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Everything posted by britishkid223

  1. Hi, I've decided to recreate some photos from Apollo 11 (and possibly other missions), but I was wondering where the best place on the mun is to recreate the environment (the sea of tranquility). Also is there a mod for reflective visors on EVA suits? Cheers
  2. When I load ships (mainly my space station) either from another ship or the tracking station sometimes when it loads, the ship will rip apart for no reason. I don't know how to fix the issue and I'm quite annoyed at it as I accidentally pressed the save button when it happened and now I can't get my space station back. (I do use mods)
  3. I was watching the build fly dream mod trailer and was wondering what mods were used for the space station around eve and and Mun base at the end?
  4. Hi, I was wondering If there is any mods that would be good for long missions to planets like Jool. I can do missions up to Minimus really well and my rockets and craft work perfectly and I can send rovers to other planets with ease. But for manned missions to other planets I get problems with size and fuel efficiency/capacity. So is there any mods that would be useful?
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