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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. My speed with the Mini Flyer Speed Edition. It wasn't even meant to be in this challenge! Although there is Oxidizer in the resources tab, I used tweakables to get rid of it from the FL-T200 (or something like that) Stock, by the way. It's unmanned, no mods. I can post the craft file if you like.
  2. I have argued many times that minmus is real, and put the KSP planets on my science test
  3. You know you play too much KSP when you think you see Minmus in the sky, and don't realize that its not real until after a heated argument with a friend.
  4. He's at my Mun Station waiting to go down to the surface. But in my old game, he's stuck on Eve because we didn't plan for a journey home.
  5. 12, played for 6 months. Started in .20. I would say I'm a n00b, but I'm actually petty good.
  6. The Mini Racer. Drives quite nicely after disabling the rear wheel steering. Has the thermometer, barometer, gravioli detector, and accelerometer. Has no control without a driver in it. Next to my Duna base and the inferior Soul and Possibility twin rovers
  7. You don't go to Moho when you die, you die when you go to Moho
  8. In fact, an entire kerbal mythology is building up with the premise that if you are a good kerbal in life, you go to Moho when you die.
  9. Is there any option to skip the tech tree? It might annoy some experienced players if they had to start with basic parts.
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