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    Curious George
  1. Okay, well I've already read the entire thread. Dug into the post, and the mathworks video that was linked, and the philosophy behind cascade control. Even checked github to see if any siimilar issues have been raised. Alas, I am unable find a reason that describes the magnitude of the offset for the values. I'll dig into the code surrounding the radar altimeter values being fed into the PID controller and see if there's something weird with input values, since we know the controller code works. Thanks for taking a look.
  2. Greetings! Thanks for an awesome mod, I've been lucky enough to get an obscene amount of use out of this mod. However I've recently run into an issue with 1 particular function, while everything else behaves in an expected manor (after the K values are tweaked for the airframe). It's possible that I am overestimating the capability of the radar altitude hold function, but I will outline the exact behavior below. Issue: On an otherwise stable airframe where the autopilot functions have been verified working as expected, the Radar Altitude function for holding altitude doesn't work as expected. The Requested Radar Altitude value is entered, and then control is handed over to altitude hold. In this particular case, this altitude was 500 AMSL. The airframe then pitches up violently, in excess of 60 degrees relative to horizon. It then oscillates down from 60 to 10. Then between 10 and -10. Here are two graphs outlining the behavior. First one is Actual AMSL vs requested altitude using radar alt. The second one shows the pitch and pitch input over mission time. These are clearly oscillations, however I am used to the frequency being far faster, and the magnitude being much less, I also am not able to explain the fact that it appears to be interpreting an additional 0 into the altitude entered. Also, both small and large changes to the proportional, integral, and derivative values seem to not be effecting this in the way I expect based on comparison to other oscillations that I have tweaked out on this airframe. My question here is, am I missing something? This should work. I've included the code for producing the graphs in the odd event that helps. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from typing import List, Dict flight_data: Dict[str, List[float]] = {"altitude": [390.37, 373.83, 356.87, 340.49, 324.71, 319.43, 350.7, 410.99, 492.29, 610.05, 780.25, 995.78, 1249.34, 1526.97, 1826.28, 2127.65, 2427.27, 2754.53, 3050.9, 3322.18, 3599.26, 3870.52, 4124.95, 4247.3, 4461.12, 4664.73, 4866.67, 5046.39, 5175.77, 5255.61, 5310.94, 5373.71, 5456.0, 5539.73, 5596.05, 5612.35, 5584.4, 5535.59, 5482.73, 5448.0, 5436.61, 5449.32, 5473.69, 5503.14, 5529.51, 5528.75, 5493.22, 5442.86, 5395.03, 5365.73, 5360.23, 5378.67, 5411.44, 5452.7, 5485.72, 5515.71, 5532.42, 5516.84, 5472.64, 5422.77, 5386.07, 5372.91, 5384.49, 5415.29, 5459.11, 5495.24, 5512.59, 5530.0, 5535.29, 5509.51, 5461.61, 5413.44, 5380.17, 5371.11, 5386.88, 5418.42, 5461.13, 5499.34, 5534.89, 5546.19, 5520.27, 5472.22, 5424.06, 5392.91, 5386.23, 5405.81, 5439.41, 5480.11, 5496.97, 5503.52, 5471.14, 5424.68, 5389.06, 5376.88, 5389.97, 5428.29, 5475.19, 5525.46, 5550.35, 5537.37, 5493.73, 5441.05, 5404.71, 5391.86, 5403.66, 5433.36, 5474.4, 5507.2, 5510.21, 5475.94, 5428.36, 5388.76, 5375.17, 5387.91, 5422.08, 5465.0, 5509.38, 5531.91, 5514.04, 5468.47, 5419.22, 5391.54, 5387.69, 5408.4, 5445.06, 5491.98, 5526.44, 5523.95, 5485.67, 5436.47, 5399.18, 5383.99, 5394.04, 5424.51, 5468.88, 5509.72, 5520.38, 5492.14, 5444.04, 5403.21, 5382.93, 5387.42, 5415.96, 5455.29, 5501.33, 5531.29, 5525.75, 5485.81, 5436.5, 5399.72, 5385.24, 5396.02, 5417.38, 5458.16, 5501.59, 5524.37, 5510.22, 5466.1, 5418.85, 5388.47, 5382.49, 5401.57], "pitch": [-2.583759307861328, -2.503394842147827, -2.3421623706817627, -2.4411652088165283, -1.015120029449463, 7.699493408203125, 12.963165283203125, 