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Posts posted by ping111

  1. I\'ve always crazy trains of thought:

    For example, I\'ll read a sign for Victoria\'s Secret, I have a cousin named Victoria, she lives in California, in 'End of ze World' Cali breaks off from US 'To go hang with Hawaii', then I remember Lilo and Stitch, and I\'ll ask if that show still airs.

    So, I was looking up Minecraft shit, I found a Minecraft Space Shuttle, then related to that was a Lego one. Related to that was 'Fun with KSP'. Curious, I clicked it, and was enthralled with the hilarity of the crashes. Now, this was pre-1.1, so there was no Mac version. I booted up my old HP touchscreen computer and downloaded. I would play for hours, and filled a clipboard with orbital tables, notes, and rocket sketches. I\'ve been playing since - oh, August \'11.

  2. Salutations!

    In approximately 1 hour\'s time, I will arrive in my local science store for my birthday gift.

    Being the space-obsessed 12-year-old I am, I immediately set my eyes on the rockets.

    I will keep you posted on my purchases. My goals are to launch by May 14, and for the rocket to reach approximately 230 feet. Please comment on this thread with your good-luck wishes, tips, or anecdotes from your first flight.


  3. Salutations!

    5 minutes ago, my birthday has arrived upon us!

    I am now finally 12.

    Yes, I may not be new, but I see birthdays as a new chance at a clean slate of life.

    Which also means I can finally say:



  4. Yes, most Hebrew-speaking people do not write 'Block' form like this: (Attached, hebrewashuried)

    They write with 'cursive' form: (Also attached, R828)

    And advanced students like myself write with Rashi (Attached, rashimedials)

    So, if the Block is what you see, try Cursive. It\'s far simpler.

  5. Good luck, and despite my multi-linguistic capabilities (read: English, Spanish, French, partial Turkish (took classes, left before completion)), I cannot begin to understand Hebrew. You have it easier and harder, I suppose, as I am a christian and have partaken in quizzing events over our bible (which has 66 books for us protestants). However, we only quiz on a few books at a time. Good luck


    This is only one book, too, but I have been taught about 10 of the books of the old Testament.

    You speak Turkish?

  6. Define Secondary.

    I\'m Conservative as well, but I seem to be a tad on the observant side compared to you.

    Secondary as in doesn\'t Shomer Shabbes or do Grizin (Burial of holy texts) or destroy all the leaven, we just observe Hanukkah and try not to eat bread. We also tend to have a nice meal with kugel and stuff on Fridays.
  7. Exactly. You Conservative or Modern Orthodox?


    Sorry, but I\'m actually quite Secondary.

    I keep no form of Kashrut, nor wear a kippa or tzizis, except on special, ceremonious occasions, like going to synagogue or to a Jewish choir event. However, I am having a large, ceremonious Ashkenazi Bar Mitzvah, which will be religious to a large extent. Imagine how silly this must sound to Gentiles!

  8. By having no life to speak of. :P

    TIS A LIE!

    All you need is to be able to speak Hebrew.

    Then, you listen to the English audio track while reading the Hebrew.


    Seriously, sometimes I brain so much my study hurts.

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