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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. I havent able to manage it but,I believe I can do it with mechjeb..
  2. I really dont recommend thinkpad series,yes they are solid but,not really fast. But ideapad series are better for performance and multimedia works. Dont care brands much,I recommend i5 and higher cpu,gt630m or better gpu and 6gb ram or better. Also ksp doesnt use cpu effectively so,higher clock rates are better.
  3. I dont know,looks like we need to guess where will it come.. Anyway I will put a craft to polar orbit too.
  4. I always liked this design,kinda weird but I really like it,wish it was more stable.. ;
  5. Im going to build a plane with large wing and multiply ion engine..
  6. How much time between arm and 0.24 will be?
  7. Lot of people plays this game because of fun factor. for example;Me, I love when my kerbals go to space and smile all the way,if there was no kerbal,I dont think my first moon landing would be exciting that much. Also Im no math genius,and I dont want to make tons of calculations when I play ksp. Please dont be selfish,some wants simulation,some wants arcade, Ksp is just ok right now..
  8. Im not going to say bad or good thing about new parts,I'll just wait until they come ^^
  9. Mechjeb is great thing,but I still prefer manuel controls over mechjeb,It is just not thinking way I think.
  10. I dont know if this count as fan art,but I made this coub ; http://coub.com/view/101kf sorry,I couldnt embed the video..
  11. I dont know how to use docking mode either,I must give a try,other thing is little bit complicated to do.
  12. I build cool looking planes. and I believe Im good at it.
  13. lemfred kerman. I send him to every dangerous mission,Hoping he will fail,but he always succeed.
  14. it is too early to excite,but still good news. also i have nvidia gpu,good news indeed..
  15. The thing I am wondering about; Will we have tools to discover asteroids,something like hubble,or some kind of satellite.
  16. OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod!!!!!!!!.......
  17. I made a new plane for jeb,He really liked it ^^
  18. Nope. I never used mods,Never edited cfg files. I just enjoyed with stock game,Sometimes I got bored,leaved game for a while,then When I get new ideas,returned to game.
  19. I love building planes but,I rarely use them to get into orbit. usually rescue missions.
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