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Everything posted by LadyAthena

  1. So far the mods I have are: B9 Interstellar Ferram and Mechjeb (to save time setting up easy stuff like circular orbits) But I'm wondering if there are any other good mods, especially for the campaign, which either add more parts, even stronger engines. (I wouldn't mind futuristic engines at some point either that are borderline "Cheating" at the end of the tech tree). More parts as well, as even with these mods some parts are missing, like being able to make proper rockets with internal parts. (Rockets that are very elongated, but break open completely to reveal a part inside) as a bad example. Anything to add science as well, huge plus. I have tried Dangerous re entry, and Tac. But both of which kinda limit me more than I'd like, as I'm not exactly amazing at this game. I'm not terrible either, but I setup a ship that can reach any planet and get back, but landing on planets, no go. However, that being said, I do like realism, like if anything makes you need to research longer, or more, etc.. I'd just love to expand my KSP game, just not sure what mods are worth my while for what I'm looking for.
  2. Some people get the coolest ships up >.<;
  3. True, I use MechJeb only when I wan't a fully realistic situation. I.E. pretending there is a Ground Control doing stuff along with my kerbonoughts. I do know how to do everything, and some people after awhile just like to have MechJeb do a few things to save time. Like setting up orbital corrections, etc. Ultimately if you know how to do something, MechJeb will do it, just faster, and saves time. Of course it doesn't do everything, still should manually dock, etc. But MechJeb isn't just for lazy people who don't want to learn the game. Also This isn't a simulator. Not even close to realistic enough flight wise, etc. to be considered that. It does "Simulate" rockets, space ships, etc. but is not a "simulator". If you call this a simulator, you need to also call COD, a simulator.
  4. Like I said earlier, mechJeb isn't cheating, especially if you want to play realistically, MechJeb is actually more realistic. Why? Because realistically the Commander and Captain of a spaceship will NOT be doing this themselves. They are only there to punch in what Ground Control tells them to punch into the computer, and the computer does it for them. That's it. The only time they will ever do something manually is during EVA's, or when something breaks, like the Apollo 13 mission.
  5. I use Mechjeb occasionally as well. When which again really is no shame. The automated burns it sets up is no different than when NASA mathematicians and scientists give the Astronauts the angle and burn time irl. The astronauts are not the ones coming up with that, its a bunch of geeks at NASA HQ :3
  6. These are good tips and which I learned finally today after my first 2 mistakes. Though the chase view for mine didn't work well at all since my docking ports are positioned to the side of both ships, which just made me disoriented. It will help with conventional ships with docking ports on the nose. That being said, as Caelib said, easy does it. It's not a race, and the only objective is to simply dock it. When within 500m don't go above 20ms, and when within 100m don't go above 5-10ms. Within 30m, stay 5m/s or lower in speed. Switch to the docking button, and use the RCS thrusters from there on out. Again, easy does it. Slow and steady definitely wins the race for docking. Also.. Never use your main engines for docking within 100 - 50m.. or.. you're doing it very wrong.
  7. Wasn't for me either. I tried for a bit gave up, then tried a few months later, and finally got it on my 3rd try (after reading how to do it properly). It definitely is a very hard thing to learn at first.
  8. I need to learn to do what you do Xacktar and build my stations in little parts...
  9. I added alot to the explanation, and while paracute failures would be very rare, it would also make you plan for "failures" like adding an additional parachute just in case 1 fails.
