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Everything posted by qromodynmc

  1. Yep,as far I know,Ksp uses single core to calculate physx,so dont trust these benchmarks much,also q series are old but,still have power inside of them
  2. I thought docking was so hard until I realized what should I do,Then dude,really it is not hard..
  3. As an 20y.o economy student,I can say it is for everyone who has interest to space and learning.
  4. I have prototype series called "Weirdo mk" this is one of them
  5. I really cant find a milestone to be expert,for example I was able to go other planets,still I wasnt able to dock. So everyone has different things to focus,but I guess I can say if you can make grand tour,you are pretty good at this game.
  6. I was made little bit of research before,but none of them didnt work really. They needed infinite fuel,also they were exploding like a crazy. Still I save their images,for science..;
  7. Sticking with planes for a while,Im just researching about new styles;
  8. I may think it is little bit underrated but,still in alpha-ish stage,So cant really say anything about its reputation. Still ksp is one of my favourite games,Along with Witcher series
  9. Because of My unlimited powered boosters,Probably like this; <iframe src="http://coub.com/embed/rh54?muted=false&autostart=false&originalSize=false&hideTopBar=false&noSiteButtons=false&startWithHD=false" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>
  10. Yeah dont use much mods,lesser parts; easy to learn. But you can use fasa,he would like it.
  11. more than 3000 I guess,Im not traveling planetary lately,But when I go,I came home with samples.
  12. I made stock ship once,But it didnt work very well,but I never tried to build on latest version,I wont try either,I cant land a plane in low fps
  13. I returned my crews from lythe,I was planning to land on laythe and other moons of jool,But Looks like I havent designed ship very well,Cancelled all landings and came back ^^ I will stick on kerbin for a while.
  14. Naah,I use quick save feature,and I dont think it is a cheat. For example if I go to jool,I want to aerobrake,but something went wrong and my long trip ship crashed into jool. Should I make everything from start? I really cant do that..
  15. f-22 and other planes is so hard to make with stock parts,Wish we could be able to make our own custom fairings for planes,it would be awasome.
  16. Struts.. They are the key of success in this game,but thanks to squad,next update will solve most of wobbling problem. until next update,stick with struts; There is a hell of struts in this plane. (more than 50 I guess.)
  17. I wasnt using ion engine much but,Last days I started to think Ion powered rescue capsule,I will use One probe,two or three seat on it,one fuel tank,one or four ion engine,big solar panel,and parachutes. In case of fuel problem,Im pretty sure ion engine will help me,it is amazingly efficient..
  18. Nope,if you buy game once,it is yours forever. You will get every update.
  19. I believe ksp performance mostly depends on single core clock speed,I mean 5 ghz single core modern cpu would calculate faster than 2 ghz eight core cpu.
  20. We know everyone is so excited about 0.24 but,Really,Have fun with .23,Dont break your fun with unknown updates.
  21. Every part in ksp has own crash tolerance,Some of them 5,10,20ms etc.,So if you want to land your craft into water,you need to go slower than these speeds,The only way to do this; Parachutes. or you can put metal plates under your aircraft,but this would make your plane pretty heavier.
  22. I have this plane for carrying things on kerbin. Inside of it is empty,pretty large area for everything. But I cant say Im using this,I didnt needed it much.
  23. I sent this babe to Eve today,I was scaring it wouldnt fly but,It seems planes fly better on eve than kerbin. just slightly slow. How I sent;
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