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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. Ea and ubi is the worst.. Microsoft is just bad manager. There is only one company That I can hope about ; CD Projekt Red..
  2. Send all your funds to arge department,Design something awesome.
  3. I dont understand all the things going on but,Is this really that hard to make working cargo bays? I mean people making cargo bays from docking ports
  4. Im using firefox too,but there is no problem on me. (Using nightly build actually.)
  5. Safety? Escape tower?.. I use them,But for braking in my planes..
  6. <iframe src="http://coub.com/embed/360ud?muted=false&autostart=false&originalSize=false&hideTopBar=false&startWithHD=false" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" width="640" height="358"></iframe> Here is mine..
  7. Interestingly they worked on this plane,Half of the fuel left when I get into orbit.
  8. They are the developers,I just have respect for their choice,I cant complain.
  9. I hope you guys are not offended because of some user's complain about cinematics
  10. Well,Once in a time,I was using Mechjeb for this,It is automatically adjusting thrust to incoming air,and prevents flameout..
  11. Everything is fine,I just didnt get the "less drag,more fuel effiency" thing. Why they can be changed with strategy,Not with the hardware.
  12. Made this ssto,Wasnt expecting to work at all but,Worked perfectly.
  13. Is this real hypetrain thread? And isnt it bit early to hype?
  14. I made this today,Actually I was just trying to make experimental designs,I knew that angled engines would costs me thrust,And rapiers would waste too much fuel. But at the end of the day,I get into the orbit with plenty of fuel. I am Surprised.
  15. Not the prettiest thing I have ever build but,Probably most reliable and useful ground vehicle, This thing can climb up to 80 degree mountains,Can go fast as 60ms with rover wheels,And more than that if you open landing gear. Jet engine is for helping to climb or gaining more speed. Aaaand,Yes. It can Fly. It has stable flying style,easy to use, hard to land,but not impossible. I managed to land several times but It also has built in parachutes,So landing wont be a problem.
  16. Actually thanks,I should try to build new propeller engines now.
  17. I dunno,maybe they were watching southpark and liked kyle's little brother.
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