  10. My idea is simple. Basically it allows a player to choose their "difficulty" when starting a campaign. Options: 1) Possible Failures (Ship parts may "fail" randomly. Though low % of failing, "newer" parts also have a lesser chance than earlier parts to fail as well). 2) Dangerous Re Entry (Toggle if you want the Re entry fires to be realistic) 3) Dangerous G- Forces (Toggle if you want G Forces to be dangerous) (Just to name a few) Btw 1) Is my new option Idea.. To have possible failures on components. This could affect literally anything. From batteries, engines, fuel tanks, de couplers, even parachutes, or ladders, lights, science equipment, etc. If it breaks, your kerbal can do an EVA (if possible) to attempt to fix it. Which would mean leaving the spacecraft, going to the part that broke, set it as target, then right clicking your kerbal and clicking "repair module". (The success rate of them repairing it would be based on their stupidity stat. However, even the smartest Kerbal can't always fix something. ) Of course this can't always be done depending on the situation, but that's realism. The parts would break at the moment of using them. (Since that's most likely when you'd realize a part is broken anyway). Older parts, (components and items lower on the tech tree) have a higher chance of breaking. Because they are older, and of the first variety of parts, therefore aren't "perfected" yet. While parts farther up the research tech tree have a much lower chance of failing. (But they still can). I think with parts being able to break would be a huge addition to realism (and fun), needless to say also adding quite a spin on challenging situations that may be thrown at you out of nowhere. Possible Scenario's: 1) Imagine Bill kerbal attempting a Mun landing, only to have his De-coupler malfunction. Now he can't properly land on the Mun. Well this would open up several options.. Abort the mission and return to Kerbal. Have Bill attempt to repair it himself, and if that fails, send another shuttle up to attempt to do emergency repairs with a smarter kerbal. 2) Perhaps you use the TAC mod which requires Kerbals to eat, etc. And perhaps the Electrical power in your ship shorts out, and you now need to launch an emergency rescue mission to get the kerbal or 3 back home via a new ship before their food runs out. 3) That nifty satellite you have over Kerbal with the nice shiny telescope, and array of scientific components just broken down. The electrical power, and telescope both malfunctioned at the same time. Now you gotta send up a kerbal crew to repair the two parts and get that satellite back up and running. Possible new modules: 1) A "Maintenance Bay" (Similar size to the material bay) for ships. Having this bay will increase your kerbals chances of successfully repairing a module due to having a much wider array of tools at their disposal (and "How to fix things 101" manuals). 2) "Emergency Power Large" components built into Pods, including external ones for probes, or landers. The Emergency Power is quite hefty, but has a good amount of charge stored. It can't be used as an effective battery, but it will supply enough power to allow kerbals with TAC to continue breathing and eating for a little longer buying the rescue party time to get there. 3) "Emergency Power" Built into some pods, and probe cores. These additional cores, or pods would be slightly heavier due to the additional emergency batteries, but will supply enough power to at least control the ship and allow it a bit more power to get your ship situated for the rescue party, either by allowing it a chance to turn and burn to an appropriate orbit, or slowing its speed etc. However it can't be used as a battery pack and can't be re charged. (later ones can be recharged)
  11. Jebadiah is caught staring at the flag again....
  12. Been playing KSP for awhile, though I've only managed to orbit other planets, I've yet to successfully get enough fuel to land and come back. Funny enough docking a ship with another is by far, much harder than getting to another planet. I believe being able to dock with a station to refuel is not only the first -big- hurdle in KSP, but one that opens doors. My Space program tends to be a lot like the Germans in WWII... Now I know what your thinking.. How could you possibly compare the two? Well it's quite simple.. My ships tend to be far to big, and break alot... Much like the German war machines.. (The Tiger being one of them. Big, Bulky, and despite being very powerful, tended to break alot). This caused an issue, because I could never properly get a station into orbit it seemed, would be simply to big.. If I tried to slim back on the size, it would be too small and I couldn't get it into space.. It was a lose/lose. I could never seem to find that sweet spot. After a few attempts, I gave up. Fast forward awhile, I finally decided that today would be the day I do it. And I managed to finally do it today. My station doesn't look like a station per-say, since I use ferram which makes aerodynamics matter, I figured, why make an aerodynamically challenged ship and make it harder? Therefore my station just looks like a bloated ship with a lot of extra fuel tanks. That being said, it's still rather.. huge.. I made 3 docking ports for ships, with 2 red lights on either side of the docking bays. I then placed several lights facing towards where the ship docking would be, to light it up. But I managed to dock the refueling ship to it today, and I am so excited.. after about 5 more refueling trips I'll finally be able to refuel in orbit and reach the distant planets and return. My Only regret? I didn't use single large fuel tanks... /facepalm.. I love the look of the tri coupler, so now I have to individually refuel many many smaller fuel tanks... oh well.. It still works! So what's your first docking story? Approach Approach 2 NEARLY there! Docked Detaching
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-6-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod?highlight=Texture+reduction Well I'm gonna try this, and lowering the settings ingame. See if it works. Thanks for the help ^.^
  14. I didn't realize that. So it has nothing to do with my computer, but more the game itself. I did upload the error log.
