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Posts posted by tychochallenge

  1. 19 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    This is your problem:

    [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'ToolbarController' has not met dependency 'ClickThroughBlocker' V1.0.0
    [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'ToolbarController' is missing 1 dependencies
    [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' has not met dependency 'RemoteTech' V1.7.0
    [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' is missing 1 dependencies
    [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' has not met dependency 'KerbalKonstructs' V0.9.0
    [WRN 15:28:52.480] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' is missing 1 dependencies

    ToolbarController, isn't there, so CivPop fails on looking fo rit.

    You also seem to have issues with CC_RemoteTech and KerKonConConExt


    I am assuming you installed by hand instead of with CKAN, if you had installed your mods with CKAN, these issues would not have arisen.

    Also, I prefer the Player.log, not the KSP.log

    After more testing, I managed to narrow the problems to ModularFlightIntegrator... for some reason.

    I gave up and decided to reinstall everything with CKAN and now everything works fine. Thanks for your assistance! :D

  2. After much testing, I discovered this mod and ExtraPlanetary Launchpads seems to be conflicting with each other.  When I load the game with both, I cannot click on anything in the spacecenter. Even trying to exit to main menu  nothing happens.

    KSP log shows Assembly error. I've the log link below. Im using the latest version of KSP.


    Mod list: https://imgur.com/a/Abmdc3o

  3. On 8/17/2022 at 1:15 PM, 610yesnolovely said:

    I had exactly the same issue occuring, and as described, with FAR installed (and perhaps requiring Kopernicus) any asteroid spawning while in IVA causes the FPS to drop to single digits. As the OP said, if you quickly switch out of IVA, the problem immediately clears, but will return when the next asteroid spawns while in IVA. Does not happen if in any other view.

    The logs only show what the OP says, it only happens as soon as Kopernicus spawns an asteroid. I also tried an MM patch on Kopernicus_config to set Kopernicus' UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem=Stock - same thing happens when stock spawns a comet or asteroid. The work around is to quickly switch out and back, but asteroid spawning happens frequently enough that this is a bit annoying.

    It might be that voxelization of any new vessel, even unloaded, (as it seems asteroids/comets get a FARAeroVessel and are considered vessels) while in IVA causes some issue - I wonder if the IVA view uses something that conflicts with FAR? Shaders? Threads? I have no idea. It might be that having an option to ignore asteroids/comets for voxelization would be a "hack" fix.

    Not expecting a solution, this is more "FYI" just in case anyone else gets stuck on this, or if any FAR mod authors have a moment of inspiration given this info.

    I have this exact same issue, I just narrowed the problem down to this mod after hours of testing 

  4. For some reason if I change the atmoTopLayer value in the mod settings I get the dreaded black screen right after the game finishes loading.  Anyone else having this problem?

    Running KSP 1.12 and only mods are Kopernicus, Distant Object, EVE, scatterer, GU and GU_parts.


  5. I used to have CO2 poisoning problems on ships, fortunately I have solved that issue.

    But now i'm having problems with individual kerbals, I can't keep a kerbal out on EVA for 15 minutes before getting CO2 poisoning warnings, and the kerbal is dead in 25 minutes on EVA. The EVA scrubber seems to be working normally.

    Right now, it isn't that much of a problem since i'm relatively early in my career mode, but I'd imagine it to be a bother when i send my kerbals out on extended EVA.

    Do you know any solutions to this?, like is there a file I can edit to reduce the amount of CO2 kerbals give out? (btw i'm using RO Kerbalism w/ RSS). 

  6. On 1/15/2020 at 2:28 AM, VaNnadin said:

    as you can see, scatter sunflare position is strange. i think this problem is related to star's distance from sun.



    I had the same problem with the sunflares. Apparently it's only a problem in tracking station and map mode, if you travel to the actual star, the sunflares should be fixed.

  7. 18 hours ago, Standecco said:

    There must be an issue with the Atmosphere resource definition: as you can see, its mass is 100% of the difference between the 2 values. Do you happen to have WBI installed? I remember that mod having conflicting definitions with kerbalism that should be the problem here.

    I did have WBI installed, removed it and it worked! 

    Thank you so much for your help and thank you raidernick for making such an awesome mod!

  8. On 11/17/2019 at 6:10 PM, Standecco said:

    @tychochallenge I am responsible for that config and I fully take any support responsability. The "supported" part is in my readme, not in RN's mod, so it's me that you should ask to fix it.
    That said, I can't really help without more information. What is the capsule you're trying to use, and are you absolutely certain that you have installed everything properly? I never had such wild EC consumption, nor anyone ever reported similar numbers

    Fortunately, my electricity problem has been solved, however the mass issue hasn't, in the linked photo, the Mk1 pod without the habitat is 900kg, but with the habitat it's 8700kg.


    I think thats a little screwy since I also tried launching a TKS module from raidernick's soyuz pack and the proton launcher couldnt even lift off the launchpad cause the habitat added so much mass...

  9. Sorry for dragging this issue on, i've concluded that my problems arn't related to this mod, but rather kerbalism in general, since I'm getting the same problems with stock spacecraft as well.

