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Posts posted by JimTheDog

  1. 26 minutes ago, Starwaster said:


    probably a part in your inventory is missing a field that KSP is throwing exceptions on. 

    Do you also have Real Chute? That will cause it as those parts are missing the bulkhead field. (It wasn’t around when those parts were created)

    Edit: Other mods are coming to light as causing this; not just Real Chute. That's just the one that I know of as I am the maintainer for it. (it's very next on my list of things to do)

    Appreciate the information. I do have RealChute. (I wonder if I got confused because it's right next to RCS on my install list...)

  2. I have a weird error, which vanishes/reappears when I remove/reinstall this mod on my install.

    When I click over to the advanced parts list in the VAB editor, this seems to break part filtering and make the advanced part list bug out. The regular parts list occasionally bugs out too, after a venture into the advanced list.

    This happening to anyone else, and anyone know a solution? RCS Build Aid is just too damn handy for building!

    Ugh. Disregard the above. Somehow when I reinstalled RCS Build Aid the third time this glitch stopped. I am very confused, but you don't need to worry about this unless other people are getting it.

  3. I had something similar going on. I wound up doing two things, and in my case, that seems to have solved the problem. Might not work for you. I'm running an NVidia Card (1070), and updated my drivers for that. Secondly, I removed my old start up parameter to force starting KSP in directx11, to leave it to the default DX9. I'm sorry I can't be of any more help than that, but this has let me play around today with mods without weird inexplicable crashes, like I was getting yesterday.

  4. 1 hour ago, GoSlash27 said:

    I think I've had a breakthrough!

    Excessive subsystem time seems to cause the gear to revert to the CoM as the contact point during retraction, causing terrain clipping. Reducing the subsystem time seems to alleviate the problem.

    Try these configs:




    Definitely an improvement, though there's still odd terrain clipping if I disable the suspensions, but no launch-into-the-sky-and-boom!

  5. On mine, I deploy landing legs with g, the craft settles to the ground -- or starts on the landing pad with legs deployed -- the pads settle on the surface, a moment later fall through the surface. Then, I press G again to pull the legs up, and the entire ship leaps into the air as, I presume, it pulls the pads THROUGH the ground layer.

    This is deeply troubling. Are we making landing legs out of kraken-suckers?

  6. I don't know that it's really a bug, since it lets you pilot your capsule down. The offset angles the capsule enough to produce lift by itself, rather than requiring you to turn it around. It's... pretty curious. I hope they add 'tilty' heatshields, like the present ones, and 'not-tilty' heatshields that act more like the old deadly re-entry ones, because it's a neat feature... it's just really hard to wrap your head around.

  7. Long story short, in general, the center of lift winds up behind the center of mass in flight, so if you have it like you do in your picture, your plane wants to go backwards, but your engines are pushing it forwards, and... that's not good.

    Long story long, there's a good illustrated guide here, though it's talking about KSP's old aerodynamics model. The new aerodynamics model is more like the improved FAR one talked about in the guide: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52080-Basic-Aircraft-Design-Explained-Simply-With-Pictures

  8. Seconded!

    Engineers really aren't that exciting, and I'd love if there were an option to require an Engineer in manned pods for the Flight Engineer data to come up. Is this a relatively simple thing to do? Seems like there must be a definition for all of the traits out there, and you'd only have to add the Flight Data module to the Engineer.

    Bonus points if you can restrict the available information based on the Engineer's level and/or building upgrades (when conics aren't even available, it seems cheaty to have so much info). But I'm guessing that wouldn't be as straight forward.

    Thirded. This would be brilliant.

  9. This mod makes me hugely excited. However.

    I use a Saitek X-55 system? And what's going on for me is that when I try to bind axes on the stick, it flares up with Button #16 or whatever -- tied to the mode switch on the throttle and constantly fired based on the mode switch's setting - and binds that plus axis #0 to whatever I'm trying to use.

    (Edit: Same deal on the Throttle, but with Button 31 - 33 )


    Is there a way to get around this?

    Edit (for solution): !!! Okay. I switched to 'Old presets editor'? The flaring up with the mode switch buttons issue is no longer an issue. Hurrah! <3 Thank you so much!