  15. I'd be highly surprised if I was running out of memory. Seeing as how I can play much more memory extensive games than this with no issue. However, I could upload the crash log. It crashes at random times. Could be when I decide to take off with a new ship I just created. When I try to go back to base. etc. It never crashes while I'm flying, generally everytime I try to switch to a new thing, or end a mission, etc. But like I said, it happens at very random times. It could crash when I try to go back to mission control, I'll re load the game, and go to mission control no issue after the re load.
  16. The mods I'm using aren't all that extensive or anything. -B9 Aerospace Pack R 4.0 -KSP Interstellar v.9.2 -Ferram AerospaceResearch .1.2.3 -MechJeb2 I get random crashes at random times, and really not sure at all why. Things work fine without the mods. WOrked fine with just Interstellar and MechJeb2 as well, but after B9 and Ferram now I'm getting intermingled crashes. Error Log: http://www./view/n8hg5rf0923q5f9/error.log
  17. I've considered doing this many times already, but that then brings me to yet another problem I have, which is what this problem is a main stem from.... I can't seem to #1 get a ship capable of refueling a station into orbit for this very same reason, and #2 I can't dock to save my life. Edit: I already know its a weight to thrust ratio problem, but it seems like no matter what I do, how little fuel I put on, or whatever the case may be, I still cannot seem to get it past a certain point when I add anything to it. There has to be something I'm over looking.
  18. Sorry for the title, I really don't know what I can call this question. I'm having a dilemma with my ships. I'm still pretty new to ksp. I have no problem making ships that can reach the 2 moons around Kerbin, I can make rockets that can reach just about any planet as well. But this was mostly off of figuring out what worked and what didn't. If you were to ask me alot about any of the stats or meanings in ksp I'd be pretty lost. But I think its time to at least somewhat learn, as like I said, I've been having a dilemma with my rockets. The problem is, I have a ship that can reach and orbit other planets. When try to make it slightly bigger by adding new stuff onto it that I've unlocked science wise (Using the Interplanetary mod trying to get the science lab to the Mun). It's grossly over weight now. Which is understandable. But since my rocket as a whole was more than enough before, I try double it. Or rather, making 2 of my ships into 1.. Figure, twice the size, twice the lifting power... But no.. It's barely able to get into Orbit around Kerbin. So here I sit, everytime I try to upgrade my ships, I can't, as they start to suddenly get overweight. When I try to add more rockets, it seems like the rockets I built, and engines I put on have only enough power to get it to the same point in space.. Example: I build a ship with 6 engines and it can get me only to 350km orbit over Kerbin. I then take that same ship, add 6 more engines, but that also can only get to 350km despite the engines being exactly the same, with the same amount of fuel for each, etc. It's frustrating to say the least. More engines = more power = farther distance you'd think.. but that's not how it is working for sure... I don't want a cheat sheet, or people to look at my ship and say ahhh do this and put that there, and wala you can go anywhere.. I'd like to be able to figure this out myself but.. What do I look at? How can I be sure I am getting ample lift, and minimizing the weight, while still having enough fuel to actually get to my destination? Is there a trick to the engine types? (I've just been using the 30 since they are the strongest). There must be something I'm over looking.
  19. Actually thanks to your guy's help and input, I did manage to re make a ship. Since I didn't have those extra large fuel tanks, I just used my trio design. http://i39.tinypic.com/qrda8g.jpg it did make it into space to 100k km much quicker than my old one, and without troubles. The only issue I'm having now is controlling it in space. I do have thrusters on it, but it still is slow to manouver. However I think that has to do with 70% of me not knowing what I'm doing when it comes to docking. As I can't even remotely start to get close to my other station section... And here is what I have on my Research tree so far. http://i40.tinypic.com/sqp9av.jpg Any additional help would be appreciated! (Is there a way for me to even upload my ship so you guys can download it?)
  20. I am doing the campaign. I probably should of mentioned that.
  21. If I don't have the SRB's, it won't even get into space, again, due to the fact that as you mentioned, it'll have to little thrust at the end. What I do is after I drop 4-6 Engines, I turn on the SRB's. This allows it to get into space. But it handles so insanely, I can't get it lined up properly in orbit to meet up with my other piece.
  22. O.o Did it get removed? Edit: I put it back.. idk what happened.
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