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Everything posted by nianor

  2. ERHMAGAWD!! Is this from one of your mods, or is it a render, or is it from another mod?
  3. Any possibility of a nameplate feature? Something that displays the name of the craft as a physical part? So we could name our frigate, say, "Mother of invention?"
  4. You said there would be variations? Maybe an in-atmos variation? Also a collaboration with green skull industries for themed suits?
  5. So if it has landing legs, that means VTOL!
  6. This needs a whole thread of its own! Dude, this is amazing!
  7. Thank you for listening. So many modders are so distant, so unreachable.
  8. My bad, then. But even so... it even looks like Sovereign! Sorry. Little bit of a flip-out. All done now. Regardless, keep up the good work!!
  9. Sovereign!! All the references... The swarm need to say "We are legion" at some point! :D
  10. You should do a "badass soldier/merc" set. For the people who do military KSP. Space suits with scratched metal, faded paint that used to signify alliances, etc. Kinda gritty, Starcraft II/Boba Fett theme. Sorry if this has already been suggested, I don't have a spontaneous burst of patience to let me go through 23 pages of text. Sorry.
  11. Yes! Previously all I could do was fancy switching to let me shoot myself down! (Oh, the strange minds of military KSP players.)
  12. Yes! I want to be on this server! I specialize in chaotic military creations!
  13. 123nick, I love your sig and feel much the same way about basically everything.
  14. Those look like GN particles, so probably Gundams. A mod that added in GN drives would be awesome.
  15. LOVE the progress. Keep it coming! The screenshots give me something to freak about.
  16. To defend with a craft that is in space, equip the targeted craft with a crapton of tiny SRBs with EVA seats and some sort of high power explosive on them. When the SWARM attacks, fire them all. It will appear, to their targeting scanners, like the ship turned into a small armada of ships. It will be nigh-impossible to pick out the right craft. And it also will destroy the SWARM ship if it picks the wrong one. To defend from the ground, if the SWARM have docking ports, dock a massive areobrake to them, or if you have KAS, attach it to their ship directly. If they enter the atmosphere, they will have a hard time gaining enough speed. They will also no longer have their thrusters aligned with the center of mass, and therefore lose control. If you need more practical solutions, respond.
  17. Do you want to protect a certain area? Is it a mobile base we are defending? I would prefer more info.
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