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Everything posted by Xacktar

  1. Finally built myself a bigger salvager on the server. I call her the Starfish.
  2. Once again, You guys make me proud to be part of this community!
  3. The HMS Rudderly Ridiculous ... or Ship Happens. >.>
  4. Darn. I really wanted to build a station. >.< Welp, since I have nothing else to do, I'm gonna build my own little lab module off of the main base.
  5. So.... what's the plan folks? I have a shuttle and some credits but I don't know what to do with either yet. Are we staying base, splitting, moving?
  6. I'll also add a thumbs up for Starmade and War Thunder and add an additional free game, Marvel Heroes. If you like Diablo II type gameplay it fits that niche and is good mindless fun when you just want to relax.
  7. None of this seems to sit right with me. The story as it's been described is highly unlikely... and does not explain the item thief or the previous attacks on our warp gates. I find it doubtful that these would be separate instances. ...and why the heck is an admin launching stealth torpedoes in uninhabited galaxies? Like I said before, I was given a very different story from Rymac a day ago. I wonder if he's trying to cover for someone else's actions.
  8. Even if they were AI, they couldn't have done anything until the sector they were in was loaded, and then all the sectors in between them and my base were loaded. As I said before, if that was the case, then my base would have been attacked when I first built it, not a week later. As for the server being down, I tried to log in earlier and got a connect error. I might try again here soon.
  9. Actually, I did talk to one of the admins briefly. It is breaking the rules because of the way he's been attacking the faction. I just don't think we can catch him because of how he's using warheads to attack us.
  10. I've been through a big fire like that. Not fun at all. The soot gets EVERYWHERE. I hope that you are able to recover your possessions intact and that the reconstruction and cleaning goes quickly. Life will go on, but the next month or so will probably be a little rough. Good luck!
  11. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I just got finished recovering from all my stuff being stolen and now this. I really don't feel like rebuilding and re-mining everything a third time just to have this random with a grudge come and destroy it all a day later. I just left, all my ships and stuff that was left are just floating. I don't even want to deal with it right now. Heck, they are probably destroyed now for all I know. I'm just gonna take some time away from it and maybe come back in a few days. EDIT: actually, now I'm curious. gonna log in real quick just to see if my stuff is trashed. heh.
  12. ...or not. The terrorist struck again and my entire station is gone. I found remnants of the warheads he used. Yeah.... I don't feel like playing any more.
  13. Hey! You're that guy that I know from somewhere. 6/10
  14. I think I'm gonna work on a better warp gate setup here soon. I have a blueprinted design that offers some protection against attack and I could probably modify it for a 2-gate design with some tinkering.
  15. Hey guys, what happened to the warp gate? It says 'Destination Invalid' when trying to jump from the midpoint to the spawn galaxy now.
  17. Oooh, fresh start! I'll be hopping on in a little bit here.
  18. My family got a new kitten this year. His name is Milo and he is one ornery little cat.
  19. How'd you lose them? Home bases are protected, right? They weren't docked at the faction home?
  20. Oooh, pretty. Love the coloring. The large ship is still being built, but it's hull alone was 180,000 blocks. XD The smaller one to the right is a nice little battleship, 80,000 blocks, dual 4-tube lock on missiles, a nasty array of rapid-fire cannons, a cool million shields and a 100k shield recharge, plus twin jump drives, a radar jammer, scanner and tractor beam.
  21. Thanks! I like making the pretty part of things, I'm not very good at the systems and logic yet. Starmade has some advantages over minecraft when it comes to building. You can place blocks in mass amounts, activate symmetrical mirroring and even copy/paste areas. They also have slanted blocks!
  22. Here's what I've been doing while everyone else was away. This is the Nightstar Industries HQ, hopeful ally of Nextech if any one of their leaders log on.
  23. If their faction isn't, You could join mine. I have a base and a decent salvager for use. - - - Updated - - - Downloading the demo on steam gives you the full game at the moment, it's one of the things they are doing to help the players since they are still in alpha.
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