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Everything posted by MisterFister

  1. Any word on a version update for v1.0.4? I load through CKAN, and this mod displays a version mismatch. I may or may not be throwing errors as well (I'm troubleshooting a new and VERY LONG modlist in Linux64, but this error message is right up front. Log files or screenies available on request.
  2. This looks like an intriguing mod for my upcoming career mode. I'm curious though, is this an easy mode mod that will break the difficulty curve for early career progression? Or is this tech-tree integrated so that I have to unlock it, and possibly even have a qualified Pilot at the controls? (In other words, could this be used as a mod not to break the game, but to actually make the Pilots "work" the way they're supposed to once they're veteran-status? Possibly integration with FinalFrontier?)
  3. Is there any way for the user to modify the Linux GUI? I'm running in Ubuntu 15.04 at 1920/1200 resolution, and the GUI text is pretty small and difficult to read, especially as compared to my Windows version. (I run a dual boot system, and in Windows I can set a global setting to display all fonts at 150%, which I'm used to. Is there just a Linux setting that I haven't found yet?) Otherwise, awesome utility you got here!
  4. Hey folks, awesome mod. Question -- is there a way with this mod to prevent viewing other planets in the mapview until after they've been "discovered" with a telescope? Some way to prevent KAC from "knowing" of any transfer windows until after a planet has been discovered? Something to force me to launch a telescope and view, for example, Duna, before any probe / kerballed missions to Duna become possible? For that matter, could we come up with some reasons to place telescopes in orbit of the other planets, or low Kerbolar (solar) orbit? Perhaps in conjunction with an extra-planets mod that involves other stars to go visit, necessitating placing a telescope out beyond Eeloo first? Is there already a way to "kinda" do some of this in conjunction with other mods?
  5. I see the DMagic Orbital Science mod at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64972, to what other mod were you referring about fuel science? Sounds interesting.
  6. So there's a separate waste container. That was my question, thanks.
  7. Running TACLS with no problems, but there seems to be a feature change. Apparently, the LS containers don't also have slots for corresponding waste? Only pods / habitable modules do. Is this a feature, or a bug? Awesome mod, though! Wouldn't use any other LS mod out there.
  8. This is why it's often a good idea to wait for updated mods when new versions of the game come out. Since a LOT of under-the-hood changes were implemented for 1.0, including resource usage (and eurekas and kibbal and other things used by this mod are treated by the game as resources) I'm not surprised this is happening.
  9. I'm playing hardcore career, and as such, haven't yet made it out of LKO with about ~45 hours in just since 1.0 release. (I also have several hundred hours from prior to release, as I started back in 0.18.) My instinct is that you'll need some sort of airfoil lifter design, likely with aerospikes unless you can manage a different engine from a mod (either a kethane jet engine that doesn't need oxygen, or some super-high-impulse nuclear engine similar to what Scott Manley used a few months ago in 0.25's ISQ.) I make the suggestions that I do because the two primary problems with an Eve return are the atmospheric density, especially at ASL, and the high gravity. With a wing-lifter design, you can use those in your favor with a TWR <1.2 (Eve is 1.2g, iirc).
  10. Consider this mod followed! I surfed here from the DangIt page, which is one of the few mods I'm still eagerly awaiting to implement into 1.0.2! I look forward to trying this one out when it's updated.
  11. Easy there, hoss. Many mod authors are on the QA and experimentals teams, which means they have advance copies of new versions of the game to troubleshoot against. Also, frankly, my understanding of the inner workings of this mod lead me to believe that RemoteTech2 happens to be a rather involved and convoluted mod from a programming standpoint. It'll be ready when it's ready.
  12. I was thinking to start a new career in 1.0 with remote tech, scansat, something to build stations, and some life support mod. Plus stuff like smart parts and some more quality of life mods. It doesnt really matter if the mods are not yet 1.0 ready. I can wait I meant to ask sooner, what do you mean by "quality of life mods?" I personally follow hundreds of mods, so I can think of a few examples, I'm curious what you were referring to. You mean like Chatterer, Scatterer, EVE, PreciseNode, etc.?
