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Posts posted by trash0551

  1. Thanks! I guess your slightly worse performance is on account of the extra payload weight of that crew cabin, mine is already on the ragged edge of TWR... anyhow, now you can actually take a look at mine and compare designs, and maybe improve yours a bit with luck.

    Rune. Developing the birds is (sometimes) half the fun!

    They're actually quite similar in design. I might have my attachment nodes slightly different, but I think you'd be surprised :P I'd post a download but I don't want to derail or hijack the thread.

    But yes, you're right. I think that cabin weighs something like 2mT. I never drop below 0.5TWR without the TurboRAPIERs, but its a 20-25 minute flight to orbit, with a refueling orbital dance before you can depart LKO. The extra RAPIERs won't be much help outside Kerbin so I don't like carrying the weight, but I guess closed-cycle won't hurt if I don't want to wait on the nukes.

    And even though I mimicked your design, it was still a blast (I'm learning to build planes yet). My first test flight without wings flying off or no control because CoL was too far forward was thrilling and rewarding.

    trash0551. Plus this awesome plane needs more bumps.

  2. Glad to see this finally posted. I've liked the looks of this thing for months now.

    So much so that I built my own. I wanted to carry more Kerbals for science and mining (and well, really have room to bring a few rescues home). And I have mining probes in my planetary systems so I packed a little MMU with 2k dV inside instead, complete with RCS for re-docking it. And Science.

    I could get it to orbit with the same power-plant as yours, but then it required orbital refueling (and its slow). I don't mind it, but its not as fun. So I gave it TurboRAPIERs and now it cruises to orbit with enough to land on Minmus. And a respectable 4.1k or so dV refueled on the nukes. I bet you could do me better but I aren't good.

    Here's a couple of screenshots of my start to visit every planet and moon. I'll have separate landers for Tylo and Eve, though.

    Javascript is disabled. View full album

    trash0551. Almost forgot. Your's has inspired me for so long now I actually call mine Prospector :)

  3. Hmmm, I'll check that too... I do the warp not to reduce heat but to save time !

    I believe heat is calculated all the way through 1000x time warp. Since warp in atomsphere is just physics warp, it should be calculated there too (though with more floating point rounding errors).

    I'd guess its not having the airbrakes open in space. Even at 69,999m, there is *some* atmosphere and so entering with airbrakes deployed is going to slow your (de)acceleration down. Over another 50km to 19km, that reduction in acceleration could be noticeable.

  4. Updated with fix'd DL links and the new Falcon One.

    *goes to look for Raptor concept art*

    Nicely done. There are module manager patches to enable Mechjeb without needing to place the part on the rocket. They're handy for posting "stock" rockets. Search for "Mechjeb and engineer for all".

    As for the rocket, it looks great. The bottom of the rocket where it flares out (whatever you call it) looks like any Falcon 9 I've seen. I did have to put some struts connecting the second stage to the first stage (inside the interstage fairing) otherwise the top of the rocket wobbled too much during ascent. Maybe you use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement or something to keep this from happening?

    The Falcon 9 was able to put my 9.8t deep space probe into a 100x100km orbit with something like 3.6km/s dV in the second stage left. I ejected the top fairing at about 70km which added about 300m/s or it'd be closer to 3.3km/s.

  5. Idk my high twr craft seem to out perform my low twr craft constantly, Cronus is a good example of that, i was unable to get 80 tons into orbit without a TWR of 1.8:1, Maybe its just the way i build things... im terrible at being conservative.


    I might be wrong here but I think the idea with spaceplanes is you don't need a TWR over 1 necessarily. Its not a rocket, its a plane. It has wings. Wings provide lift. At least that's my understanding.

    I believe the OP's plane has a TWR of 0.9 on the runway.

  6. Ok, with a bit smarter profile I reached 75km with 2409m/s delta-v left in the nukes. And I didn't have to tap into the hidden oxidizer for the rapiers. In fact, was able to reach orbit with 165 oxidizer left in the main tanks.

    I think the biggest change was continuing to build horizontal speed until over ~1200m/s (at about 22-23km). From here, I made a gentler climb (~20 degree AoA) and the turbos flamed out before the rapiers. Kicked the nukes on and ran the rapiers in airbreathing until they were less than 40kN of thrust. Closed the intakes, switched to close cycle, pushed AoA to ~30 until altitude was above ~42km and time to AP was ~1 minute. From here I turned off the rapiers and just ran on nukes, occasionally kicking rapiers on to keep AP 1 minute out. At close to 60km, I held just above prograde until 75km AP reached and finished with a circularizing 70m/s burn.

