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Everything posted by ethernet

  1. Ditto, Being able to pin the PE and AP open while manipulating the maneuver node would be a great improvement. Also, show the orbital path within the destination SOI. The entry and exit indicators are nice, but not having anything between is unfortunate.
  2. There is, but it's hidden. In the apps bar (where you select things like the Engineering report), the right most button brings up additional options, one of which is a Transfer Manager. It works, but I prefer the KSP1 way. I suppose the main advantage is not needing to know to hold a key while clicking to select multiple tanks, but otherwise, it's less discoverable, and it's more difficult to know which tank is which.
  3. After about 2 hours of play, and completing an orbital mission, then a Mun landing and return, I have a few comments: 1. While in orbit of the mun after landing, I saved and closed the game. After coming back, I no longer had orbital lines on the map view. Reloading did nothing. I was able to return, but never saw the lines again. 2. There's something seriously wrong with the 3D engine. While I had fine performance throughout (at least 40 FPS, on a Radeon 6750XT), my GPU load was basically always 99%, even with just a couple parts in the VAB. I've never seen that in any other game. There's got to be something misusing the GPU here. 3. I don't like that right clicking fuel tanks doesn't show fuel contents, and that a separate transfer manager needs to be used for fuel transfer. I also don't like that it isn't easy to close the parts manager. Re-right-clicking a part should close it. 4. Pausing is great, but please make it keyboard-remappable 5. On start, my custom key maps appear to not work. I have to re-open Input settings, where I see my intended maps, and click apply again. 6. At first, I thought I could do burns while timewarping, because the engine animation continued, and fuel was being used up, but then I noticed that no thrust was actually being applied. This applied even at the x2/x4 timewarps, where KSP1 allowed burns. 7. Unlike KSP1, I can't rotate the ship during x2 and x4 timewarps. This was very useful for re-orienting massive ships. 8. Landing legs were disappointingly slippery when I landed on a moderate slope. This sort of thing was a major problem in KSP1, and I was hoping it would be improved upon. Also, the legs' springs didn't seem well tuned. The downhill legs compressed completely, whereas it would be better if the uphill legs compressed, to keep the craft vertical. 9. Remapping "toggle map view" only half worked. I could remap going from flight to map, but map to flight appears to be stuck using "M"
  4. I am working on a full release. Been very busy, and didn't even realize there'd been a new version. Thanks, tomf, for getting started.
  5. Yeah, just multiply the ratio values. It's just an amount per some unit time.
  6. I don't think so, but I'll look into it. Both look right to me. Number of Scientists in the lab doesn't affect Eureka production. It's based on the stock resource converter (not the stock Science modules), and when I tried to enable that feature, it didn't seem to do anything. My guess is it only works with Engineers, since that's the only role that affects resource production in the stock game, but I didn't investigate further. Yeah, 6.5t seems way too low to me. Maybe 15t would be fair?
  7. Version 2.0 is now available, This version integrates SpeedyB's new models (which include some texture work by Nertia). Much thanks to both of them! This version might cause some backwards compatibility issues, as the dimensions of the new models differ slightly from some of the old ones, but this should be primarily a visual issue, not functionality.
  8. I have been unable to reproduce the bioproducts issue. When I reset a finalized creature comforts experiment, starting the experiment again works, correctly discarding the old bioproducts. This is on the latest version. I'm not able to support old versions, but I don't know what would have changed. Regarding Cyclotron, you certainly don't need 3.75m parts to launch it. The 2.5m fairing easily encloses it, and a fairly straightforward 2.5m rocket can deliver it to orbit.
  9. I don't manage the CKAN listing. 1.1.1 came out yesterday. The mod almost certainly still works, but I haven't tried yet.
  10. 1. I suppose it's theoretically possible to unlock the whole tree never using the stock science parts (use Science from contracts to unlock Station Science parts, then use those the rest of the way), but that's certainly not the way it's intended to be used. It is, however, intended to replace the stock Mobile Processing Lab. I don't disable it, but in terms of balance, the games probably overly easy if you use both. 2. I would expect so; this mod puts the parts into the stock tree in the usual way. 3. There won't be contracts generated for the other planets, but the experiments themselves should work. 4. Looks like they should; they are different, but complementary. @VaPaL the parts and experiments work on the surface as well (just not on Kerbin itself), but contracts for the surface aren't generated, since base construction isn't well-supported in the stock game.
  11. I really can't say with much precision. I haven't seen the actual model files yet. Order of weeks, I suppose. I'm also not certain how breaking the changes will be. It might just be visual; that radial parts attached to Station Science parts might appear to "float" over the surface of the new parts.
  12. Version 1.6, with support for KSP 1.1, is now available. This release has no new features or modelling, but I will be pursuing integration of SpeedyB's new models for a new release. This will likely be a v2 release that breaks backwards compatibility. edit: Looks like the models won't significantly break compatibility, actually, so don't let that put you off using this mod now.
