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Everything posted by MisterPliskin

  1. yea that 1 took me a minute to find. look in the last pages of the part tools thread for some1 posting a link.
  2. That looks great, and I like that its 400 tris less than the other, but 800 i feel is still a little on the high side for an object that going to be so small. Definitely not a bad piece, but i would look at something more in the 400 range, kick those cylinders down to 12-18 segments instead of what you got and you could half the tris, a little bit of texturing goes a long way... I may be able to help you a little bit with a few textures, but i can't guarantee you a lot of time, as with my own mods, sometimes there really isnt enough time in the day. Keep workin at it though, there can never be enough stuff for KSP!!! and I do have to say an EVA kit would be a great addition to the game. Almost feels worthy enough of a special career node:) Come to think of it, I use 3ds max now(loveit), but in sketchup, i didnt even know how to make low poly objects. Mostly because you add 3 objects, start movin stuff, all the sudden, wow 1000 tris in 2 mins? I would say I could throw a couple models your way, but nobody gets my model time again, search the forums around for Unity related info and start reading, once you get it and file architecture its really a cakewalk, but its also the standard for getting things to work right in KSP. heres a couple informative links any1 that wants to model should watch: This is heavily on modeling in 3ds max, but less than 3/4s thru it, he hops into unity, and if you follow it to a T, your part will be in KSP, textures and all. I don't know about EVA stuff so i couldnt point you any further. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorials The WIKI. Self Explanatory, while being a lil out-dated... Might have to add a few things so I dont forget...
  3. sketchup is terrible im sorry to tell you, i used to use it for the longest time(cuz its free, or was?), and dont get me wrong, you can pull some great geometry out of it, but it is all around a hard program to be fantastic with. (there is an extensive database of terrible models on their model site) also, you need to download a .dae exporter for sketchup, or find some way to convert your file to .dae, along with downloading unity to get ur models in game. I just wanted to chime in because i am working a rather large project, Modeling, texturing, and everything else minus writing the mods i am currently using, building a line of modular rovers using the cleverbobcat plugin, though i havent asked any form of permission yet, im still not close enough to a release as i still need to re-model 4 more bodies and 2 more carts. even if i dont get permission, at least i will have some awesome rovers of my own I'm
  4. Hi everyone! My name is MisterPliskin and I will be TwoBit Productions when i finally get my models working... I have been kerballin for around 9 months now, but for the past two SOLID weeks i've been modeling Rover bodies, vehicular construction equipment, and small radial attachments. I Mainly use 3ds Max for modeling, Unity with PartTools .20 to get my models and textures in-game, and gimp for my textures. I am able to model, texture (with solid colors for now...), and get basic parts into the game and be usable no problems... but when i start throwing other plugins in the mix, things start going haywire. Mainly the Cart Mod. I started out just seeing if i could import the base copy of 'Truck' from Tosh's Cart mod into unity, Make a really shiny version, and get it to work in-game. I get the model and textures exported to the game just fine, they show up fine in unity, copy just fine to my folder, but in game there is no textures, node_collider always renders, as well as the anchors, and i do get movement out of the wheels but only in reverse when i press forward, and steering turns into toe in/out. I've searched thru the forums, about anything cart mod I can find, though there isnt alot because of the wipe and the mod died:confused:, but if someone can help me better understand this mod, I may just start supporting it, as my goal is to make a diverse array of Rovers (Almost) any pictures can be provided, and any help would be appreciated.
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