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Everything posted by technoguy33

  1. I had dial-up internet up until AT&Crap bought the lines. Now it\'s slower.
  2. That is awesome. You broke a star\'s gravitational pull. That has only been done once in real life. Go you.
  3. Use the Noyuz capsule. That seems kinda obvious.
  4. I cannot seem to see the parts in the VAB menu. HELP ME! I will DIE without part! ;P
  5. Hey, where can I download that sexy beast of a pod? ;P
  6. This has a good side and a bad side. The good side is if you want to practice 'docking' or get some screenshots or use a craft that you have already 'launched', this is perfect. The bad side is that many noobs will use this as a cheap way to get into orbit and not use rockets and stay noobs forever. Great part. ;D
  7. When I was two years old my mom taught me how to use her Macintosh Powerbook 1400c and gave me some old floppy disks with my big brother\'s old games on them. I still play them. ;D
  8. Ever seen 'The Fly'? Also, you are NEVER more than three feet away from a spider. I am not kidding just to scare you.
  9. Hi, all kerbonauts of questionable intelligence! I wish to know if there are any other games like BARIS (Buzz Aldrin\'s Race Into Space), because I am getting slightly bored with just going to the moon with only one set of rockets, people, and spacecraft. If there are any I ask you to please post them here. Best regards, technoguy33.
  10. Mmmmm.... Java. Java is good. So is C#. Keep it up! I\'ve been looking for this game for my entire life. LITERALLY.
  11. No, no. I mean PROGRAMMING language! ;P
  12. Everyone is forgetting the king of them all, Steak \'N\' Shake! ;P And yes, I agree. American sizes are humongous.
  13. What language would this be in?
  14. If this actually happens, you will be my lifelong hero.... =P
  15. Ah yes, yes. Legit meat.... Of course. McDonald\'s makes my throw up. =P
  16. I like it. I might even try strapping rockets on and launching it into space! ;P
  17. Well, how else would a permanent space station maintain LEO or LKO? You have to have some sort of orbit boosters, just like the ISS.
  18. YAY! I\'ve always wanted one of those! It\'s just liked an over sized Soyuz. ;P
  19. Hmm, yes. I could use that for my ballistic missiles. Good job! ;D
  20. Hello all. I was listening to the radio the other day and I heard a commercial for some McDonalds food-product called 'Chicken McBites' Or some such thing. The nauseatingly smarmy commercial described the procedure of 'popping' them. I ask you all: just what in the HELL does that mean!?! :-\ Whatever it is, it sounds disgusting, just like every single other McDonalds product.
  21. To all who read this, I propose a challenge. A simple challenge. My challenge is to fly as close to the land or water as possible, as fast as possible. Fly over or through land formations and cut it as close as possible. Not very original but quite fun. Photos of my attempt are attached below so you can get the idea.
  22. Why didn\'t I think of that?!? Wonderful idea.
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