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Everything posted by bullettMAGNETT

  1. I did search but maybe on the wrong sections :S , btw i didn't want to sound rude so i apologize, thank you for the links Faark! Well thats 1 bird out of the equation! Now, i need to figure out how to change the Explosion sounds and others that don't seem to want to be replaced . if any more lights can be given to ease up my figuring out this puzzle i would appreciated! BTW on me asking if Anybody could answer, well i think it can be considered rude when somebody ask for help and nobody says anything too, but i did ask because i was working into implementing several sounds i just made and had like 2 hours figuring out how to do the thing, searched on google, forums and the wiki. i got desperate! On the other matter at hand, Is there some sort of list with what i could call " Sound Effect Groups" ( = engage / =flameout) ...etc?
  2. Well, the thing is it still doesn't work...for some reason... I made a Folder as if i going to make a new mod, copied the stock part to the folder and worked from there to see if it worked. Basically doing the same as firespitter, but no sound no replacement at all :S this is an example of how the cfg looks on the SFX part on my mod folder: // --- Sound FX definition --- sound_b_vent_start.wav = engage sound_b_rocket_on.wav = running sound_b_vent_soft.wav = disengage sound_b_flameout.wav = flameout The sounds are in their Respective Sounds folder, on my mod Folder. So dont know whats happening there :/ Tried doing it this way still didnt work, very frustrated right now >_< // --- Sound FX definition --- sound_b_vent_start = engage sound_b_rocket_on = running sound_b_vent_soft = disengage sound_b_flameout = flameout any help?
  3. A.R.P.(Audio Replacement Project) v1.0 by bullettMAGNETT Completely Synthesized Rocket Sounds - 30 Unique Sounds Made from scratch - Work in Progress ( Official Name btw, sounds cool eh ) 9/12/15 Important Update!! Great news today! Finally ARP will be able to be released again for KSP 1.0.5 and all thanks to one amazing plugin my friend ensou04 called DynamicSFX Mod (currently in alpha), he is doing one amazing code work making this thing, show your support to him and don't forget to visit his thread Ill be working on the adjusting my sounds to work with the new concept, and ill have to created new ones for other things he is implementing, so it wont be an immediatly released, and well i have to wait for him to authorize a release that contains his mod So in the time being, testing sounds, making sounds and tweaking sounds while the code is developed. There are new engines in 1.0.5 and those will be added too. Currently im planning on either making a new Thread for the new ARP project So that is cleaner and organized only on the things that matter. More updates shall come soon. Thanks ensou04 once again for the great work ///////////////////////////////// 08/12/2015 ARP Project for KSP v.1 is on hold. Lack of time and experience to code a proper dll to make this thing work without replacing original files. 04/27/2015 News Help Needed The Flu Strikes AGAIN! been with it 2 day after i posted the text below. now i'm feeling a lot better so hopefully i can get back to figuring this thing out. I will try to find a way of not replacing stock files. So i guess .dll or MM or any other way will be the only way to do it)Ok everyone, so far its been a struggle to get the sounds work with the mods that override the cfg, my coding skills on that respect are not great. With the new KSP 1.0 , i think it's time to give it a go once again, rework all the cfg and see how it goes with the new format. I am currently with someone else who got coding skills trying to make this thing work for all. KSP sound implementation its a bit weird, and i don't know how it works in the new KSP v1.0 but this weekend ill be spending quite a bit of time trying to make it work to at least release a Vanilla Edition of ARP ( NO .dll or module manager) News sounds for new engines if they need and so forth. Thank you all for the support and Happy Gaming IN NEED OF HELP! TO MAKE A.R.P COMPATIBLE WITH HOT ROCKETS. AS HOT ROCKETS FILES OVERRIDES MY MODULE MANAGER CONFIGURATION > Just a quick update! 09/26/2014 Hello Guys! First and foremost thanks for the support! I'm really glad you like the sounds i've been creating. Second - Due to a lack of time(life is on the way for now), I'm currently unable to update it. It's not dead . I'm hoping 0.25 brings easier feature to implement the sounds the game without so much coding fuzz (since i lack the skills) . Third- Just finished reading the latest posts on the thread. i took notes and will experiment on the weekend if i get some spare time. Welcome to the Thread Quick Update Files Are now on CURSE website! UPDATE 5/13/2014 A.R.P. Has been released! ( Leave Feedback ) Current Features NEW ENGINE SOUNDS FOR: LV-1R Liquid Fuel Engine Rockomax 24-77 Rockomax Mark 55 Radial Mount Liquid Engine LV-1 Liquid Fuel Engine Rockomax 48-7S LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine[Note 1] Toroidal Aerospike Rocket Rockomax "Poodle" Liquid Engine Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine Rockomax "Skipper" Liquid Engine LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor TurboJet Engine Basic Jet Engine RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster Rockomax BACC Solid Fuel Booster Sepratron I PB-ION Electric Propulsion System NEW ENGAGE/ DISENGAGE AND FLAMEOUT SOUNDS NEW PART SOUNDS FOR TT-38K Radial Decoupler Hydraulic Detachment Manifold TT-70 Radial Decoupler Structural Pylon Rockomax Brand Decoupler TR-18A Stack Decoupler TR-2V Stack DecouplerTR-XL Stack Separator TR-18D Stack Separator TR-2C Stack Separator Current BUGS Sound pitch distortion with engines, making some sounds feel weaker. Jet Engine Smooth Startup ( WIP ) Future Plans Even more unique sounds! Enjoy fellow Kerbonauts, let me know what you think. hey there, so far its just engines sounds, and some parts. Ion engines will have sound. On the other hand, i will try figure out how to make a plugin to add sounds to other