    I'm not the best pilot so there's probably things that make you go "huh?" But I'd still be curious how the OP did it :)



  7. That is way more than enough to go to Minmus to top off the tanks. Hell, even Mun is doable with that kind of delta-v.

    Rune. But Minmus is easier.

    Oh I know :) Just the OP mentioned 2400-2700m/s in his post, so I was curious how his ascent differed from mine. I went to 10.5km at ~28 degree pitch, pitched down to ~8 degrees to nearly stop vertical climb and build horizontal speed. When I thought unplanned rapid disassembly was nearing due to the heat (I was going about 800-900m/s horizontal), I slowly pitched back up to ~45 degrees to push AP to ~80km and circularized from there.

    I guess the problem I had is my rapiers flamed out at about ~23km and turbos a few km later. I didn't run the nukes until this point and had to kick rapiers to closed cycle sooner than it seemed like I should. This meant they ran out of fuel before AP and I had to use the locked fuel for a little extra boost.

  8. My bad, I forgot one "refueling" connector below the tank, I removed it and tried without the KAS/KIS, it should be stock now, sorry..

    Stock still won't load it. Says "light-area-01" is an invaild part. I don't know what mod that is. I edited the craft file by hand to remove those parts and references to them and it loads now. Not sure it changed much, maybe just the craft lighting?

  9. I tried to follow the instructions on the README file from the github project page on how to install AltInput,but I haven't been able to locate the AltInput.dll file and am not sure what to use to compile the project after changing the KSPPath and ultimately failing to install it. If someone could provide a better set of instructions on how to install AltInput (or any insight into whether it will work with KSP 1.0 versions at all) or possibly a completely different solution to the input delay, your help would be greatly appreciated.

    To compile it you have 3 different choices:

    1. The best way is to use Visual Studio, but Visual Studio is not available for free, it costs money and is an Integrated Development Environment from Microsoft for Microsoft related Products like Windows or .Net.

    If you have a license of Visual Studio you can open the Project File AltInput.csproj in Visual Studio and press the compile button.

    If the compilation gives no errors, the compilation was a success.

    2. You can give Visual Studio Express a try.

    Visual Studio Express is a free but limited Version of Visual Studio.

    It can be downloaded at Microsoft for free, but it requires a registration.


    Though i don't know if the Express version is enough for this project. I never worked with C# source code or .Net and i also normally do not use Visual Studio Express.

    3. You can run the command line compiler of .Net manually in a command line.

    To do this, you must have .Net 4.0 installed.

    The target of this Joystick AltInput Plugin might be .Net 3.5, but the .csproj file requires the command line versions of .Net 4.0

    If you have .Net 4 installed, you can normally find it in:


    To compile the AltInput Plugin open a command line in the folder, where your AltInput.csproj file is.

    The enter the following command line in the cmd.exe window:

    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild .\AltInput.csproj

    and press enter.

    Now the compilation should run, if everything worked fine, no error messages should be shown.

    I tried that myself by using the 3. option (I don't have VS installed), and i got the following error messages:

    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.0.30319.34209
    [Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.34209]
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Build started 14.05.2015 07:03:22.
    Project "F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj" on
    node 1 (default targets).
    Creating directory "bin\Debug\".
    Creating directory "obj\Debug\".
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Csc.exe /noconfig /nowarn:1701,1702 /nostdlib+ /errorreport:prompt /war
    n:4 /define:DEBUG;TRACE /highentropyva- /reference:"E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program
    \KSP_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorlib.dll /referen
    ce:F:\AltInput-master\Libraries\SharpDX.Direct Input.dll /reference:F:\AltInput-master\Libraries\SharpDX.dll
    /reference:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Core.dll" /re
    ference:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll" /ref
    erence:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2
    .0.50727\System.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Xml.dll /reference:"C:\Program Fi
    les (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Xml.Linq.dll" /reference:"E:\Steam\
    SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll" /debug+ /debug:full /filealign:512 /optimize-
    /out:obj\Debug\AltInput.dll /target:library /utf8output Sources\Config.cs Sources\Device.cs Sources\DirectInputDevic
    e.cs Sources\Flight.cs Sources\GameState.cs Sources\Ini.cs Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs
    Sources\GameState.cs(326,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'VesselSAS' could not be found (are you missing
    a using directive or an assembly reference?) [F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj]
    Sources\GameState.cs(326,62): error CS1061: 'Vessel' does not contain a definition for 'vesselSAS' and no extension met
    hod 'vesselSAS' accepting a first argument of type 'Vessel' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an ass
    embly reference?) [F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj]
    Done Building Project "F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.

    Build FAILED.

