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Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Just paste the link in plain text, i can just select it and copy it to the bloody URL bar like i normally would with links anyways (i dont trust those clicky ones so i avoid em unless i have no other option). And yeah, squad banned mediafire (not that i care myself as i still use it, just forum will not make clickable links (you need to paste it in plain text). Edited 1 minute ago by panzer1b You can't--anything that looks like an address with "mediafire" in it (even in a code block) is auto-removed. Just append download/28tg50yhkql3jwl/Lachrymeum_Class_Gunship_Mk_III.craft onto the end... -
Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Noted--it seems to not like mediafire addresses? Trying again... -
Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
I'm going to submit one of my own (albeit old and recently recovered--thanks Script for the tip) ships for weapons testing, because I make my armor rather differently from the rest of you, it seems, and I want to know better how it holds up in 1.1 (I can never must the malice necessary to attempt to destroy my own ships properly, alas). This is one of my old gunships, ~50 tons, 460 parts: See below... -
Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
I know I posted about this before, but does anyone know of a way to recover craft files from a persist containing them? There used to be a tool to do so, but it is broken as of 1.0+. I ask because my computer perished horribly a few months ago, and with it my entire fleet (I know, back up files, blah blah blah); however, I still have the persists in cloud-storage, and it would be nice not to have to rebuild entirely from scratch (although this might be advisable with 1.0+ anyway). In any event, nice to see some new blood in these threads... -
Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Well, that's terrifying. -
AntiMatter Engine on Kickstarter (LOLWUT)
Three1415 replied to YumonStudios's topic in Science & Spaceflight
It's not really a lightsail; they are using a different and more specialized design, albeit one that works on similar principles (the original paper is here), so although it will technically ablate the lightsail over time, that's actually intended. With regards to the impracticality of producing large quantities of antimatter, it's not so much physically unachievable so much as beyond our current technology. If we could find a good way to contain the antimatter, and make something better at producing it than our current accelerators (they are highly inefficient at it), then a device attached to a 1 Gigawatt power plant could produce more than 100 grams/year--still very small, but not 10-20 grams small. -
The problem with your mass-production idea is that there simply isn't enough demand to justify the infrastructure necessary to benefit from economies of scale. I doubt there are more than 100 or so launches a year, and those represent a very wide variety of payloads with very different needs rocket-wise. As such, companies like SpaceX are focusing on reducing the costs of launches on a per-unit basis instead, which at this point is much more effective. Add on to that the fact that even a Big Dumb Booster is mind-numbingly complex--real-life rocketry is far harder than what you see in KSP (even with RSS and RO), requires extensive testing and quality control, etc., to the point where the "Five guys and a rocket" will probably never be possible--and this means that simple industrial-style production might never be viable.
Possible to Save Ship from Persistence File?
Three1415 replied to inigma's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
I hate to necro this thread, but I see no better option...Does anyone have a version of this tool that works in 1.0.5? Whenever I try to use it now, it throws a "MissingMethodException: Method not found: ConfigNode.SetValue" error (I assume this was broken in the 1.0 update). Thanks in advance. -
Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Hello again, all. I was thinking of returning for 1.1, but what with even further nerfs (albeit unintentional ones) to armor, the return of NaNing, and the like, it seems little better, despite framerate improvements. Also, I have to deal with the loss of all of my ships (computer perished horribly, designs are gone) unless there is some method of recovering designs directly from a persist (still have those). As for quasar's discovery, this is a quirk related to how KSP does collision physics, which is far from realistic; it compares the impact tolerance, impact angle, and the mass of the colliding parts, and thus the Cargo Bay is superb primary because of the latter. The same goes for missiles; panzer probably still has his heavy tirepedoes lying around, which were banned due to their extraordinary and uncounterable damage potential. -
Excellent, easily understandable discussion on this topic: http://waitbutwhy.com/2015/01/artificial-intelligence-revolution-1.html I highly recommend everyone here read that series, as it is extremely informative and disambiguates a lot of potential sources of confusion on the topic. Its general gist is that AI is almost assuredly one day going to be far more intelligent, and thus far more powerful, than humanity, and that this transition holds great promise as well as great danger. My opinions (as well as those presented in the above article) concur with AngelLestat's assessment: It is going to be very difficult to ensure that an A.I. actually does what we expect, as humans are biased towards anthropomorphizing anything with human or superhuman intelligence, when more likely A.I. will simply be amoral, and utterly unlike humans. After much thought on this matter, my conclusion was that the only way to ensure our success here is to implement strict safeguards requiring human input on all actions undertaken by the A.I, as well as to give it a directive to not only improve its own intelligence generally but also to further its understanding of humans and their desires. If the majority of humans had their minds "linked" and available for data output to this superintelligent A.I., and it could only act on directives approved by some substantial percentage of the human race (we would not necessarily be required to give input directly; it could likely just scan our memories, personalities, and general experiences and extrapolate a conclusion as to what each of us individually would prefer), then it would essentially be the effector of the will of the human race as a whole, which would presumably be generally altruistic (negative actions will harm part of the constituency by definition, and as such will be selected against) and would thus ensure that the A.I. maintained positive, human-oriented morals. Personally, I think this may unfortunately be impractical, but I believe that such a scheme would be the best way of ensuring that the A.I. will remain our faithful servant, rather than, by accident or intent, annihilating us.
Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
@AlexanderTeaH: I accept your challenge; these are the ships I am deploying: 1 x Dynastinae Class Bomber Mk III, the C3V Linnaeus, at 31.27 tons 2 x Lachrymeum Class Gunship Mk II Heavy's, the C3V Descartes and the C3V Fresnel, at 50.45 tons each 1 x Induction Class Battlecruiser Mk I, the C3V Tesla, at 165.95 tons Total Force Deployment: 4 ships, 298.12 tons Here is the persist: Persist Your move... -
Naval Battle League 2016-2018
Three1415 replied to Spartwo's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
New thread, hooray... Anyway, although my time is admittedly quite limited, anyone up for a battle in the near future? It would be good to have one after such a long hiatus, and my newest generation of warships is almost complete (yes, they still have insane part counts ). For the specific parameters, I was thinking 5 ships, 300 tons, around Dres. -
Space Warships : What if bigger ships are faster?
Three1415 replied to SomeGuy123's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Personally, I highly doubt that larger vessels will participate to any great extent in combat. With regards to the "bigger ships are faster" hypothesis, the square-cube law strikes again: Engine apertures (e.g, where the thrust itself is admitted) may only grow as the square of their scaling, while the engine's mass and volume will grow as the cube. While this may be offset by superior propulsion mechanisms, it will significantly diminish the advantage thereby generated. Another square-cube factor to consider is the matter of heat dissipation; as ships grow larger, their surface-area-to-volume ratio necessarily diminishes, meaning that they will require enormous (and vulnerable) radiators to rid themselves of it. This also means it is likely that any high-energy weapons will be single-use only; it is much easier to have a disposable weapons system and make heat concerns irrelevant than it is to cool a megawatt laser or something similar, where even small conversion inefficiencies will compound the problem of heat generation. The above biases combat potential further towards fighters and smallcraft designs; they are better suited to both dissipate weapon heat and to fire disposable missiles or other weapons to that effect. An additional problem is that, at the end of the day, larger ships are just better targets. Say a capital ship is x times larger than a fighter; then to dodge a weapon it must move a distance greater by that same factor, which, assuming both are capable of the same acceleration, means a x^1/2 longer (technically x^2/4, assuming the weapon is aimed at the center) dodge time. If you assume capital ships have proportionally thicker armor to "tank" these kinds of unavoidable hits, then they will be very slow indeed, and thus it will be only a matter of time before weapon fire grows sufficient to completely obliterate it. As made apparent by the Naval Battle Club threads, armor is largely ineffective against even kinetic energy weapons, much less nuclear-tipped weapons; what are you going to do against a tungsten rod capped with a 30 megaton warhead moving at 5 km/s? The final nail in the coffin is Lancaster's Law, which states that for ranged combat an n^2 increase in quality (e.g, armor, weapons, etc.) is proportional to only an n increase in number of opponents, and thus it will be vastly more effective to have a swarm of small ships than several big ones. As such, there is no real reason to utilize large vessels outside of carrier craft, and as previously pointed out anyway, even fighters may be redundant with respect to potent drone-missiles. Beyond this, all interstellar combat will likely be MAD (mutually assured destruction); building a world-burning laser with interstellar range is probably more practical than amassing a large fleet, because once fired there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it, and thus one can be assured that one's opponent will be obliterated in fairly short order. Simpler, if less effective, is to just construct a nuclear weapon of extraordinary power and ram it into a planet at relativistic speeds; this, too, is nearly impossible to defend against, and will likewise obliterate all life on that body. In short, capital ships are definitely impractical, and fighters possibly so; but it is more likely than anything that combat in space will simply not happen at all. -
Truly, an outstanding performance by SpaceX. All systems nominal!
THEY DID IT! HAHAHAHA! Brilliant! First stage is back!