parts in game, since i already got a couple more sounds in the works. All the delays have been due to several factors, reworking sounds, figuring out how to recreate sounds using synths and real life issues that have limited my time to work on the whole project. I gave up the plugin development because i was going nowhere, since i've been digging into C# tutorials to try to figure out how to implement more stuff and make the mod smaller and more centralized. I will develop more sounds and tweak existing ones to have then sound smooth like butter. there might be minor glitches here and there with the sounds, if you find something you don't like feel free to post it on the forum and ill do my best to address it. In total so far there are 30 new sounds working, i plan to expand on them and make more unique details to some others. One detail i never managed to fix was the pitching of most sounds, since ksp does this inside the game, i can't for now change it until i develop a .dll i do hope you guys enjoy the new sounds. i will be uploading soon. CHEERS UPDATE 5/2/2014 I'M NOT DEAD YET! Good things come to those who wait they say ( i hope i'm right em.. or they), jokes aside january started pretty crazy over here, limiting my time to do the finishing touches D: but this mod is not staying indoors beyond february! all the sounds are done!! woohoo! Just need to check they all work and sound well in-game together and check the the untested ones. after that release until very soon my fellow kerbalnauts! UPDATE 4/1/2014 Happy New Year! Ok guys so it's 2014 and I'm back from my holiday family reunion! Wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! So now back with the mod, i had a chance to work a little on december and I'm happy to say that its almost done, i got a couple of sounds left and the jet engine sounds are almost finished . Sorry for the utter delays but things got messy and i work on my spare time, plus i want to bring a quality mod for all of us to enjoy while playing, after all most of the time we are hearing something in KSP. Rocket engines are finally finished, the only thing wrong with them is the volume, a single rocket sounds fine but since kerbals use not one but dozens of rockets at the same time ill be adjusting the volume a little lower ( just a little i don't want to kill your speakers or ears ) Thanks for the Support and sorry for the Delays! UPDATE ON THE UPDATE LOL 15/12/2013 Ok guys its the 15th i'm finally free, so ill be working on the mod on whats left of it to be ready before christmas ! it was a busy end of the year but now i finally got time to work on the mod! Now that KPS 0.23 is out the RAPIER engine wont have a moDded sound because i can't seem to be able to replace it yet. ( Managed to make it work thanks to Pizzaoverhead's tip! thanks mate!) The old filepath doest not work and hopefully the other do work . As of right now i'm downloading the ksp 0.23 update to test it out!(tested) As of right now i'm rewriting the part cfg on the sfx section . tested adding sounds ala RAPIER on other engines but didn't quite work as expected so ill do that after christmas to evade more delays. I think ill be changing the name of the mod too lol XD QUICK UPDATE 25/11/2013 -Im still working on the mod, but i've had several delays with RL and work more than what i really want so i actually havent been able to work on the mod as much as i've wanted. -Version 1.0 wont have any plugin until properly tested options arise. UPDATE 4/11/2013 (Been extremely busy, so that has been slowing my sound work a bit > ) -Almost all engine sounds are done with exception to the planes -Couple of tweaks left to compensate for the ksp overpitch of the sounds (this is actually messing up the rocket sounds killing the bass > ) -Working on the Engage and Disengage sounds for rockets -Sorry no teaser yet i want to have the whole 4 sounds that use the rockets complete before doing that! UPDATES on bullettMAGNETT's Acoustic MOD (BMAD) ////////////////// or give ideas for the name ;D Hello everyone! the mod is still going, i've been working on my spare time on the sounds and what's new? -Rendered around 13 sounds. Big Engines, Medium Engines and SRB, nuclear and ion. -Been test driving them to see how the sound ingame ( since ksp tunes detunes them ) and not to **** your ears or speakers. So far so good Whats left? -small engines -mechanical sounds -some other sounds -fine tuning -plugin.dll ( maybe on version 2.0) -small teaser ?? soon State of the MOD : Phase 1 100% DETAILS -All rocket sounds are made from scratch -EQ for better sound and not destroying your speakers, ears or headphones ;D -Individual sounds for each engine. -Semi- custom engines engages for several engines. -Semi- custom engines flameout for several engines. -Semi- custom engines disengage for several engines. Phase 1 100% Rocket Engines Phase 2 100% Plane Engine Phase 3 100% Other Sounds Phase 4 100% Testing and fine tuning Phase 5 Released Hello fellow Kerbonauts! Well i've been aching to make a sound mod, I've got several sounds already developed, BUT i'm having trouble making the parts use them ( currently trying to replace the stock engine sounds). Usually what happen is when i change the CFG no sounds comes out of the parts . Any light on how to do this? i've read the following page and followed the steps but it doesn't seem to work. Since now there are SEVERAL "SOUND" FOLDERS in KSP maybe any devs might bring up some light on the correct folder to put modded sounds. Btw i wanted to add sounds to parts like antennas & tires when active, so does the same " sound_mysound = active " would work on those parts? http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation PRELIMINARY SOUND TEST
  4. Decommission of my first Space Station in a Dramatic way hehe enjoy!
  5. thanks! been enjoying 0.22 hehe amazing update how about you guys?!
  6. Hello there, I've been lurking on the forums since i bought the game many moons ago. must say, im having a blast! anyways safe flight everyone keep your kerbals alive or at least dont kill many of them XD.
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