Hello Guys Original I want a little nice drogue-parachute that can be mounted radial. Because I didn't find an existing part, I decide to try make my own one. How hard can modding be anyway? To start, I copy the Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute and change the values in the part.cfg. I thought for a first step this should be ok, after that I could change texture. But then I realised the chute opens at a high of 2500 m as configurated, but seems to have drag like a normal Mk2-R. I googled a bit and found that (at the moment?) the drag of a parachute is calculated 'mass x drag coefficent'. My first question is how to modify the drag coefficent to get a behaviour like a drogue chute? Secondly after the update I want to play with Ferram Aerospace Research (again). What should I consider that FAR calculates my chute correctly? The aerodynamics of FAR are really great, are there any plans to integrate this in the vanilla game? Greetings Voidi