13.773712158203125, 22.3621826171875, 34.09893798828125, 44.070709228515625, 53.8515625, 63.51708984375, 65.84762573242188, 60.228240966796875, 61.836181640625, 63.80584716796875, 55.9283447265625, 46.21923828125, 52.023895263671875, 49.935546875, 39.264801025390625, 27.8931884765625, 30.174041748046875, 38.919219970703125, 35.028167724609375, 24.36859130859375, 13.81329345703125, 3.53204345703125, 4.005157470703125, 13.062591552734375, 21.236846923828125, 16.179229736328125, 5.4559326171875, -4.937421798706055, -14.686358451843262, -10.175664901733398, -7.622991561889648, -0.09931441396474838, 6.24951171875, 10.21044921875, 8.6871337890625, 6.997406005859375, 6.329833984375, -3.893538236618042, -13.655208587646484, -9.0669527053833, -6.309922218322754, 1.313568115234375, 7.05059814453125, 11.253387451171875, 8.704620361328125, 12.69744873046875, 3.5517578125, 7.048614501953125, 2.287078857421875, -7.844022274017334, -12.246378898620605, -8.104050636291504, -1.1646206378936768, 5.8009033203125, 9.934906005859375, 12.543304443359375, 11.48272705078125, 6.88848876953125, -0.4590585231781006, 5.617401123046875, 0.922943115234375, -9.31019115447998, -11.014798164367676, -7.688395023345947, 0.0633544921875, 6.51397705078125, 10.682342529296875, 8.989532470703125, 12.758270263671875, 3.986541748046875, 8.464385986328125, -0.8549870252609253, -11.399503707885742, -10.716222763061523, -7.141841411590576, 0.778594970703125, 6.85980224609375, 11.225860595703125, 9.172027587890625, 12.115966796875, 2.582489013671875, -2.912907838821411, -13.636370658874512, -9.268720626831055, -1.2895700931549072, 5.9215087890625, 10.141876220703125, 14.5074462890625, 8.0888671875, 10.658294677734375, 1.641845703125, -9.026542663574219, -12.602285385131836, -8.076216697692871, -1.0343533754348755, 5.8543701171875, 10.017547607421875, 11.601776123046875, 10.478240966796875, 6.43865966796875, -3.9757165908813477, -13.93315315246582, -9.058341026306152, -1.778041958808899, 5.831817626953125, 10.149810791015625, 14.25115966796875, 9.01300048828125, 10.1058349609375, 0.716949462890625, -9.9419527053833, -12.082487106323242, -6.555356502532959, 1.6611328125, 7.2469482421875, 11.4212646484375, 10.739898681640625, 11.4210205078125, 5.0433349609375, -5.745434284210205, -13.855917930603027, -8.55447769165039, -1.8724453449249268, 5.28717041015625, 9.59869384765625, 13.725799560546875, 10.020050048828125, 8.401153564453125, -2.1332364082336426, -12.567564010620117, -10.058292388916016, -3.659806966781616, 3.958099365234375, 8.652496337890625, 12.789398193359375, 9.14178466796875, 12.7357177734375, 3.991180419921875, -6.791440010070801, -13.430326461791992, -8.23849868774414, -1.6071306467056274, 5.42755126953125, 9.703582763671875, 13.758575439453125, 8.420867919921875, 10.975372314453125, 1.83953857421875, -8.754253387451172, -12.383949279785156, -7.6278581619262695, 0.800567626953125, 6.910308837890625, 11.0054931640625, 11.644683837890625], "pitch_input": [0.17787615954875946, 0.1223529800772667, 0.13236893713474274, 0.16981135308742523, 0.354541152715683, 0.7611978650093079, -0.3872259855270386, 0.00716315908357501, 0.8509212136268616, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.29780295491218567, 0.007332563400268555, 0.17037580907344818, 0.20265483856201172, -0.3875111937522888, -0.661490261554718, 0.370773583650589, -0.17429150640964508, -0.6180631518363953, -0.2758972942829132, -0.16913367807865143, 0.5689898133277893, -0.18809732794761658, -0.5885653495788574, -0.8432124853134155, -0.92157381772995, -0.1691918820142746, 0.5779373049736023, 1.0, 0.15416720509529114, -0.46242770552635193, -0.8070858120918274, -0.6553367376327515, 0.03652910143136978, 0.6507585644721985, 0.8153135776519775, 1.0, 1.0, 0.19425097107887268, 0.5373457670211792, -0.04399773105978966, -0.45965009927749634, -0.42998242378234863, 0.18812893331050873, 0.24788369238376617, 0.8904986381530762, 1.0, 1.0, 0.964272677898407, 0.537842333316803, -0.18773643672466278, 