    The readme file in question is in the KerbalismConfig folder for RO and part of it reads as such: 


    Supported mods:

    - Ven's stock revamp
    - FASA
    - ROCapsules
    - SXT
    - CxAerospace
    - RN Soyuz
    - RN US Probes (partial)
    - Bluedog Design Bureau (partial)
    - Tokamak Industries
    - More to come!

    I don't know when the readme file was last updated, it may be outdated. 

    Anyway i'll bring this up with on the Kerbalism forum and hopefully I can solve this issue. Thank you for your help!

  10. 22 hours ago, raidernick said:

    yeah I provide no support for kerbalism

    Well, thats strange, considering that the readme file in the Kerbalism folder lists your mod under "supported mods".

    I'll do a little more tinkering to see if I can get them to work together.

    Edit 1: I was tinkering with the TKS module and found that if I have the "habitat" from Kerbalism enabled for that module, the mass is quadrupled. Currently editing some files, i'll let you know if I find a way!

  11. Thanks for the update, unfortunately charge rates for me are still the same, my zond spacecraft uses more than 20 electricity per second with the avionics, and 4.07 per second without, while the solar panels only charge at around 0.6 per second at full exposure.

    Although recently i've been having some problems with kerbalism, so i'll remove a couple of troublesome mods and see if it helps.

    Edit: Turns out Kerbalism was the problem all along. Removing it solved both the orbital module issues and the electricity charge.

  12. I'm having problems with soyuz orbital modules, with an orbital module even completely empty, I get only 6400 m/s on the R7 rocket while without it I get 8900 m/s. Completely filling the orbital module with fuel has only a minimal effect on delta-v. 

    I'm still able to get stuff like Zond descent module and probes using the R7 into orbit, its the orbital module thats screwing me over. I guess i'll try re-installing it. (using v1.6.1 w/ RSS+RO)

    Edit 1: I'm also having problems with electricity as well, for some reason the soyuz modules consume way more electricity than they should (they consume much, much more than the solar panels can generate), either that and/or the solar panels arn't generating as much power as they should.

    Not sure if this mod is the cause, but I thought it's something worth mentioning. 

  13. 1 hour ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Okay well clearly you have installed scatterer and/or the visuals for Constellations. Please make sure you are using version 0.300 of Scatterer, and read the instructions over to make sure you installed it correctly. This is not a problem with the mod, it's a problem with you incorrectly installing something.


    Ok, after some heavy-duty reinstalling, I FINALLY got the flares and scatterer effects to work! 

    Seriously, I can't thank you enough for your dedication in helping me all this time. :D 

    I just have 1 last thing that needs fixing: as you can see in the pic, the flare and the actual star don't seem to align with each other. However, I think i read something on the scatterer forum page about flare sizes in RSS, so I'll take a look at that.

    Thanks again!


    Edit: The bug seems to be purely specific to the tracking station, so nothing to worry about :)

  14. On 11/24/2017 at 10:12 AM, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Do any of the exoplanets have Scatterer effects on them?

    There dont seem to be any scatterer effects on the exoplanets, except for the solar system's planets, and the stock planets in Trappist-1. I also noticed a new bug: when in map mode, Kerbin's day and night sides seems to switch back and forth very rapidly between its orientation to Trappist-1 and the Sun. When the day side faces the Sun, all scatterer effects are present, but when the day side switches to facing Trappist-1, the scatterer effects disappear instantly. I checked using the scatterer in-game UI, and it rapidly switched from planet loaded = true (with all the values) to planet loaded = false, and back again.

  15. 7 hours ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Okay try doing this: delete both the CVO and RSSVE folders. Then, install RSSVE first and then reinstall the visuals from Constellations. Could you send a screenshot of two different stars? It's hard to tell exactly what your problem is.

    Tried doing that but still same result. 

    Ive posted some pictures, as you can see, Alpha Centauri and Proxima Centauri look exactly the same. Vega also has exactly the same texture, except its blueish (and no sunflare).

  16. I tried hyperediting a ship into a few star's orbits, but still the same result. Only difference is the Helix nebula where the star is a slight shade of blue, but no nebula.

    However, the solar system's sun does have scatterer sunflare.

  17. 54 minutes ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Can you post a screenshot of the problem you're having? Also, upload your output log to Dropbox, and post a download link to it here.

    Its a little difficult to explain in screenshots, basically all the stars look exactly the same (same appearance as stock Kerbol), only the size is different. 

    I'm starting to have a suspicion that it could be something to do with both scatterer and RSSVE, so i'll do some more testing with that.

    Anyway, heres the output log for my fresh install.



  18. 2 hours ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Considering the amount of mods you have installed, I recommend you see if you have the same problem with just Real Solar System and Constellations.

    Also, make sure you are using the correct versions of Kopernicus and Scatterer.

    Just tried using a fresh install with just RSS and Constellations (along w/ required mods) along with Kopernicus and scatterer, in the same 1.2.2 configuration. Still got the same result :( 

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