  13. I am working on updating this for 1.1. It should be ready by 1.1 release.
  14. A station for which you do each experiment only once (and under contract each time) should be quite profitable. So it's not a "giant resource eating station", unless your launch designs are just wildly inefficient. And if you use an SSTO to do repeat experiments (also under contract), it should be a comfortable source of income. What I don't want to do is for the "Science" game to become trivial once you build a single station, This is what unlimited repeats would do. The whole stock game is primarily structured around rewarding for doing new things, not repeating the same things over and over. This is a good design, and one I want to maintain in Station Science. However, if you prefer to be able to get more Science out of your station, you can modify the /StationScience/Resources/Experiments.cfg file. Simply change the "scienceCap" value for each experiment to whatever total amount of Science you thing is fair for a given experiment in low kerbin orbit.
  15. Basically right. Although to get Eurekas, you don't really need "lots" of power. It's the Kuarqs, from the Cyclotron, that require a large amount of power. You can run each Experiment pod in a given situation (high or low orbit around a given body) once for Science from the experiment itself. You can get contracts for repeats that give money, and a little Science, but repeats themselves don't give more Science. The pods must be returned to complete Contracts. Most may be transmitted (ones requiring Kibbal cannot), but it won't give you the full amount, and won't complete your Contracts. The Spectrometron actually works on all experiment results now. The description in the OP was out of date. I've fixed it now. It doesn't make the experiment any more repeatable, though. It just lets you transmit at a higher percentage, but you can't get any more than you could get through returning it a few times (you'll get a little less ultimately vs doing actual return trips). The per biome/situation limits are determined by the underlying experiment type.
  16. This is working as intended. Repeating the same experiment in the same place doesn't give more Science; you get it all the first time. You get a little Science from Contracts for repeats, but not from the experiment itself.
  17. Works fine in 1.0.4 as far as I can tell. I pretty much always switch focus when I test, so this is puzzling. Does it happen consistently? Can you make a quicksave before recovering, and send it to me?
  18. @marineris: this is intentional. It shows whether the current vessel will finish the contract will complete if recovered. Otherwise, you might lose track of which vessel has which pod. It should still complete even if recovered while not focused (and thus, have things unchecked). Did you recover while focused on the vessel, or from the space center? Both should work, but they work differently behind the scenes. Do you have any save files showing the problem? You get all the science for a pod itself once, up front. This has been the case for a long time, in this mod. Repetitions are supported by the contracts system.
  19. Yeah, rank shouldn't matter. You just need to have at least one Scientist in the lab. I actually tried setting that true, and setting some other properties that seemed relevant, but I couldn't manage to make it do anything. As far as I could tell, it doesn't do anything for the stock ISRU converter, either. The increased payout on the first contract is to fund getting the station built in the first place. The repeats assume you still have the station, and are just paying for sending the experiment pod itself. The intent is to have some lingering value to the station, even once you've done all the experiments at it. Yeah, it would make sense to unlock the contracts once the tech node is unlocked, even if the part hasn't been purchased. I'll look into doing this. The advances certainly should pay plenty for unlocking the part.
  20. Version 1.5 has been released. Changes include: Support for v. 1.0 of KSP Contract system now configurable via StationScience.cfg in StationScience directory Spectrometron now works on all Science results, not just Surface Samples, but changes transmission quality to 90% (instead of the former 100%). It will not attempt to analyze results that already have a 90% or better transmission quality. Note that the Spectrometron will work on Station Science results; however all contracts still require recovering the experiment pod. Transmitting results, even those analyzed by the Spectrometron, will not satisfy Station Science contract requirements. Science rewards from contracts dramatically reduced, to be in line with Stock contracts. This can be adjusted via StationScience.cfg. Research Lab and Zoology Bay now count towards Base and Station contracts that ask for a research lab (i.e., in addition to the stock Mobile Processing Lab) Now uses stock resource system, instead of my own version that largely duplicated this now stock functionality. Removed the trickle science from Zoology Bay. Stock resource system doesn't support this like my previous resource system did, and it doesn't seem worthwhile to reimplement. Removed Attach-O-Tron docking port, since the Clamp-O-Tron Jr. port is now so early in the tree. There's no need for me to provide my own early-tree port anymore. I've added the following to the OP, but will repeat it here for visibility: Regarding the Mobile Processing Lab The stock Mobile Processing Lab now provides a long-term Science-gathering capability that bears some similarity to Station Science. It is, however, not well balanced. Once unlocked, it can provide infinite science without ever leaving the launch pad again, for no cost other than in-game-time, and the player's own patience. While this isn't a major problem in practice, given the self-directed sandbox nature of KSP even in Career mode, this is not something I can meaningfully balance Station Science against. Therefore, I intend Station Science as an alternative to the stock MPL. Feel free to use the MPL, of course, but you may find Science too easy to come by if you use both.
  21. This version does not work in 1.0. There are a variety of compatibility issues I'm still working to fix.
  22. Indeed. This is also why it's taking a little while to get this updated. Lots of things to fix, and I didn't have much time until recently. Should be out by the end of the weekend. BTW, I'm currently dropping the Zoology Bay's passive Science generation (would just generate Bioproducts) since it seems redundant with the current Processing Lab, and fixing it would take a lot of work. Anyone particularly object to this?
  23. Yeah, thanks, I'll be fixing that for the release for 1.0. It'll probably be at least a week. Squad picked just about the worst possible time to release in regards to what else I've got going on.
  24. Empty as in no science data, or as in no bioproducts? Or both?
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