0.4533553123474121, -0.18544481694698334, -0.6362828612327576, -0.18572202324867249, 0.27368173003196716, 0.7728931307792664, 1.0, 1.0, 0.805422842502594, 0.7678675651550293, 0.005136121064424515, -0.41828012466430664, 0.4772469699382782, -0.19318465888500214, -0.62053382396698, -0.1392044574022293, 0.3640243113040924, 0.8204629421234131, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9604514241218567, 0.6671255230903625, -0.04946555942296982, 0.44695237278938293, -0.3640337586402893, -0.7466857433319092, -0.09077753126621246, 0.22098864614963531, 0.8483641743659973, 1.0, 1.0, 0.18553921580314636, 0.5244823694229126, -0.2698501646518707, -0.5008251667022705, -0.48097729682922363, 0.0894329696893692, 0.7792697548866272, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.21120797097682953, 0.34984302520751953, -0.35359466075897217, -0.7525511384010315, -0.18461228907108307, 0.28848037123680115, 0.7757835388183594, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7926142811775208, 0.7304849028587341, 0.044087622314691544, -0.5181852579116821, -0.45385509729385376, 0.15913446247577667, 0.7318512797355652, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3547183871269226, 0.06823227554559708, 0.19902010262012482, -0.377861350774765, -0.7729614973068237, -0.06202376261353493, 0.1853419691324234, 0.9026492834091187, 1.0, 1.0, 0.28085023164749146, 0.5679713487625122, -0.19283457100391388, -0.643494188785553, -0.5719586610794067, 0.10744225978851318, 0.6814461946487427, 1.0, 1.0, 0.38535821437835693, 0.3427319824695587, 0.0008999269921332598, -0.4797249436378479, -0.7276068329811096, -0.04080676659941673, 0.6247774958610535, 0.9780075550079346, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2002120316028595, 0.05516251176595688, -0.22303666174411774, -0.652823269367218, -0.543681263923645, 0.03396162390708923, 0.6972270607948303, 1.0, 1.0, 0.43890300393104553, 0.9810880422592163, 0.5821564197540283, -0.3303062617778778, -0.7158969044685364, -0.13788296282291412, 0.45664292573928833, 0.8652099967002869, 1.0, 1.0, 0.608807384967804]} f1 = plt.figure() f2 = plt.figure() ax1 = f1.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(flight_data['altitude'], label="Actual AMSL") ax1.plot([500 for i in range(len(flight_data['altitude']))], label="Requested rAMSL") ax1.set_title("Altitude During Flight") ax1.set_ylabel("AMSL") ax1.set_xlabel("Mission Time Seconds") ax1.legend() ax2 = f2.add_subplot(111) ax2.plot(flight_data['pitch'], label="Pitch degrees") ax2.plot(flight_data['pitch_input'], label="Pitch input" ) ax2.set_title("Pitch During Flight") ax2.set_ylabel("Input Pitch (DEG)") ax2.set_xlabel("Mission Time Seconds") ax2.legend() plt.show()
  3. In the KSP parts Tool there is a readme, it touches on using the scripts and tools. Read that first. To save the config, select the internal view from the hierarchical menu on the left of the screen. Then on the right you will see an option to "save to config." Doing this will over-write the original config, create a backup.
  4. These are the two I have been working on, I love the B9 MK2 cockpit, but it's difficult to get around in there and I am not very good with the Unity interface. Both aren't done yet, but the MK1 is coming along nicely.
  5. Firstly Benache, thanks for taking your time to put this together, I've been looking for something like this for a while, and I really like the volume of data to be honest. It's far easier truncating or expunging the data than not having it if you wanted it. Would it be possible to maybe get a cfg file we could comment/uncomment required fields? I did have a question regarding some of these numbers, obviously the game is returning integers, and most can be extrapolated (example, acceleration.x,y,z was not immediately clear, but the velocity magnitude numbers were too high to be measured in G's) are the returns documented anywhere? Again thank you for the mod, getting some experience graphing.
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