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Everything posted by LexiSilva

  1. I am sending a link to my blog, for a poem I wrote: http://variedmind.weebly.com/1/post/2014/02/ksp-love-poem.html
  2. chocolate!!!! Chocolate!!!! Chocolateeeee!!!
  3. Granted. It's already bad! I wish that Jebediah Kerman was on this Earth!
  4. Granted. Now all of the trolls and ragers are in the community and now it is ruined forever. Good job! I wish people stopped swearing.
  5. Granted, but then people do not use serious equipment, causing a worldwide collapse in the economy due to the serious equipment bubble bursting. I wish that I aced all of my exams.
  6. Granted. It is a poison cookie, since one must define what is good and what is bad. I wish for a spaceship that has 100km of delta v, and has no overheating or structural issues.
  7. I have made a planet/moon system I call them Camelot (planet), and Arthur (moon). Camelot is made with a heightmap from Space Engine, and was slightly re-colored. Arthur is procedurally made; hence why it looks like Minmus. Some pictures!
  8. Welcome to KSP! :D Feel free to Skype me at kingcji if you have any questions. :)

  9. Hi! Welcome to KSP! Get out before it's too late! jk
  10. If the orbit's periapsis (lowest point) is above 70.000 meters, then you must rescue Jebediah. If Pe is below 70.000, Jeb will come back, eventually.
  11. Do you not like the tech tree because of the limitations, or because it is unrealistic? If its because of limits, I say you should play sandbox. It's not being removed. If its because of it being unrealistic, there is a mod that lets you play different tech trees. Oh, and I don't think there should be a story either, aside from backbone: "You are the head of the newly established Kerbal Space Program! Good luck!"
  12. Perhaps Kerbals should use KitKoins, that are made by internet people on Kerbin! EDIT: Didnt read whole thread. Somebody above posted the same thing! So sorry...
  13. Hi, new person! Welcome to the KSP forums! I hope you enjoy it! :3

  14. Due to the degenerate state of the Minecraft community, I was thinking that a few of us Kerbal players could play Minecraft together, and see the game for what it is, ignoring the community.
  15. If I may put in my two cents, I also enjoy the Kerbal community as a slower, calmer, more intelligent community of smart individuals. I also play Minecraft, but I do not get into the community, since the community of Minecraft revolves around PvP, and famous LP'ers. For example: I post about my idea to fix an issue in Minecraft (on Reddit); I get tons of downvotes because I disagree with the loud minority. I post a cute little pun (a Mun bass (fish)) for KSP and I get tons of upvotes. I enjoy this community more because it supports many opinions.
  16. Name your biggest disappointment in Kerbal Space Program? I just had mine: As soon as my plane got to KSC2, it crashed. ;-; I was soooo close, like, I could see the radar tower in detail!
  17. Well who needs zero anyway? x3 (Yes I now realized I derped) Yup, 0 and 1. Good luck
  18. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1oj6h4/did_a_tier_2_mission_to_minmus/
  19. I landed on Minmus with only the Tier 1 and Tier 2 parts
  20. LexiSilva


    Thanks! That's pretty impressive!
  21. LexiSilva


    Hey KSP forums, my name is Lexi and I've been playing KSP since December 2012. How big of a ship would I need to send my Kerbals to Duna, and how do you keep one perpetual save interesting?
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