    "F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj" (default target) (1) ->
    (CoreCompile target) ->
    Sources\GameState.cs(326,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'VesselSAS' could not be found (are you missin
    g a using directive or an assembly reference?) [F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj]
    Sources\GameState.cs(326,62): error CS1061: 'Vessel' does not contain a definition for 'vesselSAS' and no extension m
    ethod 'vesselSAS' accepting a first argument of type 'Vessel' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an a
    ssembly reference?) [F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj]

    0 Warning(s)
    2 Error(s)

    Time Elapsed 00:00:00.51

    As i said, i am not a C# developer, neither do i know the Plugin System of Kerbal Space Program, but the important error messages are this one:

    Sources\GameState.cs(326,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'VesselSAS' could not be found (are you missing
    a using directive or an assembly reference?) [F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj]
    Sources\GameState.cs(326,62): error CS1061: 'Vessel' does not contain a definition for 'vesselSAS' and no extension met
    hod 'vesselSAS' accepting a first argument of type 'Vessel' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an ass
    embly reference?) [F:\AltInput-master\AltInput.csproj]

    I assume that some classes of the Plugin System of Kerbal Space Programm were renamed in one of the later versions and this might be the result of the above error message.

    VesselSAS is a data type which can't be found during compilation and because it is not in the AltInput sourcecode i would assume, that this belonged to the

    Plugin System of Kerbal Space program of an older KSP version, but it doesn't exist there anymore, so it was probably renamed or the code had changed in a bigger step.

    So to fix this, someone should look into

    E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll

    and check what Class Names are available. Hint: DLLViewer might help.

    Or look in the community API documentation:


    But to make a final statement about this Joystick problem i must say, this is not Unity's fault and neither the developers of Unity.

    Technically it might be their problem, but come on, we are talking about a commercial project that is sold professionally.

    And if software developers find a bug in a third party product, like the unity engine, then they have to let their third party product owners fix that bug, especially if the developers of KSP are commercial customers of Unity themselves.

    If they pay the Unity guys, they have a right to get support or, if this is not the case, they, the KSP developers have to develop a work around this bug. And the latter one is always possible,

    And that is the main problem, they do not provide a work around for this Unity bug, but they sell KSP commercially, so the only one that is to blame are the KSP developers. They must fix it by providing a workaround, it is their fault.

    Especially with such an important feature like joystick input which isn't a big thing from a programming point either.

    It's a shame, that they released the game without providing a fix or workaround of this bug.

    They could easily have worked something out, like this AltInput Plugin and they didn't. Shame on them.

  10. haha i know right, knew i should have started from scratch instead of using the mk5 hull to save some time in building :P

    The fuselages are the same part, just different resource counts. I'd just edit the craft file and search for "= 270" and change it (both lines) and do the same for the oxidizer just below it. I don't think this is cheating - unless you put more LFO than the stock part has :)

    It adds about 250dV to this craft.

  11. as has been stated many many many times in this thread and in the Lite thread, Treeloader, the method with which KSPi creates new research nodes, is unmaintained and has some blocking issues with the .25 update. the author hasn't been around much recently, the last update was for .23.5, and the license is "all rights reserved, for reference only", so we can't even fix it in his absence.

    very likely, this will continue to be a problem until a clean room replacement is mature enough, which might be a while, since there aren't even any development projects right now that could eventually grow into something like treeloader.

    Yes but there has to be some work-around, right? Otherwise this mod is essentially not really usable in career mode.

  12. When I research a node, the rest of the tree does not show till you leave and go back in. (Nothing crazy - but just a small glitch).

    Hi everyone,

    besides this most of the KSPI nodes are missing for me. Namely the "Experimental Electrics", "Particle Accelerators", "Antimatter Power", "Fusion Power" and "Ultra-High-Energy-Physics" ones so I can't really progress to the interesting technologies. This was a fresh career with KSPI installed.

  13. Hi, I have a problem with TACLS 0.9. I have no resources on EVA. In 0.24.2 is everything ok. But because of some mods i play 0.23.5. In this version i have all ship resources but if i go on EVA the kebal have none only "EVA Fuel". I tested my instalation for compatibility issues with other mods. The clean install with only TACLS do the same thing. Ship resources ok, EVA resources not so much.

    Will TACLS 0.9 be compatible with version 0.23.5. I quite like this mod and version 0.9 is huge improvement for my gameplay.


  14. Yeah, i cant find where i could buy a flash card for my old school gba sp. The ez-flash iv is discontinued and i cant find any to buy... any help?

    I was able to Buy EZ Flash IV from a US seller zercath on Ecrater.com, As of 2014 Ebay does no longer allow the sale of EZ Flash IV carts or any Flashcarts, You could check that seller out and see if he still has any for sale,I received mine from this seller in a few days for a great price, good luck http://zercath.ecrater.com

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