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Everything posted by Lundmunchkins

  1. I would die. What if mud never existed?
  2. Banned because people like Sun will get angry because they think we will end the world.
  3. The world would explode. What if Justin Bieber was elected president?
  4. The Earth will blow up. Ponies.
  5. Every whovian DIES. What if KSP was sold to Disney, and had a terrible TV show made out of it?
  6. Banned for wanting me to know your location.
  7. Banned for changing your avatar to ANOTHER Fallout: Equestria character (Isn't she one of the characters from the original Fallout: Equestria?).
  8. Banned for pink yellow maned unicorn filly.
  9. Kerbals. What if I was the only Time Lord left in the universe?
  10. Everyone dies. What if Twilight was the most famous movie in the world?
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