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Everything posted by dimmy

  1. so guys, 0.1.3 will be good playable, dev version 0.1.2-0.1.3 is nice )
  2. >>This happens to me with no mods installed. Dock 2 things together in orbit. Go to space center or disconnect, come back, go back to the station and you can no longer un-dock. It happens every time. Next update fixes this.
  3. we all are waiting till 0.1.4) no bugs only rocket rush mode)
  4. little sized wings for aero probes and little planes http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56878-little-size-wings-or-aero-probes
  5. Also for little planes-probes they are good. So moderator, would you add this to suggestion list or not?
  6. Method not found: 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Where'. in your .net there is no such method. it needs .net 4.0 for working
  7. so childs wont spam the server with non working vessels.
  8. yes, later. if wont i can build client & server, version 0.1.2+ with 5km bubble. but there can play 2-3 people at once. and still a lot of bugs. the project leader wrotes smth like this before
  9. in multiplayer there are no mods. so im not really interesting in them if only me had it. so it must be stock item. and i ask for stock.
  10. we have tiny engines, tiny fuel tanks, tiny probe sas, but no tiny wings! please add little sized wings and winglets for aeroprobes and satellites fly in atmospehere to "Stock part list" for example simple wing triangle, sized of 1/3 of length "small gear bay". it will be very usefull! thx.
  11. no no. its equal as we waiting new version of kSp. kMp mod becomes great. i think to install MSVC2010 C# to help us fix it more quickly, but work doesnt allow to do it now.
  12. haha, it seem like new version of KSP comming
  13. i think its not easy to make it in this mod. it should be other mod, added to server.
  14. now it needs to be compiled and tested what the have got. but the main critical fixes are still here: https://github.com/TehGimp/KerbalMultiPlayer/issues?milestone=2&state=open and we should wait them for 6 days yet.
  15. but how to set autoreconnect? or /reconnect in chat?
  16. We need plane\ship info while being in constructing it in hangar! 1. Total mass! 2. Battery capacity! 3. Engine strength.
  17. How to see while being in game if i disconnected or not? players list holds only one player - me.
  18. >>UnityEngine.dll not present in working directory put them near plugin.dll and near ksp.exe
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