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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. Playing career mode,But I unlocked all items,so its like sandbox. Still Im going on other planets and adding more science,it may be useful one day.
  2. Im playing on my Asus n56vz with i7 3610qm and Gt650m. Playing on 1080p with maximum settings (Except aliasing which is 2x.) up to 100 parts are perfectly fine, around 60fps,when I exceed 300parts goes down to 20-25 fps,When I exceed 500 parts I get around 10-15 fps. Probably problem is Ksp is not using all cores,My cpu has 4 core but slow clock rate(2.2 ghz I guess.) so on single core,Im not getting much performance.
  3. Today I failed,Miserably.. I wanted to transfer crew from one craft to another in sun orbit. I though it would be easy. never been so wrong.. So any advice guys,What should I do to rescue my kerbals in sun orbit? (I was coming back from moho,run out of fuel,stuck into sun orbit. at least crew ship is same angle with kerbin.)
  4. Lot of think I think it would work,But most of them didnt work..
  5. here it is; http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65754-HotRockets!-Particle-FX-Replacement
  6. I believe 64bit support may come sooner than we thought because smartphones are started to use 64bit cpus,I know it just a gimmick but,Things will change. in other hand,I really would like to see kerbals in other games,Or even movies,They are really cute,and have lot of potential..
  7. Got this shot while trying new spaceplane,I love the way they smile ^^
  8. Finally someone fixed the title of post
  9. Its not absurd as asparagus design,But not simple as realistic rockets. I use nosecones almost all the time,I care about my rocket's design.
  10. Well,Not something amazing but,I sent Love satellite into orbit. Didnt stay there much but,Here it is. Actually,We kerbals know no such thing as valentine day.
  11. If you make some researches,You may realize they are actually overpowered.
  12. I dont know,I tried to make shuttle,Couldnt be able to balance. It just not going straight,I limited shuttle's engine's thrust to 55,it falls on West,limited to 56,falls on east. Something like that,I just cant balance it..
  13. After seeing people's craft here,Thats what I think of;
  14. Im really surprised by kraken drive. I dont know how it Works but,Can I make space plane with it?
  15. With 0.23 you can see your craft's empty mass,Right click to tank and remove fuel Also too bad,I didnt save the craft file :/
  16. Open sas,it may help a little. Situation looks bad but I think you can manage to land. Try to land on ship's back,It will slow you down,and always put nose up.
  17. Go for science parts if you ask me. You can even get enough science points on just Kerbin/mun/minmus to unlock everything.
  18. No it wasnt ssto it was dyna-soar style rocket, I made plane in sph as a subassembly,then Put it on a rocket at VAB,Then lift off
  19. When I found ksp,first thing was building a plane. I didnt care abour rockets much at start. Planes are easy for me,I can land,Land on iva,I can make vtol,I even went to mun with one of my planes Wish I was this good at rocket designs.
  20. I always play vanilla game,So there are no reason to build space shuttle for me,Ok I build lot of space planes to transfer crew but,I dont use them to put something into orbit. Because there is no cargobay here.
  21. Today I wanted to try my new short take off assistance,But it was weird. (I forgot to activate decoupler.)
  22. Im pretty excited about new parts. Wish they add new wings too..
  23. No,never. If I made some weird mistakes on my ship,I just revert,No matter how much time wasted on this. Most of the time After Reverting,I close the game because it makes me mad,but its ok..
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