  13. Respectfully to both you and the mod author, I'm asking if this mod is known to be compatible. An incompatible mod can throw hundreds of thousands of silent error flags behind the scenes without the average user knowing about it, and the error-log-spam file does have an upper size limit. When that log hits the maximum size, the game crashes. I'm not being snarky, I'm replying in the spirit of information -- "works fine for me" does not address my question. Thanks, though.
  14. Ha. Flowerchild, the developer of BTSM and Better Than Wolves specifically and intentionally makes his mods interact poorly with other mods. Kind of his thing. For the record, I admire him for it. It's insurance on his creative vision, I think.
  15. Question borne of my ignorance here: The OP changelog spoiler tag references that this is v11.6. The OP title indicates v11.0rc6. Are these the same thing? (I'm thrown by the "0rc" portion.) Also, this is listed as a dev build. All I've ever known about what that means is that I'd be doing the developer a favor not to put much faith into it, but on the brightside a release version might be soon to come. I see the info, I just don't know what it means. Apologies.
  16. Hey there. Went to KerbalStuff for this, and the little notification bar warns me that this mod isn't known to function with "latest version" of KSP, which as of yesterday was 1.0.2. This changelog I excerpted above from April 29 / 30 specifies 1.0. I'm not even sure I understand what 1.0.2 was supposed to address, but from other forum conversations, apparently it changed a lot, especially in terms of spaceplane design(?) which is my primary use for the NRAP. Any advice? Otherwise, getting back in the saddle with 1.0 HYPE and I always loved this mod!
  17. This mod is absolutely essential for career saves where the player wants to emphasize spaceplanes instead of rockets -- especially for live payload returns to KSC. Sure, launching from the SPH you can strap and strut to your heart's content, but to secure it in orbit without KAS struts is literally not possible. I even tried a workaround with Infernal Robotics using pistons as pressure grabbers to hold it still within the payload bay for reentry -- nope.
  18. Posting excerpts of log files are almost guaranteed to not be enough info to go on. The true culprit can be thousands of lines away, and this error could instead merely be a symptom. Post a link to your complete log file.
  19. I knew this, and am always saddened by reminders. (I did say "reduce," not "eliminate," though... but yeah, you're right.)
  20. Holy crap, I feel silly. Upon reading this, I looked in my folder where I store downloaded mod zipfiles, and yes indeed, there was a DOE patch for CactEye. I deleted and reinstalled CactEye without the patch. If this eliminates the problem, I'll delete CactEye and run DOE for a while, and then if that works, I'll reinstall CactEye and run them both without the patch. While also keeping an eye out for new versions of either. Thanks man! (Seriously, that was boneheaded of me!)
  21. I need some help interpreting my own error log here. I keep crashing to desktop, sometimes after a few minutes, sometimes after longer. This implies to me that there's some kind of NRE overflow action going on. In previous attempts to interpret my error log, I saw lots and lots and lots of "DistantObject" FileNotFoundException errors. I then deleted the DistantObject folder inside GameData. But the crashes continue. Can someone help me even understand which mod is causing this, since I've uninstalled DOE? Thanks. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rb4q8vxjh9ioxte/output_log.txt?dl=0
  22. Yeah, this contract is pegged to surfaceV, not orbitalV. So there's that.
  23. Some modders don't like giving ETA's, since they might not want to disappoint people by being late.Agreed on the second point, but Mr. Soup has something of a point. Perhaps noting in the OP, hopefully with a dated notation, that the version-break is a known issue and that a new version is being considered. No need to even reference an ETA, or in the alternative, the notation can expressly disavow an ETA. Not that a beleaguered and overworked modder owes users any explanation (I, too, am knee-deep in finals for school right now, ARG KSP!!!) but having it there at the top of the thread does reduce the whine-spam posts.
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