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Yep, So as i said before, the better solution is to refuse using warps at all. Just use hyper-drive instead of warps. So, we will not have to wait somebody, and all be ok. But, as someone wrote before, with hyper-drive it will be very different KSP from we have now. KSP with MP based on hyper-drives is ok for me. How many of you agree to use MP KSP, based on hyper-drives, as i described before?
Agree with KSK, time, spent in KSP make sense for players and competitive mode. If this is so huge problem, what about a complete different look into KSP MP: MP career. Where you with your team can simultaneously build the same ship and control it? There is nothing to change. Old good warp. You decide which cockpit can control thrusts, which cockpit (player) can control legs, etc. After some time you can divide ship onto 2 or more. But the warp button works only if everyone agrees with it to do it now. So, what about career MP? * It seems like you all say: "we dont want MP, let stay KSP without it, as is".
Dev's point is: Attraction more players to KSP, and not invite them to play MP Space Engineers, let them stay on MP KSP. Devs can create MP KSP on Steam to have money support for it. To us this is: Maybe realtime teaching and helping each other during building ships, navigation and travel? In the first iteration this is to add "Spectator Mode" for guests with mics and chat. In the second: function "take control", on which host can pass the control of the ship to the "spectator" and get back if wants. In the third: "competitive" (or name it as you want) full MP mode, as described above with hyperdrives.
Its Realistic (in future): https://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/technology/warp/warp.html If you would like to know more about the theories of interstellar flight, you should visit the Tau Zero Foundation. Marc Millis, a former NASA Glenn physicist, founded the organization to consider revolutionary advancements in propulsion. https://tauzero.aero/ also, there are Nuclear-detonation engines, etc. We, game designers, science fictions writers are making the future to become real. All starts from such suggestions, games and ideas. Why to refuse from start of them?
Of course cooperating. One builds orbital refueling base. The second - mothership, based on 5 rockets. Goal? Its easy: 1) teams competition who can faster travel to the moon like google's X-PRIZE and solve tasks in it (photo, traveling, etc.). Also, if google or NASA knew about such possibility to make this advertisement for MOONAR X-PRIZE, i think, they even can give money to devs to help implement it. 2) teams competition (or sandbox - like gaming) to build duna's base with farming, etc. like "The Martian" movie. 3) do i should to offer more examples of super-interesting command multiplayer gameplay in KSP? there are huge possibilities! From studying physics and astronomy to battles like capture-the-flag! You should only turn on your imagination and you'll see..... Official CAPTURE-THE-FLAG competition: 50 players, 50 starting platforms on KERBIN, 1 target on the EVE, 50$ prize... =) It's not unreal to be developed in KSP. Just read my suggestion one post before.
Guuuys! Please, try to think! WARP as is can't be solved it multiplayer KSP - its true! But we don't have to had it in multiplayer KSP in that version as we have now in single player or DMP (with its issues). There are many developer's troubles and difficulties which had to be solved with WARPing. But how to travel in deep space, you'll ask me. Answer: hyper-drive. None of current physics and game mechanics ARE NOT NEED TO BE CHANGED for it implementation! All players play in WARP 1x speed as usual, can interact with each other, but, if you want to travel further and faster, you'll fly away from "warp-denied" zone, and, you can do hyper jump using traveling points on the map as usual, it'ss be in cost of the electricity fuel. Come out from "hyper-space" (simply dissaperaing and appearing in new place) can be done only in safety zones (not in "Warp-deny" zone, not near than 10km near the closest ship or asteroid). But what about planets travel prediction, you'll ask. Answer is simple to implement too: the planet's and world time doesn't change dependable of your jumping. It's time and position always calculates as 1x speed of all-users-world-1x-time. So, when you jump from kerbin to moon, the moon's position in space will not be changed! Yep, it somehow other, than in single player, but it can be MORE SIMPLE TO BE DONE in KSP. Next: where our ship will be after the hyper-jump? how to predict it using current mechanics? As usual KSP's map points, you set, where you want to speed up (do hyper jump) on your course, and the second point is - where you want to come-out from hyper-space, KSP for it just calculates estimated electricity needed for jump and ensure you are not in denied-zones. So, you all discuss many variants of it and think, that Space Engineers or something like that should be played instead of KSP for multiplayer, but it is not the last variant. Just try to find mistakes in my logic. For multiplayer in KSP it need to be: 1) added hyper-drive engine (yep, like Space Engineers maybe), but available only in multiplayer. Or just an option in the game's map. Hyper-drive works on electricity or liqued fuel, your ship is not controllable while you are jumping. It taked near 1-2 seconds to jump anywhere (mostly need for KSP's mechanic to remove your ship from the world, and calculates new position and syncing with the world and then appear in that place). 2) added deny and failsafe zones for entering and outing hyperspace 3) added hyper-drive traveling points on the map (start jump, end jump), and turned off planet's speed prediction and incrementalling for the map. 4) added ship's and part's access organization for players and their factions. 5) added build-in chat system. 6) fully removed warp-ing for multiplayer. For more interesting gaming, planets rotation speed and traveling on their orbits can be increased as they almost always will be on that position (We turned off warping! as you remember). So planet's orbit speed can be set so, that it can do full rotation over the sun on its orbit by 4 hours, for example. Any troubles and problems with such solution? Lets analyze it. What is difficult or wrong in this idea? Almost all what need's to be added and done - already exist in the game! So, KSP can still be alive and attract more players to play with!