  10. For those interested, this was the support ticket as it stands:



    Posted on: 04 September 2014 08:32 AM


    I'm experiencing input lag while playing Kerbal Space program -- there's a delay of up to a half second when making any input, be it stick control or pushing a button.

    This is apparently a known problem which is more or less exclusive to Saitek sticks, and specifically when running Saitek drivers - apparently one fix for the problem is to use generic joystick drivers but, obviously, with something like the X-55 that's kind of pointless.

    This may or may not be related to the Unity platform.

    Relevant links follow:




    As a new customer who specifically purchased the X-55 with playing Kerbal Space Program in mind (it's a game with a lot of fiddly controls, great for binding to all these switches!) this is especially disappointing.

    If you could please provide a fix, work-around, or perhaps get in touch with the Kerbal Space Program developers or Unity developers to try and work out what the problem is, that would be fantastic.

    Mad Catz Support


    Posted on: 08 September 2014 02:45 AM

    Dear [MyName],

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    In regards to your enquiry, can you tell us which is the OS your pc is running at the moment?

    Also, please go to Start, in the Search bar, type joy.cpl and press Enter. In Test window, do you notice the same delay?

    Which store did you buy the controller from?

    Best regards,

    Cristina Toma

    Technical/Customer Support Rep



    Posted on: 08 September 2014 03:44 AM

    Hi, the delay doesn't occur in the test window, or in any other similar games. I purchased the X-55 directly from the EU MadCatz store. I'm presently running Windows 7.

    This specific problem also appears on an older Cyborg Fly 5 I own while playing Kerbal Space Program, but not while using a generic X-Box 360 joypad's thumb sticks or a similar logitech joypad's thumb sticks.

    Other users have reported problems with the Cyborg V1 ( http://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/648814843500619980?l=english ) and the X52 Pro ( http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2ayg77/im_as_ready_as_can_be_for_024/cj05e5z ).

    Ticket Details

    Mad Catz Support


    Posted on: 11 September 2014 12:47 PM

    Dear [MyName],

    In this case, since the controller doesn't register the same behavior in Windows, you might need to check the settings inside the program you are currently using with the device. At this point, we cannot say that the issue lies with the product itself.

    Best regards,

    Cristina Toma

    Technical/Customer Support Rep



    Posted on: 12 September 2014 03:56 AM


    I've made alterations to all user settings available within Kerbal Space Program, and, as stated, non-Saitek products (such as an x-box controller) do not suffer the same issue with the game, and there are reports that by disabling Saitek drivers the issue disappears, strongly implying that there's a problem within the Saitek drivers in relation to the game.

    What next steps do you suggest I follow?

    Are there any contact details I can provide for Saitek/MadCatz when contacting the developers of Kerbal Space Program/Unity, or could I request that Saitek/MadCatz's driver developers get in touch with the Kerbal Space Program developers to try and resolve the issue?

    Ticket Details

    Mad Catz Support


    Posted on: 15 September 2014 06:37 AM

    Dear [MyName],

    What we advise you to do is to contact directly thr Kerbal Space Program manufacturer and ask for further information regarding this issue.

    Best regards,

    Cristina Toma

    Technical/Customer Support Rep

  11. Okay. I am having trouble with quicksaves, I think it's the Center Of Mass bug? Maybe? I am unsure.

    The quick fix I have sorta-found by blundering around is to edit, in my quicksave, the name of the parachute part on the ship from:

    parachuteName = RC_triple_canopy


    parachuteName = canopy

    Then, instead of going crazy with the center of mass and camera zooming away, or occasionally the parachute not working at all, things work as expected.

    To try fixing it, I went into the mod files for Realchutes, and found two instances of 'parachuteName = RC_triple_canopy' in Parts/cone_chute.cfg and cone_double_chute.cfg, which I switched to 'canopy', and I did the same with transform names in materials/texturelibrary, and this totally didn't work at all.

    The part I was using/this was happening with was a stock mk16 parachute (tiny nosecone).

    Hope that helps in the bug-hunting!

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