away Other than that selfish reason, I prefer Squad's method of not releasing dates.
  8. My career mode will follow a logical path. No more "been in orbit twice, now let's send a manned mission to the moon". Prior to any manned mission (where possible), probes will be sent ahead several times, including a full mapping of the surface. Probes to be returned (where feasible) for monies.
  9. Are my eyes playing tricks, or has the font face also changed in game?
  10. This made my morning Lulz. I'm going to go with Kerbal Kroner, because K.
  11. I always start fresh with each new iteration of the game. For me, half of the fun and challenge is those first few steps up the ladder, and I enjoy finding new ways of going about it all.
  12. I remember reading the doc by Nova in a thread about 6 months ago. It is something I find very intriguing. We have all these interesting easter eggs scattered about, but right now they are just eye candy and nice little personal achievements. It would be nice to see them developed and a back story, much like Nova's worked into the game. That way the player has a little something extra to explore and work towards. Some of the easter eggs - the SSTV image in particular - are very mysterious, and it would be shame if they were left as nothing more than quirky sights to visit
  13. Well, that escalated quickly. But 64 bit is something I am excited for. It should help my poor ickle laptop from all the mods I tend to run
  14. I'd like to see the somewhat creepy SSTV developed and enhanced a lot in the future, perhaps, as TechnicalK3rbal said, in the form of a future DLC? A trail of clues left across the solar system for the player to decode, figure out, and perhaps discover the true nature of Kerbalkind If it is done, I hope it has a dramatic, mystic, almost spooky feel through the unraveling of the mysteries!
  15. All comments about my ego aside... I do think a little more information and clarity would be appreciated, however it isn't something I find offputting, or something that worries me. As for the offending dev line: It was levity. Get over it. Why do people have to get so self righteous?
  16. Investment: "the action or process of investing money for profit." What profit are we going to receive, and when? Give me all the monies! We haven't invested in Squad. We've exchanged money for goods. Transaction =/= Investment.
  17. Fantastic post. I've done a few successful transfers (to Eve, Duna and Dres), but I always had a feeling they were inefficient, and I was consuming more dV than I should. The angle indicators on various mods are something I never knew of. I used to eyeball it (not a great idea) or get my protractor against the screen....! Likewise, when going for an inclined transfer, I'd do the normal/antinormal tweaks as part of the ejection burn. This looks a lot better. Your hard work is appreciated, friend!
  18. "Because they might make contracts intended for atock ksp only. FAR changes the whole atmosphere adding aerodynamics. " I don't see any logical reason why they would.
  19. Disagree completely. I feel the devs are heading in the right direction. I'd rather have a heavily optimized but smaller game, than superfluous content thrown in that's a mess behind the scenes. I still play (and enjoy) Minecraft on a server with good friends, but over on Planet Minecraft the issue of the day seems to be too many immature players being found on the game, ruining a lot of servers etc. Luckily, those same people, I think, won't find their way to KSP, and if they did, it's no way near as simple as MC.
  20. Erm, if that's not a constraint, then I have no idea what is.
  21. For me, it's the Red Dwarf theme tune, especially when the lyrics kick in (http://youtu.be/DTEpiFcn0wI?t=2m34s)
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