>> ISRU setup to finish filling my tanks Just set to improve they speed of filling for multiplayer for 100x of normal behaviour. >>, how will anyone ever do an interplanetary transfer when they cannot predict where the planet will be in the future? as you say >>the planets don't move while warping There is no problem with it as the planets movement speed is warp-1x, like there is no warp. You can simply predict where they are. Like in our life and having "hyper-space-drive", not warp-drive.
Hi, last ones of devs, who still are here. I'm very old KSP fan, i have took part in developing KSP multiplayer mod And now i have invented the common solution, the devs can insert into the master branch of KSP. We all know that the main problem of multiplayer is WARP. What to do if some player wants to make 2-years warp to the EVE and what the other players should see? The best solution is: warp-denied-zones near the planets and disappearing of the warping ships. So: Every planet has its sphere zone (100km) for Kerbin, where no one can do warp. You can merge your stations and ships with other players in this zone, bot not in warp-allowed zone. When you left this zone, you can click "warp" and your ship will simply disappear from all other players game world (they time isn't warped), but your ship will be like 'hyper-space', you can control it like usual and stop warp at any time. When you do this, your ship will appear somewhere in the space, and other players and ship can interact with you. There are some limitations to help KSP's physics to do it: you cann't stop warp near then 10km of some-one's ship, asteroid, or deny-warp zone of a planet and so you can't appear in the middle of someones ship or asteroid or planet. How to implement this in your current branch? In the first of all: make multiplayer without warp on network code similar to Factorio's network code. Then add warp-denied zones and disappearing ships, then do sync when warp-ends into the multiverse users space and recreate object, synced to others. The new warp-end user's time should be the same as the other players time is. Planets, during the warp should not move like, there is no warp for them, because of other players travelling points and they places. Yep, this will add some difficulty to play with, but this is difficulty is the beauty too. And this is all! All be good and looks great!
Main GOAL of the game (suggestion)
dimmy replied to dimmy's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
This mode i like. I meaned something like this! -
Main GOAL of the game (suggestion)
dimmy posted a topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
Hi, developers! You done great job, good game. Thanx for it very much. This is a suggestion. Its very simple to done in KSP: please add THE MAIN GOAL in the game to stimulate us to reach it. For example: reach very far planet and build the base on it to collect some science data. To do it we should need: 1. Collect science "core" data from all planets in the system (from some point on the planet) 2. This data we need to build some blocks on the FAR-FAR planet. 3. Create base on far planet, which needs all this data from all planet. So we can see % of building the base - amount of science data. Also, for taking some data we should need 2-3 trips to the moon for example. So, the game makes much much more interesting! We need the main GOAL for the game. After reaching it - we achieve some goals in the steam account and got another more great goal, etc for unviersary time. -
[21:13] <Dimmy> @darklight: hi, can i ask you to add to the http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp-serverlist/index.php (server list) the following feature: size of players universe in megabytes? Thus we can see which server is most used and filled with stations, players, etc. [21:14] <Dimmy> Also it needs to be added the some hashing column, that shows which server is most used (not where are many players now), but where the players appears more often, then in other servers. https://github.com/godarklight/DarkMultiPlayer/issues/91
i think its better to add the kOS2 mod with following: you wrote what youwant. and it compiles in the CSharp script in runtime in this mod, also you can connect toanything in the system (names, etc).
there are a lot of servers: http://kerbal.wlsing.nl/
kethane will be always different for different players