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    Science Meister
  1. I'm pretty sure it was done so people could get into the game easier. Another victory for Little Timmy, I suppose.
  2. I think this was brought up before and the answer is 'no'.
  3. Ravyne


    "lowers the tone of the forum"? That's...pretty impressively pretentious. Let people have their fun, ignore it if you don't like it.
  4. Honestly, you could qualify anything at all as 'cheating'. Reaction wheels make it easier to maneuver! Solar panels let you regenerate electrical power! Engines let you go fast! So really, this is moot.
  5. Downloaded this the other day, and currently testing it - the only thing I can say is that it would be very nice to be able to rerandomize the planet positions without quitting out and starting a whole new save every time until we get one we like.
  6. Divinity II, Call Of Juarez - Gunslinger, Startopia, Sid Meier's Pirates!, the Resident Evil 4 remake, and most of the Borderlands 2 DLC. Still sitting on some money in case anything else goes on flash sale. Aww yiss.
  7. A modder hacked in the 64-bit version to work. The whole thread can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82118-KSP-64bits-on-Windows-%28this-time-it-s-not-a-request%29
  8. Ravyne

    I am a dog.

    Meow meow, I am a cat.
  9. RIP Headphone users. I dunno if it's the video's sound but my ears are ringing after that video. Perhaps a lower volume would we wise.
  10. Slight update on this. I let it go for some time when sending a report, and eventually it kicked to a 504 error. I hope this helps.
  11. I'd be into Socialist 06 and Futurist 11 if you wouldn't mind.
  12. 9/10 I've seen a lot of your posts and input around.
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