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Everything posted by Cryocore

  1. Im not sure if this has been posted before, and so I apologize if it has. But, when I import a model into Blender, everything seems fine, but when I export as an FBX and then import it into C4D there is only one material and so any object that uses another material has it's texture all messed up. Any thoughts?
  2. In the partdir, where it shows a word in parenthesis next to the directory, what is that word for? In the case of this part: partdir['adapterSize2-Mk2'] = ["\\GameData\\Squad\\Parts\\FuelTank\\adapterTanks\\Size2-Mk2.mu","fuel"], the word is "fuel". Also, AIES Aerospace is a bigger mod pack than I thought lol, might take me some more time.
  3. It looks like you're already working on KW Rocketry and Kethane, so, I think I'll start on AIES Aerospace today.
  4. Sorry to bother you, but I've got a few questions. First off though, I'd like to say that this script looks amazing and the potential that it has added to the community is incredible. Now, for my questions. - What does this do with textures? So far, the best programs to convert MBMs to PNGs are bare and clunky. - Parts with animation modules, how does this script handle them? - Finally, if you'd like, I can help with adding mod parts, the format seems simple enough.
  5. It appears that I've hit a snag. When I try to import a model from the FusTek Station Parts pack, it says that there is an error, I dont know how to describe it, so Ive attached a picture to show the error. http://i.imgur.com/PQrRPKb.png
  6. I can do some 3D Modelling if needed. Send me a message if you need anything.
  7. I hate to bother you once more, but how would I go about changing the cloud height? And, what do you recommend I change the heights to?
  8. I seem to be experiencing an issue with texturing. I suspect it comes from having EVE installed with a texture pack that adds clouds and whatnot to planets. Anyway, I am using the normal KSP planets rescaled to X10, instead of the actual solar system(Could the .cfg be outdated and be causing the issue?) Here are some screenshots to show what I mean:
  9. Update: Still some tweaking and testing. Trying to get to a point that feels right. I've got both generators working though.
  10. WOW. GReat feedback, I really appreciate it. The amount of detail you included is amazing. Im going to send you a message so I can discuss some things about my addon with you, if you are okay with helping me with ideas.
  11. UPDATE: I got everything working as needed! The rates are a little shaky but I can patch that up in the future. Now that I have the base two parts done, Im going to attempt to launch both of them into orbit and see the difficulty. I think they weight like 2 units when they have no fuel now. So, if anyone has suggestions I'll gladly see what I can do. Now, I am going to try and get models going, but no promises on that part.
  12. Thanks, it seems that it isn't working for me. I need them to burn fuel and release power, in KSP the RTGs don't require fuel. Everything is subject to change, plus I got my units wrong, weight is definitely adjusted
  13. UPDATE: It seems that they have to be considered an engine to burn fuel, I can't find a way around that. Secondly, the SF Generator is still doing nothing.
  14. I'm still getting used to KSP weight, I meant to say 0.5 t. Maybe higher. Right now, I've just modified two Hitchhiker Storage containers to do what I need, but it's not easy. To make them burn fuel, I used parts of the CFG for an engine and just removed the thrust vector point(I don't know if that harms it or not. Secondly, Is there a way to make it burn fuel and produce Electricity without being an engine? Also, I set the output of electricity to like 15 but it only produces 4 or 5 I'm trying to work around that. And finally, the SF Generator is not working at all and Im looking for a fix.
  15. Thanks, I think I am going to skip texturing and models for now. I may just use a modified stock part just so I cab get the parts into KSP and balance everything. I am going to start by simply modifying a fuel tank to be a power generator.
  16. So, I've decided on making a mod(Or at least attempting to.). KSP has a few ways to generate power, but not many. The most you have is Solar Power and RTGs, as well as slight generation from firing your engines. That gave me an idea. What about a module that has it's own supply of solid fuel and gave no thrust. But, it would give out electricity. It also sparked ideas of Solid Fuel/Electricity to LFO but it seemed unrealistic. In the end I came up with making a series of parts that would generate electricity in return for LFO or Solid Fuel. There would be a few problems though, which could end up making this idea/addon go nowhere. I can model, but can't texture or use unity. Which means that if I don't learn how, or find someone who does know how, I will get nowhere. So, I'll accept volunteers if anyone wants to help. And finally, I am open to any ideas or suggestions you may have. Now, onto the more interesting stuff. I made a few concepts and made them look as good as I could just to show what I was generally thinking of. For KSP, the textures will have to be much simpler and probably be made to fit the theme of the game. As a note, I did not make the textures, they came from a texturing kit I got. Solid Fuel to Electricity: This will be used as a "last resort" kind of thing. It is a fire-and-forget generator, meaning once it is out of fuel you decouple it and de-orbit it. It burns for around two minutes outputting a total of 4k units of power in this time. This module will weigh about 1-2 tons. But, all measurements are subject to change. LFO to Electricity: This is more of a long term source of power. This can be refueled as much as you need. It is recommended that you attach it to a docking port and prevent cross feeding so it doesn't suck the fuel the rest of your craft. This module weighs about 1-2 tons. It outputs 15 units per second but that is subject to change. And finally, all artwork and possibly models are subject to change. Feedback is appreciated.
  17. I believe I have a texture compressor, but not one for ALCOR or RPM. It only happens with the ALCOR Pod. Do you think it may be the texture compressor?
  18. I have a quick question. For some reason, the displays in the ALCOR pod are all messed up. They have random letters/numbers across them and some features are not being displayed properly. I don't know if it is a problem on my end or not. Here is an image to better describe my issue: and
  19. I apologize if this has been posted before, but I found a possible bug, or error. In the top left, the monitors show the path to a TXT which appears to be files located in this location: C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Hyomoto\MFD\pages Many of the buttons on the monitors do nothing and only a few actually do something, the buttons are also not labeled on the monitor. The buttons that I find work are: ScanSAT, MechJeb, Vessel Viewer, and the Navball and Cameras. I have a picture of what the monitors look like on my game screen: and Is it something on my end, or addon conflicting with another addon?
  20. I can tell you that I may be of assistance, because I can make models. But, I cannot do so in Blender, simply because I am no good with it. I may be getting myself a copy of 3DS Max at some point. But, I can make models in Cinema 4D and export the obj for someone to use in Blender.
  21. For the person who requested it, I posted a link to my output log at the bottom of page 5. I'll be gone for the weekend so I wont have any news on testing this with mods and whatnot. The only way I'll get notified of a reply here is from Private Message, so I'll get some reports when I return.
  22. Here is the link to the raw paste data hosted on Friendpaste https://www.friendpaste.com/2GLKq1jy7i6S4UG7DcnXPC I had to post it there because the log had exceeded the file limit on the other site such as pastebin.
  23. Well, let me start off by saying that this mod has an incredible amount of potential just by looking at it. I assume many others have said this as well. Anyway, onto the next part, it seems that I cannot use this mod at all, sadly. Or at least with mods installed, because when installing this into a modded KSP, I get in infinite loading screen. I assume that is a crash. I will do some testing on whether I can play with mods installed, or if I can get it working without mods, I will post here when I finish.
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