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  1. It's unlikely that you'll be able to build a computer that will do all of those things simultaneously. Since KSP runs all of the physics calculations on one core, it would be advantageous to find a CPU that has less cores that are much faster. 8-cores aren't going to do much for you when it comes to KSP but a single very very fast core will net you faster physics calculations which will reduce lag overall in-game, particularly with large ships. This has a limit, obviously -- every computer will have a different max part count before the user starts seeing lag. There's just no way around that. The problem with getting a super-fast single- or dual-core processor to speed up KSP is that all of the other things that you want to have running simultaneously would likely perform better with one of those slightly slower (per-core) 4- or 8-core processors. It will always be a balancing act... Your best bet is finding some middle ground, getting a top-of-the-line 4-core Intel chip will be very expensive and (in my opinion) the 8-core AMD chips are not worth the money right now. (Plus they don't REALLY have 8 cores... but that's another discussion.) As far as mods go, you'll always have the 32-bit ceiling of ~3.3GB of RAM available (changes depending on your OS and other programs running). You could have a whopping 512GB of RAM available in your epic powerhouse of a system that can run BF4, Crysis, and Far Cry on max settings AT THE SAME TIME and still only be able to use about 3GB of RAM for KSP. Someday that may change if the 64-bit version ever becomes more stable but for now, be prepared to limit your mod choices somewhat. With Active Texture Management and texture resolution turned down a bit you can cram a surprising number of mods into 32-bit KSP... Just keep in mind that your visuals will suffer as a result. As far as graphics go, that part is easy. KSP isn't terribly GFX heavy... Sure, with some beautification mods mid-range PCs may stutter occasionally but any modern GFX card should be able to pull it off just fine. On top of it all, KSP just isn't super optimized yet. Over time the game will become more stable and these specifications may change but for now I think this is what we get. DISCLAIMER: Most (if not all) of my knowledge is "hearsay". I could be totally incorrect so take everything with a grain of salt and just do your research.
  2. You shouldn't need a fix with the x86 version. From what people have said KAS works out of the box for x86.
  3. KSPRC is replacing the stock textures with a lot of very high-resolution ones, not to mention the other mods that add clouds and lens flares and all sorts of other special effects. It makes perfect sense that these mods would cause a decrease in FPS.
  4. Well they redid the GUI, that part was in the logs and would explain the text being easier to read. I believe they also said that they optimized the sky or something like that... maybe they said it was planet textures... something was optimized. What I noticed is that timewarp is turning off my SAS. I know warp throttles down to 0 automatically, but I didn't see them mention changes to SAS.
  5. Perhaps if you're the only one looking, but the community found the magic boulder, we'd surely find the hype train sooner or later.
  6. I was always under the impression that the updates released in the late afternoon/early evening (dev's local time). Obviously there's a lot of fluctuation there but that's what I remember from some of the recent updates... who knows. Tomorrow is the 45th (or something) anniversary of something so maybe they're waiting until tomorrow for something.
  7. Not yet, trust me, you'll notice when it happens. This thread will blow up for about 5 minutes and then die while everyone plays it.
  8. I can't say I've been around long, but this seems like one of the larger, more hyped releases. What was the last super big one? 0.19 or something like that?
  9. Debutante by 65daysofstatic (It feels appropriate that the album is called "We Were Exploding Anyway") Also happens to be the song in the trailer for No Man's Sky.
  10. I'm not a modder and I don't know the first thing about how they are made and regulated but usually the more popular mods are rather clear about what KSP version they're for and especially what dependencies they need. If anything, I think modders should adopt the same file structure when zipping up the mods. Some mods have a root folder then Gamedata then the mod folder... some don't have Gamedata in there, some are totally random. For installing a couple mods at a time it's not really a problem, but when you're loading 50 mods into a fresh install and you have to unzip each one individually and properly place them it can be tedious. If every zipped mod had Gamedata/modfolder/modstuff then you could just unpack all 50 at once into the root KSP folder. Not that I really mind, nor would there be any realistic way to enforce it, just a thought that I've had a few times.
  11. I agree with HaoSs, you should set up a dual boot instead of running a VM. I prefer Fedora as well but Ubuntu might have a bit more information available online for getting KSP running smoothly. That and the new Fedora version has quite a few issues (at least it did when I installed it).
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